Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Burden-Bearer

Do you ever feel like this donkey?  This sure does make me laugh!
Or how about this woman?  I am not only amazed at the load she is carrying, but the fact that she is carrying it across a rickety bridge in flip flops!  I imagine that she does this everyday without grumbling or complaining.

I looked up these pictures on bing, not because I feel like the donkey or this woman, but because I am ashamed that I complain when I have a small load of troubles and find myself grumbling!
Over the holidays, there were many unexpected events that were out of anyone's control.  The problem is not the fact that we were sick or the unforeseen circumstances, but more the fact that I grumbled, because my Christmas wasn't as I had planned.
I have a small devotion book called, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  The first few devotions for 2011 have been about being thankful always and finding rest and peace in Him.  How often I am looking for peace in my circumstances and when the circumstances fail, I grumble!  I need to seek my peace and rest in Him.  I need to have a heart of gratitude always to the One who provides so many blessings!

Do not be weighed down with problems and unresolved issues, for I am your burden-bearer.  In the world you have trials and distress, but don't let them get you down.  I have conquered the world...
        ~Jesus Calling

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world." 
 ~John 16:33

I pray that you and I will be able to look past our circumstances, good or bad, and see the face of Christ.

Note: This is a great little devotion book, if you are looking for one to start the New Year!  Even if you don't know Jesus Christ, (as I didn't for 20 years of my life!) this little book speaks such truth and will meet you right where you are!  I encourage you to look up the scriptures that Ms. Young provides at the bottom of each devotion. 


  1. Home sick from church this morning and your post was JUST the sermon I needed. A wonderful reminder that our rest is in HIM.


  2. Hi there,
    I needed this so much...I too felt this way over the CHRISTmas holiday. I want to be thankful always and to never loose sight of that. I am a small shop/vendor owner and have started a new flour sack towel line called "clean on the word" it is small inspirational verses that are simple and up lifting...doing this line has made me feel on top of the world as I am thankful that we live here in America where we can choose to praise our Lord. I hope your weekend has been great.


  3. He is our Burden Bearer! And a heart full of gratitude is one of the greatest blessings.
    Wonderful post - thank you for sharing this wonderful truth.

  4. What a great reminder!

    Thank you.


  5. The pictures bought tears to my eyes. A great reminder to be thankful for all the things we have!

  6. You know I really needed that right now, I was also very sick over Christmas and not very "pleasant". Now, I am sitting here with a scratchy throat, headache and chills, you guessed it I am feeling sorry for myself? "Not again" my mind is saying, "Why are you always the one to sick?" Now mind you, it is not that I want anyone else to feel sick, I just don't want to be sick.
    I just really wanted to work on a project today:(
    Thanks for the encouragement.

  7. This was perfect timing for me to read! I feel like the donkey right now....

    What a great post, thank you!


  8. This is a wonderful post! Thank you! We too were sick during the full two weeks of Christmas and had other unexpected surprises! It's wonderful that we have our Savior who carries our burdens, if we'll only just be humble enough to ask him in prayer!

  9. great post and great pictures for the application!

  10. I think we do find ourselves complaining about things that have no right being complained about...i've been trying to take these moments myself~! thank you!

  11. Hey! Just had to come over and tell you that I finally got my very own copy of Jesus Calling and thought of you as I was picking it up for the first time tonight! :-) I got the Journaling version and I think I am going to like having that little extra space to jot down any thoughts about what I am hearing/learning. Thanks so much for telling me about it and for sharing your heart for the Lord and what He is teaching you with all of us!

  12. I really needed to hear this today. Good timing for me, as well. Thank you for your lovely post!

  13. Thanks for the reminder about putting our problems and issues into perspective. And for the reminder, that no matter how big or small the problem, Jesus is abiding with us and giving us strength and the Spirit will give us wisdom. All we have to do is listen, trust, obey.
    Happy 2011.

  14. Thanks for sharing this, Christie! It is so easy to get caught up in our daily cares that our perspective becomes clouded, at times. We must not forget to cast our cares upon Him, because He cares so deeply for us and wants to help carry our load (burden).

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
