Island living...At least for a while, life is unhurried and quiet.
The bike is the favorite mode of transportation.
I stopped in to peak at Mike's Bikes...'looking' was all I could afford!
This flower bike had a price tag of $500! I guess my dream of having one of these with a large basket riding on the beach looking for shells will remain just that...a dream! Seems like it would have included a motor!
My kids take their bikes on the beach in the late afternoon for a spin in the tidal pools.
Kayaking in Shem Creek is a beautiful site.
These lovely old boats bring in the catch of the day to the docks at Shem Creek.
We are headed to picnic...island style...
maybe under a big oak tree dripping with Spanish moss...

or on the beach watching the sun set.
My daugther enjoys the late afternoon sun.
Doesn't this picture speak volumes? It is the last week before school starts. I guess it has seen better days.
All the beach chairs are stacked so neatly and ready for another season.

Well, well someone had lots of fun last night! No, it wasn't me, but I think this picture tells a story of its own!
These flip flops were left on the beach probably by a young child still digging his toes in the sand and water. It tells of someone who went shell hunting and found some beautiful treasures!
A path leads to sun, sand and water...and a quiet spot to sit in the shade.
This little guy seemed to be soaking in the afternoon sun and enjoying the breeze from the ocean, when I sneaked up on him...
a little closer.
Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~Kahlil Gibran

The beautiful Grand Pavilion offers a restaurant and swimming with dancing and karaoke at night.
The row houses are so pretty. I observed the family to the left all dressed in white getting there pictures taken by a professional photographer.
We rented a boat with friends and toured the barrier islands.
This picture convey's 'serenity.' I just love it!
I painted an old shutter to direct people down some steps to a changing area. I hung my children's 'too small' flipflops just below it. This area, full of pictures is a walk through 'memory lane' for me.
We explored the "Bone-yard" beach at
Capers Island.
The kids look for treasures on Dewees Island...
and meet a strange friend.
Now, here is a beautiful treasure.
A different adventure has been found by my son, so this boat sits lonely on the sand.
Such freedom...
Who isn't crazy about an outdoor shower? This is the best feeling in the world after rolling around in the sand!
Finally, a place to rest for the evening...
Thanks for joining me for my one week of 'Life in the Slow Lane!' Now, it is back to school!

The kids are on their bikes waiting to ride to school! I have edited this post to link up to The Trendy Treehouse's Shutter Love Tuesday for the 'First Day of School!"
I have also edited this post for
Southern In My Heart's Inspiration Friday, because my family is my inspiration for almost every thing I do and finding adventures with them is my greatest joy!
I am joining
Make it Yours Day
Transformation Thursday
Strut Your Stuff Thursday
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