Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dr. Jekyll's Laboratory

Some old medical books from 1970 hold a vintage microscope that views some rottin' pumpkin teeth.
Great Uncle Ed and Aunt Lou welcome you to a haunted Three Pixie Lane.  When I snapped this photo, my camera read, "Did someone blink?"  Spooky, spooky!
'Keep Dirty Hands Out!" of the potions and elixirs (candy, that is!)
Test tubes hold specimens of fish eggs, spiders' legs and some witch hair (Spanish moss!)
Trick or Treat!  A mortar and pestle blends some eyes of newts.
How about some Witch Hazel to cleanse your skin? 
A stack of books hold prescriptions and secret recipes.  I'll share one with you called, "Chicken Beak Stew."
How about a sip of a French elixir or some Spirit of Camphor?
Some brains are measured...beware, they are poisonous!
A suppository mold holds the goods in many colors.  Would you like one?
A special medicine is hidden here.  Take only one teaspoon of syrup four times a day.

Here is my secret recipe...

Chicken Beak Stew
Eye of Newt
Skin of Frog
Scales of Snake
Hair of Dog
Spiders' Legs and Lizards' Lips
Warts of Toad and Hornets' Hips
Turnip Greens and Chicken Beaks
A Cup of Bees
A Pound of Leeks
Claw of Vulture
Fur of Bat
Tail of Lizard
Meow of Cat
Smell of Wet Dog and a Cup of Fat
Stir it all together and let it brew on Halloween Night, you'll have Chicken Beak Stew!
I combined all of my Halloween decorations for this mantle display.  I took the scarier pieces down, before my children got home from school!  These decorations will all be packed up now, as I get my home ready for a wedding shower.  I don't think the happy couple would like this kind of humor for their special event! 

"Where did you find..?"
For more details, check out my post, "Candy Anyone?" and "Chicken Beak Stew...BOO!"  Many of the great vintage labels came from the Graphics Fairy.  I burned the edges to make them look authentic.  A few of the labels are my own. The old medical books belonged to my dad.  The vintage microscope was purchased in an antique store.  The old medicine bottles have been collected through the years.  The candle holder in the blue bottle is from Wisteria.  The big black moon is from Pottery Barn Kids, purchased a few years ago after the holiday.   The test tubes are from Michael's.  The suppository mold is from my pharmacy days of making glycerin suppositories.  The swirl lollipops are from Target.  I cut the 'masks' and 'teeth' for the old pictures from black pages of a magazine and taped them to the front of the glass.  The black candle holder (TJMaxx) with the pumpkin is decorated with some gauze from the medicine cabinet.  The framed skeleton hand is from the Graphics Fairy!  I burned the edges and typed the words at the bottom in an old typewriter font.  Check out my other posts for more on the poem and the French script books! 

I have 'revamped' these Halloween posts to link to
The Nester's Fall Mantel Party and for the CSI Project Halloween Extravaganza on October 18th!


Check out all the other great link parties here!



Pin It Now!


Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

You have some great inspiring Halloween decorating ideas!! Love so many of them! I will have to incorporate some of these into our Halloween party this year for sure!! Thanks for sharing~ LOVE it!! :)

Karen @ Barefoot in Portland said...

Stopping by to say hi from New Friend Friday! I'm a new follower.

These are great ideas!!

Karen @

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

This is really fun! Spooky cool decorations! I love them!

Unknown said...

I want to come play at your house! Everything looks amazing and Halloween is my favorite holiday.. Following you from Sassy Sites.
Hope you visit me @

Bethany said...

I have much love for what you have done here. I'm sad that it's already taken down! :)

Tardevil said...

Love your spooky mantel!

Anonymous said...

New follower from Sassy Sites. Have to say that your design AND photography are simply breathtaking.

Anonymous said...

Love your ideas, I'm going to link to your post later in the week. Isn't Halloween the best?

Tracey said...

LOVE the party decor! Halloween is one of my faves and you've captured the mood perfectly. New follower from New Friend Friday. Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!! lovely halloween ideas..

MJ said...

Still looking good!

Blogs said...

wow this is incredibly crafty. love it! i heard that witch hazel works good for hair....i'll take some of that:) and the colorful lolly's....happy friday and october.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, that microscope is awesome!! Love the whole thing, well done!

Here from NFF, have a great weekend!

sarah@homeismore said...

Found you through Nester's Fall Mantle Party. LOVE your mantle! I would be thrilled to have you come check out mine.

Aaron {the girl with the boy's name} said...

What an ingenious theme! Love all the spooky, vintage images. It looks spooktacular! Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Erin said...

Really, really cool Christie!

malia said...

so fun-- i absolutely love it! i'm your newest follower + i hope you consider following me back and linking this up to a crafty soiree, the linky party i co-host on thursdays (list still open)

malia said...

ok lady i have been mosying around your blog and i love it! and adding to you my friends list off my top nav bar so i can keep track of your creative posts

Gypsy Purple said... it!

Nesty Girl said...

Wow! You have some really cool stuff!!! This mantel looks great and you have given me some great ideas for my own display.

I'm visiting from NFF. Have a great weekend!

Lavender and Linen said...

Love it! Love it! Your blog is adorable!

Nick said...

Being a chemist, I love old science books and apothecary bottles. Got a nice collection in my office - always lots on eBay. Nice photos.

Unknown said...

Great creative mix of stuff!

Unknown said...

AH-MAZING! love every single detail, wonderfully spooky job! JEN

Leanne said...

I love you lab display. So many fun things to look at. My kids would love this. Have a great week.

Mariah said...

Great Halloween decor, fantastic detail!

Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

What a great display!! I love all the features - the bottles and recipe were great!! :)
Stopping by from It's so very Cheri!

Anonymous said...

How many households can claim they own a supository mold? I have been on the hunt for interesting and unusual bottles, not you've given me another thing to notice and drag home. Those medical books look much older than the 70s. I will be checking out your links and other posts.

Anonymous said...

I love what you have done!

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

I see you've added some things to your display it's even more awesome than before! And that's saying a lot, because it was pretty darned awesome already!! Thank you for linking this up to Brag Monday.


What a GREAT idea! LOVE your theme of Dr. Jekyll! I got inspired by Hitchcock this year!! Thanks for sharing your fun & festive display over at Susan's link party! LOVE IT!!

:D Lynda

Anonymous said...

I saw your post on It's so very Cheri. I love it esp. the moon!!

Deb said...

Wonder display of Halloween goodness. Love the eye candy.

PetraB said...

Absolut fantastic decorations!!!

Olive said...

A suppository mold? That is a first! You are a hoot! hugs♥O

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

This just has to be the cutest halloween vignette I have ever seen. I love the microscope, the medial books and the test tubes and all the pharmacy bottles. So clever and everything is done to sheer perfection. Love it all. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. This is great fun. Hugs, Marty

deb said...

OMG!! What an awesome display!!! A suppository mold....whats next?!! Love it!!


Lisa's Creative Home said...

Awesome mantel! I Love it! Happy Halloween!

Debbiedoos said...

Those pharmacy bottles and test tubes are the best. Very clever bringing this all together and making it look cool and classy!

. said...

Fantastic display!!! I love it!

Although...I'm feeling I need to go hide my Leopard Gecko before you get any more ideas! LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, you're good! This is so cute and spooky!! :)
Love the vampire! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Diann said...

What a totally cute and creative mantle vignette! Wonderful ideas!

Tire Swing Mom said...

Love it! Love it! Love it! I'm a new follower.

Sandy Ang said...

Oh, I just love this !!

Rachel Hope said...

OHHHH! Fun Stuff, love all the vintage pictures and labels!

stefanie said...

oh, I love it all!!!!

Tara said...

WOW! I love your decor! Thanks for linking up at Trendy Treehouse

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Girlfriend...

Ohhh my had way too much fun decorating for a halloween mantel! Hehe! I love it! Wow...the details are awesome! Love, love, LOVE the old microscope and old scale! This is really one of the most awesome halloween vignettes that I've ever seen!!! It really is just like Dr. Jeckels labratory! Hehe! I love all the pretty splashes of color that you brought into your vignette with the candy! This is just awesome, my friend! I had sooo much fun looking through did GOOD!!! Thank you so much for sharing your fabulously fun and festive halloween mantel with us!!!

Warmest autumn wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

that is way cool, I loved it all. It looks so fun, thanks for posting the close up pictures. My head is spinning with ideas, AWESOME!

Alycia Nichols said...

Oh, my goodness! I am laughing so hard! This is genius!!! I'm going to show it to my husband (a physician) when he gets in this evening. I know he will enjoy it!!! Very creative!!!

Katie said...

Wow you go all out! This is one fabulous display and I love all the things you've combined. I don't know what to look at first you could stare it for quite awhile and still find something new to examine. Great job and thanks for sharing with us at A Crafty Soiree! Please join us next time too!

Coloradolady said...

Love it....happy VTT!

HILLARY said...

Very clever ideas I love the drawn on pictures, so simple yet Halloween!

Anonymous said...

I am not a big Halloween person, but I LOVE what you did by incorporating the old stuff in. Makes it look more authentic too!

Lori@Paisley Passions said...

LOVE your mantel decor. Thanks for linking it up to Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions :)

Design Love said...

LOVE IT ALL!!! Really cool!How do you keep your kids from eating the candy???? So tempting!

Great job, right up my Ally Sally! ( I know that isn't your name)

Thanks for the visit and great comment.Glad you liked my shed in progress. I look forward to finishing it off.


Tania said...

what a fun display!

Kit said...

So adorable! Wish I had a space I could decorate this way all year long!

malia said...

I just love this post. Hope you share more tomorrow at A Crafty Soiree!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Christie, I would say you have mastered the art of display! I love the way you incorporate vintage with new. You're giving Martha Stewart some competition. ;)

Thanks for linking to my party. I look forward to seeing what you link up each week.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Lina Thomlinson said...

This is gorgeous and full of creativity! I especially love the alterations you did to the old timey pictures. I'm now a follower of your lovely blog!

wdmk said...

I am dying with those vampire teeth in the picture!! How cute!

Angie Holden said...

WOW!! This is great! I love all things vintage! Your scale is awesome!! And so are your pictures. Well all of it! Nice job!!

Jennifer said...

Absolutely Love this! How creative and perfect for this season of mischief and fun!

Leslie said...

I love all the detail you put into this display! It's a shame it has to be taken down so early!

paisley penguin said...

OMG I love this! I am going in a similar direction for some. I have similar test tubes and I LOVE your use of sprinkles inside them - may have to use that idea myself. Found you from CSI project.

Caitlin @ Desert Domicile said...

WOW, this is incredible! I love all of the details you've put into making the display!

Momma Button said...

What a boo-tiful display! I love it!

Dacia said...

What an awesome set up! Love it!

Lei said...

So clever!

Sawdust Girl said...

That is one awesome mantel. Love all the details!

The Gossamer Tearoom said...

This is my first time visiting your blog. I love your Halloween mantel! I really love the way you altered the old photos and thank you for your recipe for the Chicken Beak Stew!


Living It At Home said...

Love, love your decorations! My favorite time of year and you did an amazing job! Very clever and creative! I would like to invite you to stop by my blog, Living It At Home, to see some of my decorations for this time of year! Thanks!


WhisperWood Cottage said...

Looks like you had some fun putting this together! Thanks for linking up to The "Autumn Décor" Talent Scouting Party at WhisperWood Cottage!

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