Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hello to my friends in blog land!
I have been running in circles lately and my blog has taken a back seat...a wedding, T'giving, Christmas breathing down our necks, my new shop (which is WAY more work than I anticipated! just FYI for those of you contemplating...), oh yeah, did I mention a husband and three kids...a dog, too! Okay, so that is everyone's life...I am just not the best multitasker!! I am sad, because I absolutely love posting and seeing all the great inspiration out there! I tried to upload a new post with pictures and here is the message that I received:
"Whoops! You're out of space. You are using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. Purchase more storage
Photos are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1 GB free quota for photos. Additional storage you purchase is shared between Gmail, Picasa Web Albums, and Google Docs, and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more"
It doesn't look like much to purchase more GB, just wondering if anyone else has gotten this message. My husband thinks it is a scam! However, I can't post pictures until I purchase more! Help! Any thoughts?
Thanks! I have been working on some fun things for Christmas and can't wait to post! I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Just a Few Things...
I love these 'JOY' boxwood letters tucked into this old Jell-O box. They would be cute displayed on a mantel or hanging on a wall with some pretty ribbon!
The letters for my 'NOEL' sold, so we used these finds to spell "Jolly." The spigot handle is my favorite and the finials add a nice touch.
These handcrafted cedar birdhouses and feeders are made by a girl just up the street. She cuts the wood and sands it to perfection. They are adorable and I want every single one that she makes! This one is my favorite with the little birdhouse hanging in front! Such talent and crafstmanship she has! I sold one as I was walking in the store with them!
Yesterday was my birthday and my friend gave me this beautiful sign that she distressed and painted! I just love it! Around the beginning of school, we had picked a verse for our family to memorize. We chose, "Act Justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God." ~ Micah 6:8
Now I just have to find the perfect spot for it!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Remodelholic Feature!
I received a really nice feature over at Remodelholic for the post Dining Out...Outside! Thank you so much for the full display! It has turned a bit cold, but I am already yearning for the warmer days to dine outside again! Thank you!
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Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Simple Things
My daughter's third grade class took a trip to Historic Brattonsville to spend the day learning and pretending to be students in a one room school house in 1840. They used real slate boards and graphite pencils and learned to quill with a feather dipped in ink. You might recall seeing this lovely little town in the film, "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger.
She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. ~Proverbs 31:17
It is surreal to think of all the gadgets we have at our fingertips, so that we don't have to lift a finger! I wonder what our forefathers would think of us today. Would they be impressed or think we are lazy? Can you imagine what our ancestors would think about a car with heat, heated seats, a radio and a TV...and with many vehicles today, you can turn on any of this with the click of a button!
I don't think most Americans can imagine what it was like to live in a one room house with no heat, no central air, no hot water, no bathroom (or 'privy' as it was called) inside the house, no phone, certainly no television, and no computer...or even a car.
I wonder...have we gained so much with all the advances in technology or have we really lost so much?
I spent the day with these third graders and I had the best time! No technology was used that day...just a good ol' chalk board and the light streaming in the little school house from outside. The meal was simple with nothing to 'recycle' because napkins and baskets were reused after lunch. My favorite part of the day was recess when the children played with various wooden toys that were popular during that period. It was fun to watch the children learn something 'new' that was really very old! I enjoyed watching them use their imaginations and their hands to figure out these new-old games.
Life was simple then.
I have friends who have a 'blackout' once a month with their children. They turn off the power, cook by fire, light candles and tell stories, play games or read. She says that it is amazing how slow the time passes and that these are some of her most precious moments with her three boys. How wonderful it would be to spend the evening with those that we love the most without any distractions! I am determined to try this!
As Thanksgiving approaches, I am thankful for all the 'luxuries' we have today. But, it is not these things that I am most grateful. I am sure that many would agree, whether we live during 1840 or 2010, we are most thankful for those around us...our family.
Etch out those quiet moments for your family this holiday season! Maybe turn off the lights, the TV, computer and phones. The 'simple life' sounds so appealing!
Does anyone remember Dr. Bratton's home from the movie?
This is the one room school house we used for the day!
My daughter practices quilling.
The children were encouraged to dress like they lived during 1840. This little girl really looked the part! She is playing one of the games popular during that time.
A simple meal consisted of a ham biscuit, an apple, a pickle and a cracker. No processed food or paper products here! It really made me think of how much I waste and what I eat from a package.
This looks like the original fence to me!
Note: I was discussing my trip with a friend and she mentioned that on their field trip to Brattonsville, one of the guides was showing some of the daily chores that took place during the 1840 time period. The guide asked if any of the children did chores at home and not one child raised his/her hand. I think we better put down 'technology' and teach our children to work! Simple chores can teach them responsibility and how to manage money.
I better get busy!
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Friday, November 12, 2010
Three Pixie Lane
Welcome to our booth at the Shoppes at River's Edge!
I made the linen hand towel from vintage linen and brown velvet ribbon. The English serving tray holds different letters to celebrate the season!
Well, the booth is in progress...I imagine it will always be! We just opened November first!
This driftwood Christmas tree would be perfect for the coast or even in a beach-themed house! I love it and it is hard to part with, but if it sells...great!
My business partner (that makes me sound so important!) Mary found this lovely pitcher and bowl! I think I might like to have it, but I am not here to shop!
I don't much polish anything and I like the look of the tarnished vintage silver...doesn't it look pretty with the cinnamon sticks tied with baker's twine? The details are so much fun!
Mary made the sheet music wreath from antique sheet music...the pages are over 100 years old from an old Diadem book. Her vintage lace pillow cases hang on either side of the window panes.
This is my version of the sheet music wreath! While this is nothing new in blog land, it is new in our little town! It is made with vintage Italian sheet music. I made the 'Noel' banner from drop cloth.
Some burlap pillows inspire us to 'Believe' and are backed with vintage red and white ticking.
Our dear friend made this beautiful burlap tree skirt for our booth! We have more coming...
We have been very busy making things, going to yard sales, getting a business license, pricing, doing inventory...wow...there is a lot that goes into a business!
While it is hard to 'start' a business in the middle of difficult economic times, we have prayed every step of the way! Mary found these shops and asked me, some time ago, about opening a booth. Initially, only a large space was available. We didn't think it was the right move, so we waited and this little space became available!
It has been so much fun, but I am apprehensive. My youngest daughter will start kindergarten in the fall and the plan is for me to return to pharmacy. If our tiny business does not succeed, I am content to return to pharmacy knowing that this little dream of mine was fulfilled, or at least attempted! I have had so much fun and am thankful for the opportunity! Of course, I am praying that it does well!
Thanks to all of you in blog land who have inspired and encouraged me! I would have never tried this without the sweet encouragement that you have given!
I will take more pictures, but my four year old was hanging twine on all the decorations as seen on the driftwood tree...difficult to snap pictures and manage her! She cut these and tied them and said she was 'helping' to decorate the shop!
Thanks for stopping by!
I am linking up to these great sites and blog parties!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Harvest Time
Cups and saucers are ready for after dinner coffee...
The table is set with a mix of everyday flatware. The linen placemats add some femininity to this 'steak and potatoes' meal!
An oil painting of our youngest daughter rests on an antique English bamboo easel. The house has so many windows and not so many large spaces to hang pictures! I pulled in this bench and grain sack to break up the look of the arts and crafts style table and chairs. Two smaller French chairs sit across the table.
All those lovely apples...we have had our fair share of apples this year! They make a great centerpiece in this old herb crate, which sits low so conversation isn't hindered.
My dining room is a bit of a 'hodge podge' of things. The craftsman table and hutch (not shown) were the first pieces of furniture we purchased eighteen years ago. They were made by an amish fellow from Pennsylvania and are wonderfully crafted, but I sure would like something a little bit bigger! It would help with all the family gatherings! My husband has such a fondness for it, so it will stay! But stay tuned...it is getting a makeover (without paint!)
I took down some blue willow plates and hung these 'Harvest Time' plates for fall.
The sign above the wine cabinet is an old billiard's score board from a British pub. The pewter bowl in front is a favorite piece! I use it to hold arrangements or to chill wine.
I found this little etching next to my wine cabinet at an antique store near Hilton Head, SC. It was practically nothing and is one of my favorites! I love charcoal or pencil drawings and this one has so much character. I wonder who the man is...maybe he was an old fisherman from nearby with years of the salty air and sea taking its toll.
I believe this chair is called an 'Eastlake' chair. It was given to me recently by my dad and holds the service of coffee for after dinner. I love pewter, so I added this creamer and sugar set instead of the Harvest Time. There are three sets in this large collection, but sometimes I don't like things to be too matchy matchy!
I never appreciated this set of ironstone until learning more about it from other bloggers. This set from Johnson Bros. of England is called, "Harvest Time." My parents lived in England for a time (my dad was stationed there with the Air Force.) They purchased a full set with enough plates to serve 20 people and gave the set to my grandparents! This seems odd to me now, because my grandparents never had large dinner parties and their sweet, cozy home sat six people comfortably at the dining room table. My mom was an only child, so there wasn't a large family to feed! Maybe it was a really good deal. I am still perplexed as to how they got all of this ironstone back to the states! Nonetheless, and with no less appreciation, I received this full set when my dear grandparents passed away. It is a lovely set and I am very grateful! I am yet to have a dinner party for 20 people!
Well, that is about all I have for fall, ya'll. It is on to Christmas! I have missed my friends in blogland!
I am linking to BNOTP Tablescape Thursday!
Friday, November 5, 2010
A Hoot
My daughter is 9 years old today! I saw these adorable owl cupcakes here and here. Now, I have said before, I am not much of a baker. A box of Duncan Hines, some icing, M&M's (or Reese's Pieces), Oreos, and my own twist of cashews (optional) and you are set to make these cupcakes! If you look at the other sites, their cupcakes are flawless...so pretty. I like 'pretty' but I can't always execute 'pretty' when it comes to baking! I broke about a million Oreos while trying to separate the 'white' side for the 'eyes.' This is why I decided to use white icing and fill in the eyes...plus, it made the eyes all white without specks of Oreo cookie, and it was useful in holding the M&M 'eyes.' The fall colored M&M's are perfect for this project, because they have the brown for the eyes and the pretty gold for the nose. I also tried the orange, but my favorite is the cashew for the 'beak!' It just looks real!
We are taking these to school today to surprise her for lunch!
Happy Birthday my sweet girl, Ashlyn!
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We are taking these to school today to surprise her for lunch!
Happy Birthday my sweet girl, Ashlyn!
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