Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Gift for the Little Chef

I am pretty proud of this gift, because I put it together for $10!  I wrapped 'The Girl's Cookbook' in a child's apron.  If you wanted to spiffy this up, you could monogram it with the little chef's name.  My daughter has this apron with a chocolate monogram right on the pocket.
I found all three items at TJMaxx, but at different times.  I have three kids and that means lots of gifts for friends throughout the year.  I snag cute things, when I see a good price and stock them in a 'gift box.'
The measuring cups were also available and looked just like the spoons...just FYI!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. cute cookbook and that's smart shopping! good design too...I'm checking out your little shed again...I'm want to do something like that in my cabin barn over at Mel's Designs from the Cabin blog....oh, and I'm so ready for the hammock on your porch....Mel

  2. Ohh Christine, this is such a cute gift. I am so bad at collecting gifts throughout the year. I always say I need to do that, and never do. I love the wrapping with the apron, and those spoons are adorable.

    Thanks for sharing this with us!!

    p.s. If you get a chance I'm inviting you over to my blog, I'm kinda having a HUGE giveaway going on, and you MIGHT like it, (or LOVE it). I'd be so happy to have your support!
    Hugs, Bella :)
    **$5 for every LIKE giveaway** @ Bella Before and After
    **$200 SHOP till you DROP giveaway** @ Bella Before and After.

  3. Just gorgeous, love the measuring spoons!

  4. What a nice present !!!!...owww i love it !!!

  5. Any little cook would be thrilled to get this gift. I love that it is useful and fun and NOT electronic!
    xo Yvonne

  6. gorgeous.. what a wonderful gift!!!!
    Have a fantastic week.

  7. This is an AdOrAbLe gift! Love this idea ♥

  8. L-O-V-E this adorable gift. I am sooo copying it as a gift for my little niece and my granddaughter! As they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery! :o) However, I promise to give credit to you when I am given heaps of praise for such a darling gift.

  9. that is so sweet..wish I was on your gift list! Very nice...

  10. Such a sweet gift.... and the measuring spoons are simply adorable! Love the fabric... very cute!Perfect gift for a little chef. Thanks for sharing. Found you over at Wow Us Wednesday. ~Poppy

  11. What a wonderful gift! So much thought went into it. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

  12. The spoons are adorable!! Perfect for a little birthday girl!

  13. How adorable ! I have a grand daughter that is 8 , she would love this ! Great presentation !
    The Little Things

  14. This is a wonderful idea and makes a great present! Thanks for sharing!

  15. This is PRECIOUS! I know just the little girl that I want to give this too! Thanks so much for linking it up to the Tuesday To Do Party! Can't wait to see what you've been up to this week!

  16. LOVE IT!! Do you by chance remember who the author is of the cookbook? I'm trying to find it to see what it is exactly...getting my daughter an easy bake for christmas along w/an apron & this would be perfect to go with it too!

  17. Anonymous, I found the cookbook at TJMaxx and I don't remember the author. I tried to google the title and look on Amazon, but no luck finding this exact one. There were many similar ones at Amazon, but be sure to check TJMaxx, too. Good luck!

  18. So cute!!! Do you know if there is one available for boys??
