Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Before I say 'Hello' to Fall...

Goodbye Summer...
...the beach
...and the waves.
Goodbye familiar park swing...
...and one million pictures smiling at the sun.
Strawberry pickin'...
...and fishing off the pier.
Goodbye birds...
...and summertime friends.
So long treasure hunts...
...and digging for worms.
Goodbye little fish...
...and reflections on the lake.
See ya' tubing...
...and skiing at dusk.
Farewell picnics at the park...

...and new friends we made.
Oh, those summertime long.

 Goodbye swinging over the Edisto beneath the mossy trees...
 ...and kayaking for miles and miles.
Goodbye five years old.
 Goodbye soccer field.
 See you later lemonade stand...
Another year of childhood...
 Goodbye eight years old...
 ...and goodbye nine years old.
Until next time...
...when we meet again!

I wrote a similar post last year {here}  and loosely based it on the book, "Goodnight Moon"...a favorite of ours.  It is always bittersweet to say 'goodbye' to summer...with it goes another year.  Spending that time with my children is the most precious gift.  Watching the world spin and unfold through their eyes is the greatest joy!

There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Celia Thaxter

Now, I can welcome Fall! 
How about you?  Is it hard to say 'goodbye' to summer?


  1. Sweetest post I believe vie ever my little ones are all grown now..this summer the said goodbye to 21, 24, and 27:(. I remember when my youngest, Olivia, decorated her horse for the last day of horse camp. Oh the search we had for ribbons and flowers and such! Your children are beautiful, and you have captured so much ...more than a thousand words..with each photograph.
    Goodnight moon was a favorite of ours and now is enjoyed by 4 grandchildren. Squeeze those children'll turn around twice...
    Happy Fall, and all the joys that come with this season,

  2. ...and I will be most anxious to see photos of what sounds to me to be a darling idea for a birthday theme;)

  3. Oh Christie, just looking at those gorgeous photos has me longing for next summer. What a beautiful post and a wonderful way to capture those last moments of summer. Your photos are amazing! Patty

  4. Lovely post, lovely pictures.
    What I found interesting is you saying goodbye to soccer, here in Australia soccer is a winter sport, it is way too hot to play it in summer here, we tend to play sports that require less running in summer like cricket.

  5. darling pics of your adorable children, christie. i'm completely in 'fall' denial.


  6. One of our favorite books here too. What a lovely post. Those pictures truly captured the essence of the season!!!

  7. Boohooo......I hate saying goodbye to summer but love welcoming a new season to make new memories...your children are beautiful and I see your love in their eyes....have a beautiful week Christie, blessings...xo

  8. Christie, I feel like we are kindred spirits. While I'm in the south and it will be a LONG time before it feels like fall, I do have hard time at summers end. School starts and it's a reminder that the years are fleeting. thank you for reminding me to treasure the time God has given me with my children and family. I love your blog and I love all the photos of your lake home. I'm hoping one day to be on a lake in the midwest. Until then.... Houston it is!!! HOT HOT HOT!

  9. I just love this post! So creative and yet it journals everything you did that summer. Sounds like your kids had a fantastic summer! Now I can't wait to see what ya'll end up doing this Fall.

  10. So sweet! Oh you make me want those long lazy days back.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  11. What a precious gift to give to your children. I loved the words and I loved the photos.

  12. It looks like your children will have wonderful summer memories to cherish!

  13. What a beautiful and-of-summer tribute. Might I inquire as to where you purchase your daughter's darling summer dresses - they look so breezy and cool on their picnic. Also, where ever did you acquire your metal lemonade containers? Your blog is an inspiration!

    Mrs. Hollingsworth

  14. Living in AZ I am very happy to say goodbye to summer and hello to the rest of the beautiful weather we have here. My hubby says, one beautiful sunny day after another beautiful sunny day!
    Your pictures of your summer are beautiful and so are your precious children!

  15. What a truly sweet post. Beautiful pics and memories.

  16. Your kids are beautiful! I like your son in the canoe and your oldest daughter twirling in the sand and your youngest in her long white dress looking over the rail....good pictures!
    Mel's Designs from the Cabin....Mel

  17. What a lovely post! Beautiful shops too! Enjoy the new season, Kellie xx

  18. Such a sweet post...what a beautiful family you have! So thankful you visited so I was able to find you. Following you too!

  19. What a precious post. Love remembering....and now you can relive it year after year on your blog. Gorgeous pictures and children!

  20. Mrs. Hollingsworth, I purchased the white beverage container at Homegoods a few years ago. I have seen them at TJMaxx, too! I am a fan of sweet, innocent little girl dresses, even for my almost 10 year old! I think clothes today are a bit revealing for our young girls. Unfortunately, vintage or sweet and simple dresses can be very costly. I shop so many different places and with children try to buy on sale! Kayce Hughes has beautiful dresses and so does Olive Juice kids...again, I try to hit on sale! I buy the staples at Target and TJMaxx and have occasionally found cute dresses there. Thank you for your inquiry! Christie

  21. I love your blog, your photos are so wonderful and your kids are adorable! Thanks for sharing.....
