Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Over the Hills and Through the Woods...

...I went snappin' photos!  This statue in my neighbor's yard usually holds a bouquet of flowers...not on this cold, wintry day.
Who doesn't love a magnolia tree?  It is quintessentially 'southern'....not on this snowy day.
Where do the birds go when it rains or snows?  I miss seeing all the pretty birds and hearing them sing!
My neighbor's lamp posts are just begging to be undressed from the Christmas festivities!
Even the toys seem to beg to be played with on a chilly, snowy day!
We are not used to this type of weather in South Carolina!  My husband brought home this old sled from his parent's house just the day before the snow fell!  The usual form of sledding has been with a garbage lid or a lid from the Christmas decoration containers!  I am sure not to lose a sock monkey, a zebra or
Polar bear in this white out (all hats courtesy of Grandma!)
We call it 'Sledding...Southern Style!"  Okay, so some might call it redneck style!  Either way, we had a ball playing in the new found winter wonderland!  So many new things to do and see!
A garbage lid works just fine!
There isn't anywhere to sled right around our house, so "we walked for miles in the snow over the hills to the school house!"  That's a bit of an exaggeration, but it sounded just like something my Granny would have said (and it would have been true!)  I realized after our little trek up the road to go sledding that my kids need to toughen up a bit! 
Toby was in his element!  He grew up in the snowy parts of Pennsylvania.  We are glad he felt right at home!

My husband gave me a new camera for Christmas and I haven't had a chance to play around with it!  The beautiful snow seemed like the perfect chance to test it out!  I don't have a clue what I am doing, but love looking around for odd objects to snap and certainly my children stand in as models!  I am scouring the blogs for great photo tips.  Please share any tips or blogs with tips on photography!

After one day of the beautiful snow, I am longing for spring!  It is nothing but ice today, so we are cleaning out toys, toys, and more toys and clothes!  Children grow too fast!


  1. Christie, those are some wonderful shots! They right from the pages of a book, and I particularly loved the ones of your family and that beautiful dog. Thanks for sharing. I actually found myself wanting to climb on that sled with them... well, almost! ;-)

    Stay warm...


    Sheila :-)

  2. Congrats - you've been awarded the stylish blogger award! Come check it out: http://designingdomesticity.blogspot.com/2011/01/stylish-blogger-award.html

  3. It looks like your kids and Toby had a ball in the snow! Those hats are adorable! Are those handmade by "Grandma"? Your photos are beautiful. You are learning quickly with that new camera. How fun! Stay warm!

  4. Christie, great winter shots and the kids look like they are having a blast redneck sled and all.

  5. Great pictures !! ...your dog is amazing !!! ....love Ria...xxx...

  6. And yous kids are so so so so sweeties !!!........

  7. The monkey hat is adorable..my grandsons have similar ones to your other ones..but never seen the sock monkey~:) Lovely photos..as always.

  8. What do you call it when you go sledding on a piece of cardboard wrapped with garbage bags? I'm not saying we have done that or anything! LOL! The pics are all beautiful and I just wish my kiddos could come on over and join yours in the fun! :-)
    Stay toasty and warm!

  9. Enjoyed looking at your pictures. It looked like so much fun. You might like to check out Karli over at The Bonnie 5. She always explains her great shots.

  10. The Bonnie 5 link is http://thebonnie5.blogspot.com/

  11. LOVE love love the kids hats! What a wonderfully fun day for all!

  12. We are snowed in here too! Looking forward to going sledding tomorrow. Looks like you guys are having a blast!!

  13. What beautiful pictures! And here in PA, we are hardly getting any snow. Can you believe it?
    Toby is darling.

  14. Looks like you are doing a great job with your new camera. Great pictures.


  15. Oh my goodness, these pictures are fantastic! Truly! You have a great eye, and your composition is wonderful. I just got your sweet comment - wow! How nice of you. Thank you so much for stopping by & it's great to e-meet you! Have a wonderful evening. :-)

  16. Gosh.. thats a lot of snow!! Looks lovely in the photographs though... Saying that.. we here in Dubai.. havent even had our first rains.. The weather is better.. but definitely not wintery... not anywhere close to your winter :-(

  17. Looks like the kids are having a wonderful time! Remember the scene in It's a Wonderful Life when the kids were sledding on shovels?!!

  18. Great pictures! I love your kids' hats!

  19. Looks like Ohio! Although, we have had about 8 inches...Love their hats!

  20. Oooh; a new camera. What kind did you get? I'm in the market, but am overwhelmed when I look, because there are sooo many to choose from.

    Grandma did a great job with the hats. They are adorable. Especially on these adorable models! ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  21. I never thought that I'd say this, but I'm so jealous of the snow that you got in South Carolina! We barely got any in Northern VA.
