Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. ~Stanley Horowitz

On a morning hike, I found this little spot with some beautiful outdoor furniture. 
The beautiful Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC is a massive edifice built in 1913 by just 400 men.  It was completed in just one year. 
Some little pumpkins with tape faces greeted me on this morning adventure...clever.
This little structure sits at the entrance and shows the intricate stone detail, as well as, the clay shingles. 

These lovely windows are often open to let in the wonderful mountain fresh air.  I can barely process the stacking of these stones to build the Inn.  The stones are so massive.

These fern fronds caught my eye.  Aren't they odd, but lovely?
After a little hike, we spent the rest of the afternoon at the spa.  We tried to soak in every minute of this special treat! 
A large cart sits at the front entrance waiting to provide fire wood to the massive fireplace.
These lonely rockers will be full as the sun sets and folks gather around the fireplace for a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.
A beautiful view of the mountains and of Asheville can be seen from the veranda.
The hotel is wonderfully built and furnished in the American Arts and Crafts style.  This book shelf is a fine example.
I came across this little cottage in the woods.  Doesn't it look like 'Hansel and Gretel' will walk out any minute?
I found this trail and followed it...the thought crossed my mind to leave a trail of crackers!

I came upon some meandering creeks...
...and some turkeys!  It was a good thing they knew that I was shootin' with a camera!  They weren't afraid at all; hungry, I guess.  I think they wish that I had left a trail of crackers!
Another path brought me...

...to this spot with some incredible outdoor art.  This dahlia had a price tag of $25,000.  WOW.  You can see how imposing it is compared to the house in the background.
The grounds of the Biltmore House are magnificent.  This is a lovely rural pasture.  We didn't allow for enough time to play in this 8,000 acre backyard!  We were late for dinner.

Out of the rural pastures and rolling hills appears the grand Inn at Biltmore Estate.  As impressive as it is, it is nothing compared to its neighbor, the Biltmore House.  The Biltmore Estate, completed in 1895 is the largest privately owned residence in the United States.  The home, the grounds and the lovely gardens are something to marvel!

The Biltmore House, George Vanderbilt's vacation home was modeled after three chateaux built in 16th-century France.  His grandchildren still live in the area. 
The next day, I put on my hiking shoes again, but this time to scour the antique malls!  The Tobacco Barn is one of my favorites!  From talking to the locals, I found other great flea markets and even a few great yard sales!
I took a break and sat outside at Chelsea's Tea House.  This is my favorite little place in the world...well, one of them!  I ate here both days and had the same meal...tarragon chicken salad, dill pasta salad, fruit salad and butternut squash quiche.  It is another 'must see' if you visit Asheville and you love tea!  I purchased their apricot tea leaves to bring home (I don't drink coffee!)
 My husband, Rob has a meeting in Asheville once a year. What a timely escape!  We took the children to their grandparents and slipped away for a moutain retreat.  Poor Rob had to sit in meetings most of the trip, so I enjoyed the quiet walks and strolls through town all by myself!  These moments are far and few between, so I relished every minute! 

Note:  All photos are mine, except for the two marked with 'source.'  I wasn't allowed to take the camera into the spa and it started to rain when we toured the Biltmore Estate! 


  1. Oooh. Just lovely scenery. Now I want to go away on a mountain retreat.

  2. My husband's name is Robb too but with the extra 'b'! I'm glad you got this escape and hope it was refreshing and renewing. I've always wanted to visit the Biltmore Estate and now I'm adding Grove Park Inn to my list of places to see! Beautiful!

  3. Oh, wow! What an incredible place. I so much enjoyed the pictures and reading about it.

  4. Beautiful photos and it looks like a great trip. My son and DIL were married at Grove park Inn. What a gorgeous place and the staff was wonderful!

  5. What a beautiful tour of a gorgeous area...thank you for taking us along with this post!!! This is now on my list to see!!!

  6. Beautiful! I haven't been to Biltmore in a few years. We were just up in Blowing Rock this past weekend and the weather was lovely!

  7. This post just made my day! I absolutely love the quote and the photos are just stunning. I wish I had surroundings like this!

  8. Amazing pictures! You would not have been able to get me out of that Spa! Heavenly!

  9. I have never seen anything like that stone building ... and that spa! It looks like a truly amazing holiday :)

    Happy WW!

  10. What great pictures. Looks like a fab trip. Happy WW! Thanks so much for linkin up.

  11. I want to go there NOW! So beautiful...thanks for sharing!

  12. So beautiful....all those pictures !!! happy day darling......love Ria......

  13. Love the pile of pumpkins! I use to live in NC, but now I live out west. Thank you for reminding me how heavenly autumn is in the Smokey Mountains. *hugs*

  14. Fall is definitely here! Nice pics! :-)

  15. What a wonderful post....those were great shots...makes me long for a getaway somewhere interesting!

  16. Great shots!


  17. Thank you for sharing your adventure. I enjoyed it a lot. Now I want to go to somewhere, anywhere, and walk unknown paths. You've got a great eye with that camera of yours. :-)

    Su-sieee! Mac
    This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.

  18. Ohhhh - I want that wagon! It's fabulous.

    I hope you don't mind. I linked your post to my Porch and Garden Party at firstadream.blogspot.com.

    I keep finding the best posts on your site.

  19. I LOVE The Grove Park Inn! Fabulous from beginning to end!

  20. What a lovely place to visit! I have had several friends visit this lovely place- wish I could get up there - just haven't figured out how to sneak myself into their luggage!

  21. Between your pictures and my next door neighbors (who are from there), I can see that I need to make a trip to North Carolina!!! The tea shop looks really nice too. And I have wanted to see Biltmore for years. Now I just have to convince the husband.

  22. Oh what a wonderful tour! Grove Park looks like such a magical place. I've been to the Biltmore, and it is beautiful! Great photos of your trip. You've made me want to go back to Ashville. (you should work for their Chamber of Commerce!) thank you for linking this fun trip to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  23. It's been years since I visited Asheville...I always loved Chelsea's~ I'm glad to see it's still there!

  24. Oh, thank you for sharing these photos. I've been longing to return to Grove Park Inn and the Asheville area. This post gives me inspiration to get some plans made. ~ Sarah

  25. Just beautiful! Good for you to have some time to yourself to enjoy the surroundings!

  26. What a good eye you have...great job capturing textures. Fall is just the best time for lovely photos.

  27. We love the Biltmore and surrounding areas...what great photography too! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed my visit. Debbie

  28. A few years ago we stayed at the Biltmore hotel and visited Grove Park. But we didn't see the magnificent pool. We might have to make a trip back.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. I enjoyed looking. Makes me want to go. I will do some checking in to the Grove Park INN.
