Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Work Space...A Shed

I edited a previous post to participate in the Roomspiration Party.  To see more of this 'Shabby Chic Shed' click {here.}

My husband built this little shed to house all my projects, garden supplies, baskets and decorating paraphernalia!  I also love to hang all my children's art work.  It has actually become a nice little retreat.  I like that I can start a project and leave it 'out of site' for a while.  I am a bit of a procrastinator, which drives my husband crazy!  He is Mr. Neat and this was a great compromise!
I can't wait to see all the 'Craft Rooms!'  Be sure to check them out!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. OH! You lucky duck!!! Loving it!!

    m ^..^

  2. This is the nicest and cosiest shed I have ever seen! It seems like a great place to read or relax as well as work on fun projects. You have a great collection of things...I love the chandelier, all your baskets, particularly the huge one that has 3 sections in it...awesome! The grain sack on the floor is great too. Beautiful space!

    Rachel :)

  3. such a great place! I love taking my time looking, you have such great treasures stored everywhere. I also have the same herb boxes, such great old gardening tools in yours!

  4. Oh my goodness, this is so great! I love this little creative space. I would love to spend some time in this little place.

  5. This has to be the cutest work space I could ever imagine! I spotted your Cath Kidston things here and her collections!! I began following your post, as I saw so many similar "loves" ...and was not surprised that we share the same name..and same spelling. I am an older version, though, but would love for you to come visit me at Grammy's house. Maybe it'll give you some ideas for when you are a Grammy some day...we have such fun in our little Rose Water Cottage.
    Have a wonderful day,

  6. That's no ordinary shed! What a wonderful place to hang out spend some time alone. Love it.

  7. Wow! I love your space. It's hard to believe it's just a shed.
    I can well appreciate the need to leave a project out.When I'm setting tables, I need to see the stuff out and in it's spot. I ruminate on it until I add and subtract to get it just right!

    - The Tablescaper

  8. A. Dor. Able! Very cute. Can I stay in the bed???

  9. I adore your workspace/shed! How lucky you are to have a fabulous place like that!

  10. p.s. I just signed up to follow you too! Your fall banner makes me realize that I need to get my fall banner up....

  11. I never grow tired of looking at your fabulous shed. My husband built our daughters a very special treehouse this past year and it's become a favorite refuge for the whole family.

  12. Oh my goodness gracious, how lovely! I am in absolute awe of your sweet shed turned cozy work space! I adore how you have decorated it, and even included a place to take a little nap! {Or a long one!}

    I have been asking {begging, pleading} ;) for my husband to build me one of these! Our home is so small, and it would be so wonderful to have a designated space to do my crafting.

    Have I said how much I love your blog? It is pure gorgeous inspiration! :)

    I hope you have a beautiful day! :)


  13. P.S. I thought I was already following you, because I've had you on my blog sidebar for quite a while now. Okay, so now I am officially following you! :)

  14. You are a blessed woman...we all would love one of those!!

  15. I want me a shed just like that!!! So many cute things I spy in the pictures.

  16. Sweet! I'm turning my huge shed into a studio & you've given me lots of cool ideas. TFS!!

  17. I really like this space !!...lovely.......great colors !! from

  18. Your shabby chic shed is precious! Another post with photos worthy to be in a magazine! Very happy you joined Roomspiration: Craft Rooms today! Gardening is most definitely a craft! ;)

  19. I love your space! So awesome!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  20. OMGosh..I love your shed..It's so beautiful..Very magazine worthy..I love the old photos and shelf that's up high with the baskets,etc..Awesome job..You definetly have an eye for decorating..

  21. So glad you liked the bench! You should definitely find some sad looking coffee tables or benches and redo them! I would love to see how they turn out.

    And this shed is amazing. Fantasticallyawesome to be exact. When I first read that it was your work space and saw the pictures, I thought that it was impossible. How can someone's work space be so neat! Mine is a disaster area. But then you wrote that you house all your projects, tools, and deco here. What a great idea! A retreat that doesn't drive you crazy with all the half-finished projects and materials all strewn all over the place. I'm so glad I found you and your blog! Following you :).

  22. Your work space is so beautiful! I was just looking a sheds the other day and there is one at Home Depot that I love to admire and daydream about. It has two stories. I always imagine what I could with it btwn all of my crafts & art and my photography. You would defiantly find me in the more than in the house! :o)

  23. Oh I could spend hours in there. So much to look at and so much inspiration!
