My son turned eight years old!
We celebrated with a birthday party in 'The Great Outdoors!'
We had to have mason jars, because his name is 'Mason!'
The minnow bucket with hydrangeas and gardenias made the perfect centerpiece for this outdoor party.
You have to have trail mix or 'gorp' for a 'Great Outdoors' party!
An old metal number '8' serves as a paper weight for the napkins. We served hotdogs with chili and slaw, popcorn, fruit, pickles and trail mix...simple, simple.
S'mores cupcakes were perfect for this warm bon fire needed to roast these marshmallows!
Stay tuned...I will share the recipe for these s'mores cupcakes soon! These cupcakes had it all...graham cracker crust in the bottom, chocolate chip morsels and chocolate cupcake in the middle with a marshmallow icing and a Hershey bar on top! Yum.
Another metal number '8' is displayed on one of the tables.
A vintage playing card '8' is displayed on an old French stand.
The 'O' in Mason is an old milk top. The metal letters came from Hobby Lobby.
The tree house was the hot spot for this party!
Rob installed a pulley system with a basket on the tree house. This is the third basket we have hung, because the kids keep trying to hoist each other up and it breaks! I used it on this day to send up a snack for the kids.
I love enamelware...this set of 'Hot Popcorn' enamelware was a find! Plus, we eat a lot of popcorn.
You can see more of the tree house here!
The theme for this party started with the idea to learn some survival skills as part of our summertime project. 'The Great Outdoors' theme was perfect for my son's birthday and to kick off our summer project! These cards are from the 'Worst-Case Scenario' card game travel edition. I put these in the tree house for the kids to play.
Every kid needs a compass! These came from Hobby Lobby, and I hung each on a piece of twine for the children to take home.
Their 'goody bag' was made like a bindle with a bandana attached to a stick.
Inside the little bag was a bag of popcorn, smore's, a pixie stick and some gum...just enough to survive for a day! This looks like something Opie from the Andy Griffith show would carry.
I packaged my son's gift with different colors of tissue paper to resemble the flames of a fire and embellished the bag with some stickers that represented our outdoor theme.
Our gift to Mason was this adventure set from REI that included binoculars, flashlight, a whistle and a compass. This summer, we will learn how to study the stars and use a compass for direction! I don't know a thing about the stars, so I am excited about our project!
The kids enjoyed some outdoor adventure fun climbing in the tree house, and some swimming and canoeing on the lake. For a 'Great Outdoors' party, you could have the children follow directions using their compass and have them find a treasure in the yard. You could also have them draw a map of their own backyard and label it north, south, east and west. This type of party offers countless ideas!
Edit: I linked a separate post about my tree house (here) for the Summertime Activities Challange at the CSI Project. I will join the CSI Project again for their Red, White or Blue Challange with this 'Great Outdoor' Party!'

Thanks for stopping by! I will be linking to my favorite sites found here and in the sidebar! I am having trouble with blogger and the display of the buttons! Hopefully, it will be corrected soon!
I am also linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style, the Open House Party at No Minamalist Here and Under the Table and Dreaming Sunday Showcase!

Visit for some great inspiration!
Edit: I linked a separate post about my tree house (here) for the Summertime Activities Challange at the CSI Project. I will join the CSI Project again for their Red, White or Blue Challange with this 'Great Outdoor' Party!'

Thanks for stopping by! I will be linking to my favorite sites found here and in the sidebar! I am having trouble with blogger and the display of the buttons! Hopefully, it will be corrected soon!
I am also linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style, the Open House Party at No Minamalist Here and Under the Table and Dreaming Sunday Showcase!

Visit for some great inspiration!
Our tree house was chosen as the #1 project over at the CSI Project for their Summertime Activities Challenge! Thank you so much, Cassie at Primitive and Proper! My boys will be so excited, too!
Thank you for these features!
Darling. Love the 8s. I remember doing 10s all ove our home when my son turned double digits. The take home bags were adorable!
A birthday party fit for a prince! Oh my little grands would just love this. I may have to host a "non-birthday" party!
You are just awesome!!! What a wonderful birthday filled with tons of eye candy!!! I hope your son had the best party ever!
What a fabulous party!
Love, love, love it all!
Oh my goodness, this is such a darling, idea and perfect for an 8th birthday! The cupcakes are just darling, and i love the hobo sticks! Thanks for the inspiration!
what a great outdoor party for a boy!
How ADORABLE!!! I love your ideas!
Absolutley perfect. I want a cupcake, but I bet there were none leftover!
Christie, great ideas!! What a clever party theme!! Our little neighbor( Janie) is coming right along, just 5 more weeks until Hayes is here!!
Carol in GA
Your ideas should be in a magazine! What a talent you have!
What a great party theme for your son. You did a fabulous job decorating and those cupcakes look wonderful.
That's pretty much the best party I've ever seen! Wow! I feel like a totally lame mom!
Super party. I love all the details that you went to. These had to have just had a fabulous time.
I love this! What a great idea for an 8 year old. The children must have really enjoyed it. You did a super job and I love the theme and decorations. This could be in a magazine!
It must have been a great party! Love all your party details and the cupcakes looked delicious. Glad you added your link to Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays and shared this, thanks!
Great party theme. I love that treehouse. That's one lucky kid!
AHHH!!! I'm still processing the beyond adorable vintage paper doll party and then you throw this one at us! Friend, you are too much! Our boys would have so much fun together...Ian is totally into using his outdoor gear. At his party last year the kids had to earn their "Wilderness Explorer" badges by completing a series of tasks like learning to tie a knot and "helping the elderly" (aka my hubby dressed up like an old man!). I so wish we lived closer to you and could get these kids together!
This was all just fantastic and Mason (and your other kiddos) are so blessed to have you as a mama!
its all so adorable...
I adore your attention to detail. Every little thing is taken care of and this party has got to be one of the most fantastic parties I've ever seen!!!! I love the drink dispenser and the FABULOUS cart it's on! The enamelware popcorn set is great and I love the goodie bags.
You're blog is one of the absolute best I've evr seen and it's a pure treat to visit every day.
Thank you for sharing the party with us.
What a fun party! The hobo stick is adorable!
found u from "pink post card".....I loved doing themed parties when my kids were little. This idea is wonderful and the vintage elements are sooo great!
Now about those cucakes! I will be back for the recipe...YUM!
What a fun way to celebrate turning 8. I really like the red enamel stock pot. Did you add the spout or purchase it that way?
I LOVE this. My husband is an eagle scout and I am pretty sure in his mid twenties he would STILL love to have a party like this. (In fact when he saw the treehouse he got very excited-nice tree house by the way!)
So cute! fabulous party!!! xoox
What an awesome party! I love your attention to detail. You are very talented! Can I hire you to plan my kids parties? : ) I'm sure your son loved every minute of it! Great job!
Lori : )
Thrifty Decor Mom
Kids are grown, and my grandson is only 2 months old, but I will be keeping this party in my idea file! Those hobo sticks are to die for!!!
SOO cute!! Love all the little details, and those cupcakes look amazing! You did a great job. :)
Happy Wednesday!
What a well designed party. And those s'mores cupcakes look yummy!
You take such fabulous pictures. I seriously wanted to organize a family picnic just looking at them.
I am your newest follower. I can't wait to go through the rest of your blog.
Please come visit me at my new blog, Ric Rac and Polka Dots. It is brand new, but I promise I have lots of fun stuff planned. I hope to see you soon, and am looking forward to reading more of your posts!
You certainly know how to perfectly theme a party! Way to go, everything is so cute.
Christie, it's beyond adorable! Makes me wish my "big guy" was a "little guy" again so I could use your ideas for a a party. This is just so, so cute! You are one creative lady and your children are blessed to have you as their Mom!
LOVE all your party details! Looks like so much fun!
What a fun party! I know everyone had a great time. The cupcakes look delicious.
This is just the BEST post. What a wonderful idea for a birthday party. I LOVE the tree house. Those cards from the game are so cute. And the bag on the stick they got to take home topped it all off!! GREAT job!!!!!!
What fun! Love the pulley! The table is also fun too. Joni
I want a party like this-no I really really want the tree house!I love your decorations,I mean what child wouldn't love a party like this!
Lovely party and celebration for Mason! Found you via Tablescape Thursday.
This is the most charming boy's party ever! I love your ideas the great pics too!
Andy and Opey would be proud!
Really beautiful - thanks for sharing!
This is about the cutest darn party I've ever seen! Love everything that you did.
Absolutely adorable! What a great party, I'm sure the kids all had a blast:@)
This is all so adorable! Love the way you've carried out your party theme. I'm sure the birthday boy was very pleased and thinks turning 8 is mighty great!
Unbelievable details! I would love to go to a party like this. Wow, that tree house and the pulley system to get things up is genius!
New follower from House of Hepworths
What a adorable party! the goodies bag was to die for!! Who would have thought of anything like that. I love it. Visiting from the Shabby Chick linky party.
A truly super party!! I bet your son had a blast. Loved all the special touches you put around. and that is one awesome tree house! blessings, marlis
Oh I would love this party! Everything looks wonderful!
How fun! Love all the details! You got some great ideas on here! thanks for sharing!
Such a cute party! Love the treehouse, and the pulley system!
What a great party! I love the "cake" stand and the details. How old is he again? (just kidding) Lisa~
I just adore kids birthday parties! Wish my daughter was born in the summer! What a magical wonderful place you have created.
This is an amazing party! Those cupcakes look DEElish.
What a coincidence I have a Mason also who turned 9 on 5/31. This party was too cute. Love everything you do.
Cute! What a fun birthday and one to always remember! It's the little things that make it so special! Love the treehouse!
Great ideas and decorations. I loved all of it! Newest follower:) Have a great weekend.
How awesome! I love everything about this party! Just wonderful. thank you for joining TTF. Have a great weekend!
Hi! Found your blog from Fun for Kids Friday and LOVE it! Great party idea and beautiful pictures. I have enjoyed my visit to your blog so much that I'm going to become a follower! Have a wonderful Summer! :-)
Oh my gosh ~ this is amazing!! Great job momma! You've been pinned1 thanks for sharing ~ please stop by sometime and say hi!
Just adorable! Love the favors too!
That is the cutest Birthday party theme. I love how every thing looked and the adorable touches that made it special for Mason turning 8! The goodies bags made like hobo packs were the best! Thanks for sharing such a cute and inexpensive way to have a wonderful kids birthday party!
I love an outdoor party. Yours looks fab! That treehouse almost made me get a bit teary. We had one made for my daughter (almost identical to yours) for her 10th birthday. It's long been torn down ... lost the tree that held it.
This is so cute! you're so creative, I bet he loved it.
This is had me at S'mores. I'm your newest follower, and I can hardly wait to have the recipe. I shared your post with my daughter-in-love; they have two little boys....this is a great idea for a party. Thank you for sharing your wonderful design. Cherry Kay
I love your bucket with the flowers and the way you spelled Mason.
Oh...what a beautiful party....I am so interested in the fun drink dispenser made from the big red pot....did you make it or was it purchased...I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE ONE.... I hope you can let me know.
Thank you!
Christie, your Great Outdoors Party for Mason was one of the cutest I've seen. Your details are amazing! Love the way you spelled out Mason's name and the S'mores cupcakes are darling. That tree house is incredible. Happy Birthday, Mason! ~ Sarah
You throw THE BEST parties! Lucky kiddos!
What a wonderful birthday party Mason must have had! It all looks fantastic fun for them - you must have worked hard!
Happy Birthday Mason!
Gill x
This is inspirational!! Great job! Great tips!
What a great party! The treehouse looks amazing--I'm sure it was a hit at the party. And the decorations are just perfect!
I love love love this. It would also make a fun themed picnic. Thank you so much for sharing. I found this project through TT&J linky party! Thank you for sharing. Come say hi! I love new followers.
A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW
What a fun party! Love all the decorations, but those smores cupcakes hijacked me! Can't wait for the recipe. thanks so much for linking up with VIF!
xoxo Debra
Fun! The decor is perfect and the tree house looks amazing! I'm sure the kids had such a great time!
what a fun party! love the whole theme and the story about the pully basket made me smile. I can just picture the surprised faces with the basket breaking!! Yikes! Hopefully no one was hurt. thanks so much for sharing this at Transformations and Treasures!
Beautiful display!
Just came across this adorable party!!! {Beautiful}!! Thank you for sharing! Just shared with my lovelies!
{HUGS} and Blessings,
Facebook: Polka Dot Bungalow
This is the sweetest party EVER!! I LOVE every bit of it! What lucky little guy to have such a creative and fun Mama! Thanks for sharing:-)
Christie, you have such a gift for putting together the best party ideas and you think of every little tiny detail. You really should be a party planner and get paid for it. The photos belong in a magazine. Thanks for sharing this at WUW.
The party looks fab ! Like Cathy I would really like to know about the red enamel stock pot. Did you add the spout or purchase it that way? Since we don't have the lemonade containers with spouts here in the Netherlands it would be great to know if it was possible to make it yourself .....
That is just so sweet! I love all your ideas! :)
Have a great week!
That is just about the cutest party I've even seen! It's always so hard to get cute with boy parties. Love it!
I LOVE your beverage dispenser. May I ask where you got it?
The entire party is fabulous! Every detail was seen to and it makes for an amazing party!
That is the cutest party I have ever seen!!
Susan and Bentley
Happy Birthday to Mason!
What a cool mom you are for putting together a cool party. I loved everthing you put together right down to the party favor!
Will be bookmarking to come back for that recipe. Those cupcakes look sinful. : )
FABULOUS party!!!! I bet everyone had a GREAT time. You didn't leave out one single detail! Loved the take home bags! Are the red polka dot plates plastic and where did you get them??? I love them! XO, Pinky
Love this! There is nothing I like better than a picnic. Here in LA, that is not a summer activity...too HOT. You did a fantastic job!
Love this! Thanks so much for linking up to Made With Love! I'm featuring this on my facebook page today!
This was precious! You are so very creative, everything is so cute! What a lucky boy! Happy Birthday, Mason!!!
This is SO awesome!! You always have the best ideas!! My little girl is turning 6 in a couple of weeks. She has requested a "ballet party" birthday party!! I need you to be my party planner!! :)
Clearly, Mason is the coolest kid on da block because of the awesome parties you put together for him! What FUN! Love the pulley system your husband installed ... and, what creative games they played! I'm jealous (and, want a cupcake, pleaes)! LOL.
such a fun looking party...just a note to tell you that i featured this post on fridays unfolded this week!
stuff and nonsense
Love this! Such a fun idea! Thanks for sharing! I am featuring this tomorrow! :)
This is awesome! Love every little detail. Will be featuring you tonight. Thanks for linking with Air Your Laundry Friday! ~Jami
What a lovely party you created for your son~ it is downright amazing! He will never forget it, I'm sure. Down to the last detail, I can tell so much thought went into it. I love your clever party bags and how you decorated the tables! Everything looks perfect. :)
{Beautiful Nest}
Cute, Cute, oh so CUTE!!
Oooh can I come crash your party?! It looks fabulous! Everything turned out so very cute! Please come link to my party this weekend =)
These pics just make me happy!
I would love for you to link it up to my party that is running now. Any linky goes.
Come strut your stuff.
Hi Christie, I just adore a sweet theme birthday and this is adorable! Fantastic details - love the drink station. Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase Party. I am a little behind commenting - but I have featured this last week. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend ~ Stephanie Lynn
Oh I love this! Every little detail is so neat. What a special party!
Love, LOVE this party! So glad you shared it at the Tuesday To Do Party! It's a List Maker this week! Feel free to stop by and grab a button!
That was one fabulous party!!!
Curious if you ever posted the recipe for the cupcakes. I will be hosting a birthday cookout for a friend next weekend and would love to prepare these for my guests. I may have missed where you posted it.
I am having such an enjoyable morning touring around your blog. I needed a little distraction this morning, and this is the perfect place to be distracted. Thank you.
What an awesome party! I love all the details! And, what an awesome tree fort...lucky kids!!
Love, love, LOVE all the little details that made a BIG impact! Great job!
Love all the ideas! Very inspirational! I'm a new follower via Creative Bloggers' Party. Come visit my interior design blog when you have a chance
The Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop has grown for the better because of your participation. Thanks for linking up this great post! :)
I love this party - nicely done! Where did you get those darling paer/cardboard hotdog "cradles"... really cute... I can't find them anywhere. Thank you in advance for sharing your source :o) Have a wonderful day...
~ Mary @
What a fabulous party! i love it all! every single detail is amazing.
Oh, what a wonderful party! I love all of your fun and creative ideas!
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