Monday, September 19, 2011

Swiss Army Blanket

Three Pixie Lane

I have been looking for a Swiss Army Blanket for a display.  Unfortunately, they are in high demand and are costly.  The lowest price I have found for an original blanket is $140 at the European Market.   Sundance has them for $298.  You can also find them at etsy and on eBay.  Some have used their blankets to make pillows, backpacks or other accessories.

After some searching, I ordered a reproduction Swiss Army Blanket from for $21.99!  That's right...$21.99.  It is a new 100% wool blanket with the exact red stripe and cross as the original!  I like nice things, but I also like nice prices!  Sometimes, saving for an original is worth it, but in this case, the repro will do just fine!

Stay tuned to see what I do with my Swiss Army Blanket!

Thanks for stopping by!

Linking here!

Transformation Thursday


  1. We had those when I was growing up and I'm so bummed we got rid of them. I looked for one when I was doing my son's room and I couldn't believe how expensive they are now!

  2. Killer deal and really gorgeous, looking forward to seeing how you use it!
    Cathy @ Room Rx

  3. I can't wait to see what you do with it! I love deals like the one you just got. Don't you want to just stick your tongue out and say "Neener, neener, neener!" to the person that was trying to sell theres for so much more? With yours being a reproduction and new it will probably be in better shape anyway.

  4. OOOO I really like this!! I may have to find one too.

  5. Uh-oh! Now I want a swiss army blanket! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  6. Oh that was a lucky find...and the price is fabulous! Looks great!!

  7. What a great idea! I love that blanket; it looks so cozy.

  8. Great find. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  9. Wow that is a great deal! You should send that in to Copy Cat Chic! I LOVE your style!

  10. Now I've just got to go to an Army supply store to get me one of those blankets....but aren't they scratchy? I love the idea...log bed and branches on the wall...cute stuff...would look good in my cabin too! Mel's Designs from the Cabin

  11. I love it..I will go check out that site..Thank You..

  12. I LOVE those too! What is it about that LOL?
    Thanks for the link.

  13. here is a post i just landed on after yours:

  14. Love it and nobody would even know the difference.

  15. oh. my. goodness! Thanks... gonna splurge and pick that up. Thanks!

  16. Love your site! Great ideas and photos. As the owner of EuropeanMarket.US, just want to let your followers know that our Swiss Army blankets are the real deal. Woven in Switzerland and actually used by the Swiss military. Ours are vintage—all made in the 1930s-early '50s. One cool feature is they showcase the initials of the weaver and the year made. Several also sport the metal disc from the Swiss Army. All in excellent condition. If you know the Swiss or have been to Switzerland, they make things to last. Last month, I was in a Swiss friend's home that was built in 1710. They don't cut corners. So, if you want an authentic Swiss Army blanket, we'd love for you to take a look.

  17. Where did you get the birch wallpaper?

  18. Anonymous, the picture is from 'Camp and Cottage,' (see the link below the picture.) I love the birch wallpaper, too! Good luck finding! Christie

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