Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just a Few Things...

I love these 'JOY' boxwood letters tucked into this old Jell-O box.  They would be cute displayed on a mantel or hanging on a wall with some pretty ribbon!
The letters for my 'NOEL' sold, so we used these finds to spell "Jolly."  The spigot handle is my favorite and the finials add a nice touch.
These handcrafted cedar birdhouses and feeders are made by a girl just up the street.  She cuts the wood and sands it to perfection.  They are adorable and I want every single one that she makes!  This one is my favorite with the little birdhouse hanging in front!  Such talent and crafstmanship she has!  I sold one as I was walking in the store with them!

Yesterday was my birthday and my friend gave me this beautiful sign that she distressed and painted!  I just love it!  Around the beginning of school, we had picked a verse for our family to memorize.  We chose, "Act Justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God." ~ Micah 6:8 
Now I just have to find the perfect spot for it!


  1. I love the JOLLY... how creative! I'll have to be on the lookout for items to use as letters!

  2. ~*LOVE those Christmas goodies!!!Such a unique idea!! Hugs, Rachel~*~*

  3. Hi Christie....nice your joy letters !! and so cute that little bird house !! .......lovely day Ria...

  4. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND!!! If I lived closer I would have come and taken you out for lunch! I can't make signs but I can treat you to a meal! :-) I absolutely love those boxwood it real boxwood or faux...I want them in my house! I have 3 windows in my family room that they would look so darling hanging in front of. How long do you think it would take me to drive there to buy them from you? :-)
    You are doing so many neat things and I can't wait to see what you will have in store for us next time!

  5. I have those JOY letters thanks for the idea..I have an old crate too..Hmm..let's see.:)

  6. Happy B-Day and congrats! It sounds like you're having fun with the store:@)

  7. The verse on that sign is one of my favorite "life" verses. I really love your sign.

    And I think your whimsical way of spelling things out with other items is so cute. I had to stop for a minute to find the joy, but then I found it.

    Ha!I didn't mean to type that the way it came out, but I guess it's a little life truth inspired by this post.

    Great one!

  8. I love it all! Especially the verse sign. And, that is a great life verse. Can you imagine how different our world would be if everyone obeyed this verse?

  9. Happy Happy Birthday!!!! I love the sign your friends gave you. What a thoughtful gift and a wonderful reminder!!!!
    I always come to your blog and leave so happy and inspired.
    I am having a HUGE giveaway... come and enter!!!!
    xo Yvonne

  10. Happy Birthday, love the scripture, and God bless the store!

  11. Happy Birthday Christie(we are 11 days apart, more in common!!!)!!! Sounds like things are going well:)

  12. Beautiful, Love the sign, love your words spelled out- everything looks great!

  13. Happy belated birthday, Christie! The gifted sign is terrific.

    More lovelies for the shop I see. Wow! I'm definitely going to have to make the time to come visit. Everything is just fabulous.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  14. Love the Jolly sign! Thanks for joining Junkin Finds Friday!

  15. Love words spelled out with found objects - cute!


  16. Well Happy Birthday! Those boxwood letters in the old box are adorable. Very cute.

  17. LOVE the "jolly" sign, too clever! What an awesome and thoughtful gift, wonderful words to live by. Have a beauty filled weekend.

  18. I do like the Jello box...the letters look great in it.

  19. What a great post friend!! I LOVE the JOLLY!!! Thanks for sharing, I'm visiting from Common Ground & I love your blog!

  20. Happy belated Birthday! LOVE the sign you were given for your bday. Perfect words to live by. We started our Monday linky party and we'll do it every Monday so hope you can link up!
