You need only to check out Houzz or Pinterest to see the lantern craze.
This was the first picture that drew my attention and set me on an obsessive path to find the perfect lanterns for our kitchen. This lovely space is the dining room of designer Holly Mathis. (For more inspiration ideas, see the bottom of this post.)
I tried relentlessly to find the same exact lantern as the designer, but to no avail. After my obsession had to move on to something else, I decided to hang these three-light lanterns with clear beveled glass panels.
The main purpose for hanging these two fixtures was to add more light to this side of the kitchen. We added a dimmer switch to adjust the lighting.
In this before picture, you can see the fan that hung over the kitchen table. We hardly ever used the fan and the light source was minimal. We have fans in our bedrooms, but I wasn't a fan of the fan in the kitchen. We replaced the fixture over the island, too.
We lived in Charleston, SC for about ten years, and one only needs to walk the streets of downtown Charleston to see the beautiful gas lanterns that light up the historic district. Hanging these in the kitchen reminds me of the lovely city!
The space is coming together and finally feels more 'lived in!'
There are a few things in this new space that are my absolute favorites. The lanterns are one and the check wing back chairs are another. A vintage fishing creel hangs on one side of the room and a French bread basket on the other. Brown transfer ware and pewter plates hang above the baskets.
I don't know what to do with the windows; possibly simple curtain panels or plantation shutters. The rest of the front of the house has plantation shutters, as well as, one small window in the kitchen, so I am giving that some thought. Please give me your opinion! I am a bit burned out, so I will take all the advice I can get!
I do enjoy the open view, but this room can heat up quickly because of all the windows. To keep from running the AC all of the time, as well as, protect all the furnishings from fading, we will need to add something to the windows.
On the other side of the room, above the bar, we hung this early 20th century style, polished nickel Industrial pendant by
Landmark Lighting.
I really didn't know if it was okay to hang light fixtures in the same room with different finishes. I looked at hundreds of pictures on Houzz and Pinterest and decided that almost anything goes. I liked the polished nickel and since it is near the sink with a similar finish, I think it works.
We are having the pendant raised six inches and moved to be centered over the island. It is the small details that drag out the remodeling process! But, I'm not complaining; I am grateful to be able to cook in here again!
Speaking of dragging things out, I feel like I am dragging out the posting of this kitchen! It would be too long of a post to do one on the entire remodel, plus the kitchen is not quite finished. I am breaking it down, so that I can provide you with the product sources for those of you interested or for those of you contemplating a remodel.
Thanks for hanging in there with me!
Do you remember starting out as a new blogger? Do you remember your first post? I remember when Kim at
My Domestic Bliss featured my shed over two years ago and people started to drop by to see what I was doing on this spot of the web! It opened up a whole new world for me and has certainly become a creative outlet for all my random thoughts and decor ideas! I have 'met' so many wonderful people and have been inspired by so many of you!
Please stop by and say 'hello and welcome' to Kristen at 'A Southern Preppy.' I have followed her on Pinterest after finding her via my sister. She has wonderful taste and her pins bring back fond memories of all things preppy! She has just started a blog, so be sure to stop by! Also, you can check out her Pinterest board
For those of you DIY decorators or those interested in these types of light fixtures, check out 'kitchens with industrial lighting' at Houzz here. I found so many images and tons of resources and shops. Here is the link for 'kitchens with hanging lanterns.'

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