Monday, August 29, 2011

Barbra Streisand and Me

 Barbra Streisand chose a picture taken from my blog for her new album, "What Matters Most."
She sings the lyrics of Alan and Marilyn Bergman and my photo is in the insert of the CD.
Some of you might remember the image from Christmas last year as part of my post, Three Pixie Lane at Home.

I am so excited that this little act of grace came from this blog!  My husband has remarked many times that I pour a lot into this blog, but don't make any money!
I was contacted in May by Ms. Streisand's long-time producer Jay Landers and asked if they could use the photo above for the insert of her new album.  Naturally, I was suspect and needed lots of information, as it sounded like a hoax!  My bible study was being held at the time that I was contacted, and everyone in my group thought it was certainly a joke!  At that point, I vowed to keep it quiet, as he well could have been an imposter.  I asked for his CV and this is what he sent me (Jay Landers Bio.)   (I am thinking that someone has stolen his identity, but I follow up anyway.)  In addition, to all my suspicion, I was asked to name my price for the photo.  Now, I am not saying that it wasn't a good choice for them to choose, but I just figured they could easily reproduce it!  I came up with fifty dollars.  Needless to say, I never had to give a price.  They made me a generous offer!  They also asked for my CV, my list of clients, my advertisements in the yellow pages, my business cards and any locations that my work has been shown.  My answer to the executor at Sony was, "I am just a mom, who has a blog and your people found this picture from a photo search engine.  I don't have any of the things you requested!"

Mr. Landers told me that when he went searching for an image, he typed in 'black piano with silver frames' and my image popped up.  He took this to Barbra Streisand and asked her if it was the sentiment she wanted to portray.  She said, "Yes, but I want that exact photo."  With some handy Photoshop, they added her pictures in place of my family photos.

If you see the album, they even gave me a credit for the 'piano image!'

Of course, I wanted to share all of this with you!  But, after my initial ridicule (understandably so!) I decided to wait until I received the album and the check!  I have asked for an autograph and hope that I will get one!

Somehow, this makes me feel like I did this for my mom.  The photo display was a rememberance of her...of family.  I know she would be proud!

I hope this encourages all of you!  You never know who is watching!

Thank you to all of you who support me over here at Three Pixie Lane and thank you for sharing in my joy!


  1. Christi, this is an amazing story. I'm so happy for you! What an honor. I'm here to say I'm a fan of Barbra Streisand and Christie @ Three Pixie Lane.

  2. Congratulations, Christie! Isn't it wonderful to have such a compliment and from Ms. Streisand, no less. You are so much more than "just a Mom"! Bask in the glow and enjoy, V

  3. Wow! What a neat thing to have happen! That's really exciting! Congratulations!

  4. That is the most amazing thing ever! Congratulations to you. How special that your photo turned up and now it will be 'famous' on Barbara's album. Your blog and photos are beautiful so you deserve this! Blessings, Pamela

  5. What a cool achievement! Congratulations!!!!!

  6. How awesome! I'm very proud of you too--your photo is absolutely beautiful and who wouldn't want to duplicate that. Congratulations! Patty

  7. Well, Christie, how odd it that and how wonderful. Congrats. What an honor to have them use your photo for her album. I would have thought that was a hoax, too.

  8. so happy for you, christie. what a surprise that must have been!

    it turned out beautifully.


  9. This is such a wonderful story! I love it and well deserved. I enjoy your blog so much. (

  10. Oh my exciting!! I adore Barbra Streisand. I got her book for Christmas and it is lovely to go through. Your mom would indeed be so proud!!

  11. How did you come by the picture?

  12. How wonderful for you!! I would be so excited too!!

  13. woaaaaa...that is really awesome!!! Congrats!

  14. I love this "just a mom" story!

  15. What a great story! And what an honor, Barbra is recreating this special family display of your family to represent "What Matters Most", that is indicative you have what matters most right there on your piano. How lovely! Best,

  16. How cool is that? Congratulations. Your right. You just never know.

  17. Woo hoo!!! I am so excited that this is really coming to fruition my friend!!! This is just beyond imagination and I'm so happy for you and think that it is extra special that you are honoring your mom through this. Words cannot express how incredible I think this is! :-)
    Blessings to you,

  18. Wowie Zowie! you must be thrilled!!! What an exciting thing to have happen... so happy for you!

  19. Yay! "Just a mom", you made it! I'm happy for you. This makes me think that maybe some day all of us bloggers may be rewarded for our hard work. Thanks for sharing!

  20. How exciting!!! Congratulations! I'll bet this is just the beginning! It's true though---you never know who is watching. I like to comment on a lot of blogs because I like people to know that I'm reading what they wrote. I know my blog is small now (therefore I don't get a whole lot of comments) so I'm always surprised when I see someone somewhere that I haven't seen in awhile and they say--"I love your blog and read it all the time!" I'm like, "make yourself known!" (except I don't say that!) Haha! Blogs are a funny thing---you just never really know who your audience is. In your case--it turns out it was awesome!!


  21. Wow! How exciting and wonderful! That is a wonderful snap of yours and it looks great used by Barbara!
    I'm just so thrilled for you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. That is seriously unbelievable! What a fun thing to have happen!

  23. That is so awesome as is your blog - LOVE it! Be blessed :)

  24. That is so fun -- you never know where a blog will take you! Congrats! Joni

  25. Hi Christie,

    Congratulations!! Good for you! What a perfect title "What Matters Most"! Your family must be so proud of you!
    You have a natural eye for style!
    All the Best,

  26. Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog! :) I'd love to know the food blogs I can link up to-Thanks!!!


  27. A lovely photo and such an amazing story! Congratulations to you!!

  28. How exciting for you! I would have been suspicious too.

  29. Wow! How exciting! Congratulations and I can see why they would want to use the photo. Barbra Streisand...just wow! =D

  30. How cool is that! Congratulations! By the way, it is a beautiful picture. I'm sure your mom is proud.

  31. SO SO AMAZING! happy for you, you deserve it...xo

  32. WOW!! I am a HUGE Barbra Streisand fan, so imagine my excitement when I read your blog!! Congratulations on such and awesome adventure!!

  33. What an extraordinary story. Wonderful!

  34. wow...this is so cool! what a memory and just a plain old fun thing. congrats!!

  35. So, we never know who's watching our ladies...make your pictures clear, and type without missed spelled Streisand is one of my favs from my school years..."The Way We Were" was my high school senior theme song....Mel's Designs from the Cabin....Mel

  36. Absolutely fabulous! I plan to buy her new CD... I think I need YOUR autograph inside my cover. Congratulations!!!!

  37. I love this story..I love that you say it's for your mom:) It's amazing how it happened..
    Imagine that!
    I've missed my mom so much throughout my life..I would have thought your thought too.
    Love Barbara Streisand..
    It's great they contacted you and did things correctly:)
    I am not surprised.
    Your photos is great and they did a super job w/ photoshop.
    She's just terrific.
    In awe..always when I hear or see her.

  38. How exciting is that?!! It must be fun to make those calls and connect the "star world" with the "normal world" and even more fun to be you, receiving the call! You deserve this, your blog and photographs are wonderful! Happy dance! Janel from Seven Sisters

  39. This is so exciting! I am so happy for you. This makes me want to buy her CD, even though I haven't bought one in years. I have always loved Barbara Streisand and this proves that she and her associates have integrity.

  40. what a fun story! you've encouraged me to continue writing...cuz ya never know! I've been busy this summer and slow to do posting...this is an inspiration....

  41. How exciting and inspiring!
    Congratulations Christie...I am a big Barbra fan and will definitely have to get this cd now!

  42. Congrats!! I agree with the others. Much more than j
    "Just a mom"!
    Also, how wonderful they contacted you instead of just borrowing!
    Let the Sun shine in!!

  43. Congratulations! I guess we never know who is looking at our pages and what fabulous leads they might bring. That's most definitely a fabulous story! PS--you're sweet picnic tin is featured this week on my Share the Love Wednesday link party. Hope you'll be back this week!

  44. Wow, congratulations! I can understand your initial surprise and doubt, but such a priviledge. It must have been a sweet surprise to receive the cd.

  45. So happy for you! Raising my glass of sweet tea to you in a toast! Cheers!

  46. NO WAAAYYYYYY! That is the most amazing thing that could happen! And I totally laughed at your skepticism. I would have been exactly the same way! And I have to say...thank you for finding me so I could find YOU. Your blog is so delightful and wonderful. :) Can't tell you how happy I am to make a new friend! Hugs!

  47. ...too, TOO MUCH! I especially like the "life lesson" here. I shared it with my husband and offered to condense the story for him to use in his sermon -- maybe this week!

  48. You are so lucky and what a great story to have and share..

  49. Christie - AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWESOME! I'm so excited for you! It's not just THAT your photo was's for whom it was used! She's THE American female voice. There's never been better.

  50. Congratulations! What a proud and happy moment. I actually saw Barbra on tv advertising her album and "the picture" was shown. You make all moms proud!

  51. Oh my goodness!!! That is one of those "thrill of a lifetime" kind of experiences! Good for you! (I hope you get that autograph too ... she is certainly a legend of our time!) WOW!

  52. Been so much fun laughing about this and having fun with it over our phone conversations! Love you much, L.

    P.S I think you should buy the bike with the money! You'll always remember this fun story when you look at it!

  53. This is so, so neat!!! Congrats and thanks for sharing your story with us. Kelly

  54. very cool, but I must say, I like your photos much better!

  55. That is cooler than cool. It doesn't get any better than Barbra Streisand. Congratulations!

  56. WOW!!!! What an amazing thing to have happen for you!
    I am in AWE of Barbra Streisand! BARBRA STREISAND!!!! She is the most amazing performer of this millennium. THE Living Legend!!
    ...And To select your beautiful work is such a compliment!!
    CONGRATULATIONS Christie!!!!!!!!

  57. What a fabulous story! Congratulations!

  58. This is such an amazing story! I love that the display was done as a remembrance for your mom. I'm so sorry for your loss. Then something beautiful comes out of it. Thank you for sharing!

  59. I love this. It just goes to show that you never know who's watching - or reading!

  60. Christie,

    That is an amazing beautiful story! It is a wonderful thing to happen and gives you a lovely rememberance of your family.

