Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Remodelholic Feature!

I received a really nice feature over at Remodelholic for the post Dining Out...Outside!  Thank you so much for the full display!  It has turned a bit cold, but I am already yearning for the warmer days to dine outside again!  Thank you!


  1. Wonderful inspiration....love the bright colored utensils :o)

  2. a just gorgeous outdoor space!!

    I found a Johnson plate in the cupboard,I had after looking at your blog the other day with the harvest set, sadly I only have one plate left, but have looked on ebay and there are more which I may add to! thanks for the inspiration!ps my johnson late looks so much like yours but its called Devonshire.

  3. Your outdoors are lovely..

    We in Dubai.. would do anything for the slightly cold weather.. So I totally envy you.. :-)

  4. The letters that spell JOY is my favorite. Love that idea.
