Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ironstone from Staffordshire, England

I love to rummage through the antique malls and if time allows, I will make a list and come back another time to collect a few treasures from the past.  A '24 hour rule' is a good one for me to decrease impulse buying!
 On this trip to Sweeten Creek, I threw that plan out the window.
On my second day to Sweeten Creek Antiques, I gathered the few little things that I went back to get and as I was leaving the store, I noticed these plates on a bottom shelf of an old armoire.  I saw that the sticker read $30.  I kept looking, thinking it was just for the other sticker. 
 I flipped the plate over and saw that it was beautiful Staffordshire Ironstone.
The whole stack for $30?!  It just couldn't be!  Here is the best surprise of all...when I took it to the was 25% off...I got all 38 pieces for $22.50.
  I included the receipt, because I hardly believe it myself!  For the life of me, I can't figure out why she just didn't sell these on e-bay.  I went on e-bay and found three saucers, just the saucers, no cups for $11.  This impulse purchase was a good one! 
I couldn't find much on the web about these plates.  I will have to check the Library on English Ironstone.  There are no chips or cracks, but some crackle appearance inside the coffee cups.  If you have any info on this ironstone, please share!  Thanks!

I am joining


  1. Miss Mustard Seed just did a post on Ironstone. Marian is always super helpful if you have questions, and I believe she said she's been collecting for 8 years. She will probably be a great source for info!(you probably know, but mustardseedcreations)

  2. I absolutely LOVE those and would have snatched them right up too! When ya know, ya know. You know? :-) I agree about the impulse buying and the 24 hr. rule. If I am still thinking about it, it probably means it will be a good choice. Then you just hope it is still there!

  3. You go girl!!! That was a great buy!! And they match too! That's even better!

  4. Lucky You! I love it when I buy something and then find out it was a serendipitous purchase! Buyer's remorse is never a good thing! Buyer's happiness, always good!
    Lila Ferraro

  5. What a wonderful set at such a great price! I have never found Kensington ironstone, before, but there were almost 200 makers at one point, so that's not surprising. Your best bet is to look up the hallmark and you should be able to get an exact age of the set.

    Hooray for you!

  6. O.k. it is official. You make me sick!! Just kidding. Wow, you really hit the big one! Lucky lucky you.

  7. Wonderful find and lucky you that you hit it on a sales day to boot. Yipee!
    Love white iron stone. I passed up a tureen at GW because it was missing the lid. When I got home and realize that was absolutely dumb, it was of course gone when I went back. I obviously wasn't thinking clearly! ;-)

  8. White. Perfect. And the detail, so simple and sweet. Where else could you get such a deal. Great find.

  9. What a deal! That ironstone looks good with so many things! I think that china is very expensive to ship so selling it on ebay is difficult. Now, when are you going to show us the 30's beach chair from Florida??? Linda

  10. Wow! What an amazing find! Thanks for linking up. I love your blog!!!


  11. holy moly, what a great find!! visiting from tatertots & jello and think I will look around! :)

  12. Gorgeous! And such a great find! I've always used white plates for food. You'll LOVE them.


  13. Wow, I can't believe that price! This is so pretty!! I love the simplicty of white. And this has such a lovely edge.

  14. What a great find! 'Just the kind of bargains I like to get.

  15. This has to be the bargain of the year!
    How fabulous.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. What lovely dishes and you did get a great bargain on them! I would have snatched them up too.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Gorgeous and what a deal! I guess it pays to peek at the bottom shelf.

  18. Those are wonderful. What a deal too! I love the edging on them. Good thing you double checked on what was included. :)

  19. No Way Christie! I'm glad you showed the receipt, or I would have wondered if you were telling the truth! What a beautiful bargain! Thank you for linking it to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  20. Those dishes are beautiful!

  21. VERY lovely dishes, they'll match anything!

  22. What great dishes. You can't go wrong with white either. I often walk away from things I feel I want to buy and if they are still there a few days later then I was meant to have them. Often they're gone so it's out of my hands.

  23. That is smart shopping. I totally would have bought them! hugs♥olive

  24. That is a fabulous find! The dishes are beautiful and the price was too good to be true!

  25. Oh, Beautiful. I can never seem to pass up white ironstone!!!

  26. This is so beautiful and a steal to boot!

  27. I love ironstone with simple details and yours is perfect and a great price to boot!!!. Thanks for sharing. ~~Sherry~~

  28. What a great find! I love it when that happens. ♥ I've found that a lot of great stuff is for sale in the markets due to those not online at all..usually a fear of the computer.
    Lucky for you!! :0)

    I'm visiting for White Wednesday. I'd love for you to pop in for a visit. :0)

    Happy Day to You,
    Stephanie ♥

  29. I'm so jealous!! But so happy for you! I love ironstone! I lived in England for 4 years and my parents were big into antiques and it definitely rubbed off on me!

  30. What a deal girl.Isn't it great to find something like that for a bargain? seems like ironstone is making a come back, I mean lots of us blogers are posting ironstone.


  31. Absolutely beautiful!! Timeless class.
    I regretted paying $300 for my white Queen Anne set of 8 at William Sonoma. I should've waited & explore other alternatives. Enjoy :o)


  32. I was given a complete set almost 39 years ago as a wedding gift, and just recently was downsizing and put mine in a yard sale, keeping only a few serving pieces. How I wish I had kept them and given some other set away.
