Thursday, September 22, 2011

Swedish Stuff and Gift Ideas

What vintage loving girl wouldn't love this? And it works, too!  I found this adorable functional scale at Hobby Lobby for just under $20 (get 40% off with coupon this week.)  It is also available in a larger scale.  You could add some fruit or some Christmas cookies to the little bowl to give a more personal touch.   The ribbon looks decidedly Swedish and came from Michaels.  A red and white Christmas is so simple and lovely.  It would look great to wrap gifts with this ribbon and brown craft paper.
These little journals have a Scandinavian look also.  I found them in the dollar bin at Michaels.  These make great gifts for children with a pretty pen or set of pencils to encourage writing.  They are also the perfect size to fit in a Bible to keep a prayer list.  In the dollar bin, you can also find some nice plaid journals!

It seems I have jumped from summer in my last post to Christmas and completely skipped fall!  It's not true...I just like to do my shopping early.  Usually in August I make a list and by September I have a plan.  I am not very organized, so don't let this fool you!  But, for us unorganized moms, a plan in place offers freedom for the holidays!  My family does not like a frazzled mom for Christmas!
Other benefits of shopping early are better prices, things in stock and time to return without all the crowds!

How about you?  Do you start shopping for Christmas early?
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I have been wandering about your blog for a few minutes and am struck by your wonderful pictures. You are so talented. I love the stories about your family and home and projects. Thank you so much for sharing with us, I feel as though I took a mini vacation and joined your family for a beautiful but tiny moment.

  2. My envy of all of you who have a Hobby Lobby just increased ten fold! :-) Love that scale and your other finds too. I have been keeping my eye out of Christmas gifts here and there so my family doesn't have a frazzled mom either! And, oh I just LOVED your goodbye summer post! I really struggled with letting go of it this year and as much as I love Fall, I still can't believe that Summer is over. I think your post is a lovely way to recap and celebrate the changing season! :-)

  3. I have started my shopping over the past few weeks. I love leisurely finding treasures for my little ones, and not having a last minute panic. In my mind, Dec is for enjoying the season, not panicing and stressing about all you have left to do!

  4. Those journals are so cute and I love the colors!

    Susan and Bentley

  5. I like your way of thinking about doing holiday shopping early. I wish I was that motivated. I can't believe that adorable scale came from Hobby Lobby! I've never seen it there. I wonder if it is a new item. I'll have to look for it next time I go there. Is it in the decor section or craft section? I love it when people post about their new finds. Then I can find it too! Ha!

  6. Christie,
    I have shared your blog with so many! I love the simplicity you create, but also the classic style that is connected with it!
    Just curious...notice you incorporate a lot of Scandinavian design...are you part Scandinavian, or just adore the beauty of it?
    Thank you for bringing joy into each day that I read your blog!
    pam l

  7. I just looove that scale! Maybe you should do a giveaway! (wink wink!). But seriously, I love all your Swedish personal & pretty too. :) Looks like I need to check out the $ bin! I like to plan ahead too with at least my list, but the actual shopping & making of items doesn't usually start until Nov. :)


  8. Anonymous, i do not have any Scandinavian heritage. As a girl, my family travelled to the Swiss alps just about every Christmas and I have fond memories of our travels through Sweden. As a girl, I loved the Swedish and Dutch outfits and clogs! Thanks for your inquiry! Christie

  9. I saw that scale at Hobby Lobby too and thought it was adorable!

  10. I love that scale! Great find at Hobby Lobby.

    I haven't thought much about Christmas as of yet. I really and truly am going to try and scale back this year. I need to. I want to. I am afraid that our whole family gets a little out of whack at Christmas time with gifts. Make sense??

  11. Love that scale and the colors you are using today. I usually have a few things purchased for Xmas by now but not this year. I better get a move on it!

  12. Hi Miss 3 Pixie Lane...I love you blog...I have nothing ready for Christmas but in years past, I could get all of it done by now....then I enjoyed the fall and holidays.....oh well...come over and see what I'm doing now at Mel's Designs from the Cabin....Mel

  13. lovely treasures!Hugs and wishes for a joy filled weekend.

  14. Can I just say how inspiring you are? I have a feeling that if we lived closer, we would be dear friends.

    Thanks for always going the extra mile to leave us with fresh inspiration.

    Blessing to you!

  15. Some of that stuff would go well in a shoebox for less fortunate children. We did that last year and really enjoyed looking for neat things to but in the box.~Ames

  16. Good morning, my little bit younger friend;)
    If you and your sweet children will go to September 8th post..fall-ish days... You will see our little rabbit family in the laundry room, and then go to July 12 post and find "Eliza" learning to do laundry in a pink lustreware teacu, washing the tiny shawl I knit for her city mouse cousin. It is her little story I am writing and illustrating, and will hopefully have published one of these days.
    Enjoy this beautiful weekend, and embrace this day,
    Little bit older, Christie

  17. Oh yes, I usually start shopping in September for Christmas. I like to have all my shopping done before December (except for stocking stuffers). That way we can enjoy all the festive happenings in December.
    Those notebooks are so sweet. love the colors. Since there's a Michaels only 2 minutes away, I may have to stop over there today ;-)

  18. Darling blog, so happy to have found you.Cute items I am off to michaels to bad we don't have a hobby lobby love the scale~Cheers Kim
