Monday, December 13, 2010

A Christmas Gift Card Holder

I am not very good with tutorials, but this is so simple and cute to package a gift card for teachers or friends.

Materials needed:
Sheet music or other decorative paper to make cone and to shred
Hot glue gun
Decorative fringe or glitter (this fringe is from Target)
Small ornament (or make your own)
Hole puncher
Twine or wire

Roll the cone and secure with glue.  Cut the top angle off.  Add decorative fringe or glitter to the top.
Punch holes in either side for wire or twine.  Attach a cute ornament or make your own.  Place shredded paper in the cone and put gift card on top!  This makes an impersonal gift a bit more personal!  

Merry Christmas!

I am linking to these sites!


  1. So cool! Love it. I love anything with sheet music, I think.

  2. Christie, what a darling idea!! I'm putting this one in my "idea file" for later!Thanks!!
    Carol in GA

  3. what a perfect project for my girls! guess what we're doing this weekend...!!! thanks for sharing - LOVE this idea!

  4. Such a pretty home! Putting you on my sidebar.
    Merry Christmas!

  5. That is very cute and so simple to do. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed Christmas!

  6. What a fun way to give a gift card!. The sheet music and glittery silver are pretty together. Thanks for the idea!

  7. Charming idea! I actually think I could handle this one! Happy Holidays! :0

  8. What a cute idea. Great job. Thanks for sharing!

  9. This is gorgeous! Giving gift cards is boring, but at least you made it fun with a pretty package!

  10. Hey! It is really amazing how something so adorable can be so elegant at the same time. I could totally see that attached to a present or a whole bunch of them hanging from a tree. You are always coming up with the best things! How is everything going lately? Are you feeling swamped? I hope you are getting some moments of pause and peace during the hectic season we are in! :-)
    Blessings to you my friend,

  11. I agree with Vanessa. These paper cones look so sophisticated. Great gift ideas.

  12. this is terrific idea!!!
    really inspiring, thanks

  13. Very pretty. I make those cones also but I actually buy a paper mache cone and cover it with paper and decorate it. More to hold candy or such so it is sturdier. I love this idea for gift cards..thanks for sharing.

  14. Christmas day is only waste of money.But cards holder is very help full for your neat and clean cards.

  15. What a great idea. I must try to make Plastic Card Holders like this. Thanks for sharing.
