Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Tree House

I took this picture at Easter.  Now the trees are in full foliage, so you can barely see it!
Rob and my son, Mason started building this little house last summer.
Here are some instructions in the 'Dangerous Book for Boys' on building a tree house.
They didn't need those instructions, because Mason made his own!  Hilarious.
I have said before, "If it has four walls and a roof, it needs some decor."  I covered the camp stools with dish towels, because the large buffalo print is a favorite and they were cheap-o!
I have saved old shirts, old boxers and some seersucker shorts to make a quilt for my son.  I used some of the fabric to make this simple bunting. 
My goal in decorating (who decorates a tree house, right?) was to spend very little money by using things we already had or to make some things.  I made the cage light (here.)  I also wanted to incorporate some educational material to make the process of a summertime project more fun!
Rob added a small door that leads to a hidden porch.  I painted it with chalk paint to disguise it even more.
This little porch is only accessible through that secret door.  This is where you might find me if I were still a kid!

The 'Lake' pillow was made from an old wool army blanket of my grandfathers.  With a bright monogram, it now has a new life.  My friend gave me the round chair, and it fits perfectly, and is very comfortable!  I threw an old Ralph Lauren floral sheet over it for the girls.
I found an old road map book that I used when I was in sales (before GPS was popular!) and almost threw it away, but decided it would make good wallpaper.  I added some Lewis and Clark journal pages and maps found on the web and hung them to make learning fun this summer!
This canoe was given to the children by our dear friend, while he was a missionary in South America.  It looks like one that Lewis and Clark might have used on their expedition to the Pacific Coast.  This summer, our goals are to learn how to read a map, use a compass and have a brief understanding of the constellations as they pertain to direction.  (Click here for a site that gives some great tips!)  Who better to incorporate in this summer project than Lewis and Clark!
My dog is sitting in front of the Francis Marion (years before we had children!) waiting to go look for alligators.  This beautiful, beautiful canoe was given to us by my father-in-law.  Many years later, the wood had a crack, so we gave it away.  I don't think we realized what a gem it was!  The craftsmanship was so lovely...huge regret!
The small 'table' once held wire and was headed for the trash.  Perfect in size, I threw it in the tree house and put this round rattan server on top.  The kids like to play 'school' up here, so it holds books and pencils.
The building of this tree house was a great way for my husband and my son to spend some much needed, quality time together.  Rob works long hours and Mason gets stuck with three girls all the time. My son's favorite thing in the world is to build, so this was the perfect solution to some much needed 'dad' time!

I am linking to these super sites!  Please go visit for lots of inspiration!  I am in the process of adding  buttons to the sidebar!  I will also be joining Get Your Craft On and Savvy Southern Style's Wow Us Wednesday!
I am joining the CSI project for their 'Summertime Ideas!'  Please stop by for some great inspiration!  I know I will be checking back!

My Summertime Idea is to find a project to do with your children that will strengthen your bond and to help them learn a life skill.  The building of this tree house was great for all of my children.  It wasn't always fun and  it took a lot of hard work. They take pride in it, because they helped every step of the way.  In addition to learning to use power tools (while I bit my nails,) the kids helped with the things we made for the inside, too.  I don't consider myself a particularly crafty person, but my kids sure love it when we spend time making something!

 Because they finished the tree house, I decided that our project this summer will be to learn some survival skills.  Who can't benefit from those!  I have some fun excursions planned!  Linking our project with some historical figures will also help them learn some history! 

 Don't forget to enter the Ramsign European enamel sign give-away here!  Have a wonderful week!

Thank you CSI!

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Maria Babin said...

Christie, How fun and perfect! YOur treehouse makes me dream and want to go back to being a carefree child!!!!! So wonderful! Thanks for sharing! Bisous, Maria said...

Now how fun is that!!!!!Just love it:) We have a treehouse deck. It is so much fun to be so high up inside of a tree. Enjoy!!!!
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens

Christi said...

Can't wait to see more about the tree house - this is something we want to do with our boys this summer!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Oh my gosh, what a fabulous treehouse! And the perfecr father-son project. Now that's memory making at it's best!

Elizabeth said...

Just featured this on my fan page! Thanks so much for linking up to Made With Love!

Holly said...

This is absolutely adorable!

Pamela Gordon said...

What a wonderful tree house for your children (and you!) to enjoy for many years to come. I love the caned (snowshoe?) chair and the carved canoe. A very creative and fun place! Pamela

Kathy said...

I had a tree house when I was a child. Wonderful wonderful memories were made there.
Your childrens tree house is marvelous. They will look back with fond memories of the tree house when they are grown.
You are a GREAT Mom.
Wonderful tree house, thanks for sharing.

Becca Bertotti said...

OMG ... what a phenomenal tree house !! My 5 year old son would love to LIVE in there if he could. I can only imagine how much Mason is going to enjoy this super cool space this summer !! Lucky fella, indeed !! And, thanks again for your sweet note(by way of Vanessa). *Becca*

Ms. Bake-it said...

What a fabulous tree house!

Unknown said...

What a fantastic tree house, your kids must have so much fun up there!!!

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

That is an awesome tree house! I'd like to have an escape like that :)

suzeeez said...

Wow....every little boy's dream! What an awesome tree house . Your son must love it and be the envy of all of his friends.

At The Picket Fence said...

Oh what I wouldn't have done for a "tree house" like that as a child. The dreams I would have dreamed in it! It's fabulous Christie. Good job making their little house a home. :)


cherished bliss said...

Wow. I'm jealous. Pretty sure even though I'm an adult I need one of those! Thanks for linking up to Craft and Tell Tuesdays!

Okio B Designs said...

Wow! Can I come over and play too? =) Love all the little nice touches you did. Coming over from Coastal Charm and your newest follower!


abeachcottage said...

Lovely tree house! and you made the inside of it so homey, a great place for your boys :)

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Looks like a fun place to hang out. I love the woodsy decor.

Mary said...

I love your tree house! I'm going to feature it this week on my top favs. You did a really great job inside and out, thank you for sharing it on Masterpiece Monday. Have a great week, Mary :O)

Lynda@CMsThriftyGems said...

That is beyond awesome. My 10 year old self is loving it

Melissa N. said...

AMAZING and in AWE! Sooo cool! I am sharing on FB!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Jules said...

Looks amazing and cool! You'll have to tell your "boys" they did a great job on their treehouse. It makes me want to build one. Kid or not, you'd probably find me there. lol. :o)

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

indeed that is a fantastic tree house! I'm so glad I came over from BC! i'm following but more importantly, im showing this to my husband and getting him on the job! Thanks so much!

em xo

Jayna Rae said...

PHENOMENAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I move in? My husband wants to build my boys a fort when they're older. I am sure it will not even come close to your SUPER awesomeness.

Marites said...

I love your treehouse project! I wish I can do one but we don't have the space. Very interesting post.

Melissa said...


I want to spend my weekends in this tree house-let alone all the kiddos!!

My three would adore this- everything had been thought of!

I would be very happy for you to just share that LAKE cushion- from your grandpa....just beautiful!

Melissa x

PS you hav einspired me!

Jen @ My Own Road said...

What a cool treehouse! Lucky kids!

Unknown said...

Awesome i would love to have that!!

Love Bears All Things said...

A wonderful tree house....

Alison Agnew said...

truly magnificent...your kids will remember the fun had in this delightful spot their entire lives...and you've made it a leafy paradise...thanks for sharing!

stuff and nonsense

Unknown said...

Aw, I am totally jealous!!! I've just started a tree house project....but for now it's more like a bench-in-a-tree. :-) Very, VERY COOL.

Ann said...

This is a dream house. I can just imagine all the fun the kids will have. Perfect building job and it so reminds me of a cabin we had as a child.

Marina Capano said...

A wonderful tree house.This is a dream house and it has cute decoration.


Unknown said...

What a brilliant tree house. Just love your interior decorating! My son is driving us crazy to build him one, I have been hanging off as I am worried he will grow out of it too quickly, looking at yours has renewed my energy, you could never tire of it, no matter what age!!!!

Michell @ Girl In Air said...

Oh that is FABULOUS!! My hubby is gonna LOVE this when I get a chance to show him I'm pinning it!

I don't think our HOA would go for this so we might have to move..LOL

New follower here!

Indulging said...

It's gorgeous! You have a lovely blog here :)

Love and luck!

Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) said...

I think my favorite part of this beautiful tree house is the frame with the instructions for building! Actually, it is all wonderful. I always had a theme for activities and readings during the summer when my children were younger. Now they are in college but I know they enjoyed our times together. Linda

Cassie Bustamante said...

i so wish i had a hangout like that when i was a kid!!! wonderful job, and of course it needs to be decorated! that's what we do, right? ;)

Nan @ Playful Decor said...

WOW that's quite a tree house! My boys (5 & 4) would love it! They really tried to build one last summer using bungee cords, a chain and scrap pieces of wood they found. Someday when we have other pressing projects done, we'll do a tree house! Found you from SHabby CHic.

Anonymous said...

You did a fantastic job with this dream tree house. I remember dreaming of a club house like this for me and my three brothers.

Anonymous said...

forget the kids.....I wanna play there. Who's bringing the wine. We can play bridge! I adore this house and I love your survival plans for the summer. You are truly a wonderful Mom. My grand-daughter is coming to visit for 2 weeks in June and I plan on building some bird houses with her. Hope she thinks it's fun. I will let her decorate the houses with all my found yard sales "jewels". xo

Anonymous said...

This is so cool I don't have words. I'm totally jealous and I'm almost 40 years old!

Thank you bunches for linking up at Fun For Kids Friday.

Jo @ SmileMonsters

Kelsi said...

Wow. I wish I was a kid with this kind of a hangout spot, and I wish I was crafty enough to make this now. Great job!!!!! I love the educational and boyish touches! I'm a new follower. Would love it if you could stop by and say hi, or link up to Memory Mondays Blog Hop!

Binge Crafter said...

Wow! This is phenomenal! I found you at the Inspiring Creations linky & LOVED this! My hubby and I have always talked about having a tree house for our kids, I'm definitely going to have to show him this. TFS!

kluless said...

Wow! Your guys didn't just build a treehouse, they built a memory. This is amazing and I love idea of "wallpapering" with maps.

Life in Rehab said...

Fantastic, fantasy-worthy tree house. Thank you so much for the thorough tour of all the treasures.

Unknown said...

Your son and hubby did a wonderful job on building the treehouse, and you in decorating it. I love all the little 'camp' touches. So very creative. We built a (much smaller) play climber with a slide from cedar from my father-in-law's sawmill and our kids and cousins had endless fun in the summer. They would have wanted to move into your treehouse! Thanks for sharing all the lovely details. Amazing.

AsylumTanya said...

What a beautiful place to imagine! I have great memories of my playhouse, and it wasn't nearly as cool as that! Thanks for sharing! I love it!

Jen @ EmbellishingLifeEveryday said...

I love this tree house! Makes me wish that we had larger trees in our yard. The secret door is awesome! I bet they just love that. The bunting inside is adorable. Love the framed handwritten instructions by your little guy. All are sweet touches!
`Thanks so much for linking up! :)

At The Picket Fence said...

Wait...what just happened? I think I may have fainted there for a minute! LOL! This about made me fall over taking in all of the love and detail that went into creating this most special place for imaginations to run wild and for memories to be made. Friend, you are one amazing mama to make this happen for your kiddos and I am in some serious awe right now!
Love it!

Lori said...

Are you sure this is for kids? lol, I, myself would never want to come out of there! Awesome!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Christie, What a fun treehouse for your son! You have it decorated so adorable. Thank you for joining my party.

Lindsey said...

So jealous! That looks like so much fun! :)

Barb@curlywillowdiy said...

Gosh, what's not to love about a tree house? And this one especially. What fun!

Unknown said...

That is too awesome!!! I want one. Ya know, for my 8-yr.old. heehee. Thank you for linking with Air Your Laundry Friday! - Jami

HuNnY aNd PoPpA LeWiS said...

What a fun project for your boys--makes me wish I was a kid again, lol! Love all the subtle decorations you added to make it fun and educational! Have fun this summer!!!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Hi Christie, This treehouse is simply darling. What a fabulous space. I just adore all the special details you have added too. I bet your kiddies are thrilled. Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase - I greatly appreciate it. I have featured this on Sunday - I am a little behind getting to the comments though. Have a wonderful week ~ Stephanie Lynn

Vicki ~ FL said...

Mason is one lucky little boy!! That is the best treehouse I have ever seen inside and all did a fabulous job.

Unknown said...

I love your treehouse so much! It's a dream for my little boy and his daddy to build one!!

Sweet Tea~

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

I wish I had and have a tree house!! Your is adorable. Visiting from Tatertots & Jello

Welcome said...

This is my inspiration for our tree house! we have this book too and now, we begin to start the tree house process! Ill let you know how it goes!

Kari said...

I love your tree house. We have just made a tree house in our back yard, but we are not quite done yet.

I will also share your lovely house on our fan page

Dana said...

Christie - I'm sure you don't remember me - but I'm Brian's cousin...we met some 20 years ago at Lesslie and Brian's wedding. I absolutely LOVE this. We just bought some land at a lake near here and until I can have my dream lake house - I think we're gonna copy this idea as our little 'get-away'. Love the blog!

The Sometimes Super Mom said...

Wow, I have three boys that would so love this tree house. Unfortunately, my husband is not so handy with the building of things, Lol! But, you've inspired me to see if I can find a little storage shed on craigslist for cheap to create a space for the boys that is just their own. Thanks for the inspiration!

Brandi said...

Unbelievably cute. Just showed my daughter and she is over here Oohing and Aahing!!!

Unknown said...

When I was kid, I wanted to also have my little space to play and my house was a blanket over a garden table! Today, tree house building gives spectacular game areas and even the parents are proud to show them like house extensions!
Tree House Building

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