Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Little Smile from God

"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.  Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.  Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.  Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."  Genesis 9:13-16 (NIV)
If you look very closely, you will see a double rainbow.  The second rainbow appeared just above the first with the colors in the reverse order!  On this particular day, I had been dealing with a tragedy.  This sweet little 'smile' from God above reminded me of His covenant.  Sometimes the difficulties of life can feel like a flood, coming all at once.  Sometimes we think we will never get through a season of trials.  My husband thought this was a promise from the Lord that He will take care of us and that this 'season' of pain will pass.  I found great peace in seeing this rainbow.  The covenant is a reminder that never again will a flood do such destruction, that the seasons will always come as expected and that a rainbow will be a sign that God keeps His promises.
Life can surely be difficult at times.  It is during these times that we must look for the rainbows.   


  1. Christy - first off, I think your blog is really good. I'm trying to write an e-course for newer bloggers with tips, writing prompts, creativity prompts, but it won't be ready for some time. It's a big job, what I've got planned, but keep an eye out. Oh, and I've not told anyone else on the blog-o-sphere about this because I'm still in the "writing in a notebook" planning stage, so it's a way off. Thant being said, if you need immediate tips, email me! Seriously! I'm always happy to help out a fellow blogger.

    xo Erin

  2. Christie, I am so sorry that you are dealing with a personal tragedy right now. I know we don't actually know each other but as Believers we are family and so please know that I will be praying for you and that even in the midst of it all you will sense God's presence very near to you. Just like the rainbow overhead reminding you that His promises never fail!
    May He bring you comfort and strength like you have never experienced before!

  3. Beautiful rainbow,................lovely week Ria........

  4. Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I was out blogging, and I came across your charming blog! You have some wonderful ideas and insights. When life becomes better, please feel free to stop by and visit my blog. I am new to blogging and would appreciate any advice! :)

  5. My husband and I were driving home in the rain today and were able to gaze upon double rainbows for at least 30 min. I thought of the same passage from the bible. God is good!
