Monday, December 13, 2010

I made a snowman and my brother knocked it down and I knocked my brother down and then we had tea. ~Dylan Thomas

 Christmas Past at The Old Mast General Store, Boone, NC


  1. That is hilarious Christie! Your kiddos are too cute! :-) Also wanted to tell you that I loved your last post. It was so meaningful and I too get choked up hearing that song. Also the one Steven Curtis Chapman sings calls "All I really want for Christmas" about a child waiting to be adopted. Makes me tear up just thinking about it!
    Blessings to you this week,

  2. absolutely adorable! (the truck, too)!

  3. Absolutely adorable!!! ;)Hugs,Rachel

    *French Farmhouse 425*

  4. What a fantastic photo - the PERFECT Christmas Card photo.

    Thanks so much for stopping by to say hi and leave me the info on the camera. I do research, but the more I research the more confused I get.:) Like now, I'm trying to decide on whether to buy a Kindle or The Nook. After I read reviews on the things, I always think I should not buy any of the products. So thank you very much for giving me your personal experience with your camera. I think you take awesome photos.

    Happy Week!


  5. That is a wonderful photo and I was thinking the same thing....the perfect Christmas card.

  6. What a darling photo...send some of that snow my way!

  7. I'm in love with your blog because I'm Swedish....... ;)

    I have taken me the liberty to show some of your lovely pictures on my Wabi & Sabi blog, and....... of course, I will tell my friend how to find the way to your 'treasure chest' to the blog.

    If you don't like......please let me know, then I will remove the post from my blog immediately.

    By the way,,,, I'll also add your darlingl blog to my favorites list, ok? Yes yes yes, your blog is a Rolls Royce, one of the best I have seen for a long time.

    Peace & Love from Agneta & Sweden
