Sunday, August 28, 2011


Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.  Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.  ~Psalm 143:8
  It was a beautiful morning, so I took my cup of iced tea down to the dock to read.  But first, I was somewhat motivated to get some exercise.  The lake looked like glass this morning with the only wake being from a turtle that had popped up from his slumbering cave to see if the world was awake.  I arranged my cozy spot on the hammock and then stumbled down to the kayak.  I am not a morning person.  I was still in my long pajama pants, but nobody around here cares.  I put on my boat coat; grabbed the oar and took a deep breath of the morning air; still trying to wake up.  I stepped into the kayak and...Whooosh!

I went overboard.  Now, I am awake.  I screamed and even the turtle sank to the depths of the lake after this display, and I am sure back into his cave of a shell.  I floundered around in my long pants and sandals trying to flip the kayak back over.  I recovered and decided to still explore the coves.  It was so quiet, peaceful...serene.
An hour later, I climbed into the coziness of the hammock to spend some time filling up with scriptures...God's Word is so good.  I sat there in that cozy spot, still wet from the earlier debacle and asked myself, "Why do I ever go a day without drenching myself in His truths?"  His word is so good.  He is so good.

I have to be careful not to seek 'comfort,' but to seek the One who comforts.
Blessings to you on this 'Life Lessons' Sunday!


  1. been there ...done that on canoe trips down the Red River in Tennessee...whoosh was heard many times as we floated down the river...what a memory we now have of time spent together with Mr. Cabin and I....God lets us encounter the whoosh's in life, only to remind us...he's still here..guiding us...if only we'll listen..Mel's Designs from the Cabin follows you....Mel

  2. So happy that I stopped by here this morning! What a beautiful post!


  3. "I have to be careful not to seek 'comfort,' but to seek the One who comforts." Love this!

  4. This is so true and funny at the same time.

  5. Absolutely beautiful! And what a fun story! Thanks for sharing Christy!

  6. I have always believed that God has a great sense of humor :-) I love that you put a positive spin on what could have sent others into a bad mood. And thanks for sharing a view into God's grace and goodness - have a blessed week!


  7. I am not sure how I came upon your blog, but I am so happy that I did. The picture of the inviting looking hammock immediately got my attention, and the more I read through the posts, the more I liked it. What a beautifully done, and creatively filled blog! I sure did enjoy my visit. Thank you!

  8. What a great wake up call, in more ways than one, thanks for sharing!

  9. Love it...don't seek comfort but the One who comforts. Beautiful post for a Sunday afternoon.

  10. I'm so glad you CHOSE not to let your early morning baptism ruin your day! Your last words, to seek not comfort, but the Comforter, really speaks to me this morning! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Oh Christie, that is funny and you make a good point about drenching in the word.

  12. I love your post "not to seek comfort but the one who comforts". This was exactly what our sermon was about on focus on the "person" of God not what he can bring to us! Thanks for the reminder!

  13. LOVE that quilt! Your hammock looks so cozy and inviting, and what a fabulous place to get your fill of the Scriptures. I can't think of any place better than that.

  14. Love your post. Beautiful quilt. Did you make it.
