Monday, August 23, 2010

'Life in the Slow Lane'

Island living...At least for a while, life is unhurried and quiet.
The bike is the favorite mode of transportation.

I stopped in to peak at Mike's Bikes...'looking' was all I could afford!
This flower bike had a price tag of $500!  I guess my dream of having one of these with a large basket riding on the beach looking for shells will remain just that...a dream!  Seems like it would have included a motor!
My kids take their bikes on the beach in the late afternoon for a spin in the tidal pools.

Kayaking in Shem Creek is a beautiful site.
These lovely old boats bring in the catch of the day to the docks at Shem Creek.
We are headed to picnic...island style...
maybe under a big oak tree dripping with Spanish moss...

or on the beach watching the sun set.
My daugther enjoys the late afternoon sun.
Doesn't this picture speak volumes?  It is the last week before school starts.  I guess it has seen better days.
All the beach chairs are stacked so neatly and ready for another season.

Well, well someone had lots of fun last night!  No, it wasn't me, but I think this picture tells a story of its own!
These flip flops were left on the beach probably by a young child still digging his toes in the sand and water.  It tells of someone who went shell hunting and found some beautiful treasures!

A path leads to sun, sand and water...and a quiet spot to sit in the shade.

This little guy seemed to be soaking in the afternoon sun and enjoying the breeze from the ocean, when I sneaked up on him...
a little closer.

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~Kahlil Gibran

The beautiful Grand Pavilion offers a restaurant and swimming with dancing and karaoke at night.
The row houses are so pretty.  I observed the family to the left all dressed in white getting there pictures taken by a professional photographer. 
We rented a boat with friends and toured the barrier islands.
This picture convey's 'serenity.'  I just love it!
I painted an old shutter to direct people down some steps to a changing area.  I hung my children's 'too small' flipflops just below it.  This area, full of pictures is a walk through 'memory lane' for me. 

 We explored the "Bone-yard" beach at  Capers Island. 
The kids look for treasures on Dewees Island...
and meet a strange friend.
Now, here is a beautiful treasure.
A different adventure has been found by my son, so this boat sits lonely on the sand.

Such freedom...
Who isn't crazy about an outdoor shower?  This is the best feeling in the world after rolling around in the sand!

Finally, a place to rest for the evening...

Thanks for joining me for my one week of 'Life in the Slow Lane!'  Now, it is back to school!

The kids are on their bikes waiting to ride to school!  I have edited this post to link up to The Trendy Treehouse's Shutter Love Tuesday for the 'First Day of School!"

I have also edited this post for Southern In My Heart's Inspiration Friday, because my family is my inspiration for almost every thing I do and finding adventures with them is my greatest joy!

I am joining
Make it Yours Day
Transformation Thursday
Strut Your Stuff Thursday

Pin It Now!


Noble Vintage said...

gorgeous pictures! It really tells a story of your weekend. My daughter has the same Boden swimsuit in a different print. :) don't you just love summer?

It's me said...

Great pictures from a great trip !!..thanks for Ria......

Lesslie said...
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Lesslie said...

Christie, Your photography is really great! I LOVED these pictures. I felt like I was there and smelling the ocean air and looking for treasures with you and the family! Thank you for sharing the last vacation of the season with us! I have such fond memories of the incredible Charleston beaches!

Monica M. Judd said...

you're becoming quite the photographer my friend. so beautiful... each of the pictures but even more, each of the memories captured.

Unknown said...

I can almost feel the sand between my toes! Love the pictures, thanks for sharing.

Kathleen said...

That was just wonderful. Every picture brought a smile to my face! Fabulous memories!
Southampton, Long Island, NY

Holly said...

Great shots throughout!!! Visiting from Shutter Love and like your pic for back to schol! ;D

Atticmag said...

That's the most wonderful place and your children look so happy. The beach in August is simply paradise. Lovely photos. I enjoyed every minute.

ood news! We're staring a Friday Giveaway link up party (and we'll announce an amazing giveaway).
Thanks for stopping by to see us.

Jane F.

Anonymous said...

What great pictures!! They definitely tell a story. Love the beach.
Stopping by from It's so Very Cheri Spotlight party.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful summer post! I absolutely love the photos of all four kids together...


Terry @ La Bella Vie said...

Oh "hey" there yourself! Well once again, I just adore your photgraphy! You always have the best composition, color and subject matter! Also I think I'm in love SC! I have never been there but it just looks charming and sort of lost in time. I know Nicholas Sparkes writes about it in his books and he makes it sound so romantic and lovely. Do people really live that close to the beach? It looks like its within walking distance?
Glad you stopped by to see my grandkids, they are so much fun and Papa is just a big kid right alone with them:)

Hootin Anni said...

What a wonderful share...loved all the photos, but I think my favorite is the one where the kids are all together...sitting on the old tree on the beach....that's one that should be framed and hung for a lifetime on someone's wall for memories.

My Wednesday Photo Do stop by if you can!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like an absolutely wonderful place... Great shots!

Bumblebee and Sophie said...

Your photos are beautiful! Makes me want to re-live summer and every moment we spent at the beach. So sad to see fall come...

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Such delightful photographs. I'm a beach bum at heart and a collector of seashells... and there's nothing like a sunset while sitting on the beach.

I'd love to have you link up to my Simple Pleasures series some Thursday.

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Ohhhhhh!!!! This makes me miss the beach so much! Every year we vacation in Florida, but this year I had to miss it. I thought that I was O.K. with that until I saw this post! I can just smell the beach and feel the sun!
Very, Very Pretty!!!

Thanks for being a part of Friday Pretties,

FrouFrouBritches said...

What gorgeous pictures! Gosh, I want to go to the beach for vacation. It's just beautiful! Your babies are precious!

Coley said...

Hi from a fellow Carolina girl. :) Saw your link on Someday Crafts and thought I'd pop by and say hi. Great photos!

Vanessa said...

Hi Christie! Thanks so much for linking up this post and YES, I love having people include anything that is Inspirational to them or what they think might inspire others! Short stories, family memories, lessons learned, decorating, crafts, whatever! The more the merrier! Your family sounds like so much fun and it is obvious how much you enjoy and relish your role as mom!
Thanks again for joining the party,

Debbie said...

Visiting from Inspiration Friday. Love your wonderful family pictures, both in the "slow lane" and out. I used to ride my bike to school. What a nice memory that is.

Lynn said...

Beautiful pics, you captured everything well! Looks like a memorable time!

Average Girl said...

That is a lovely post... I like popping over here and taking a look at what you are doing! Two things struck me about this post... Firstly, this is my very favourite song, have your ever checked it out sung by Kurt Nilsen and three of his friends from Norway... so beautiful! The second thing that struck me was bikes, my better half and his brother have a bike store, so that was cool... Anywhoo, am becoming your latest follower... Happy Labour day to you!


Average Girl said...

LOL....... I just realized that the music actually is coming from the tablescaper's page because that is where I linked on to you to read your post... Oh my gosh... DUH!!!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

All these photos tell their own story. Good job with the camera.

The Tablescaper said...

I love your ode to summer. It's just lovely. You're right on with my feelings. I hate to see it all end.

Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

- The Tablescaper

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