Monday, September 6, 2010

A Vacation at Home

On this Labor Day weekend, we are having a quiet vacation at home to welcome fall.
My oldest daughter and I cleaned the dock and prepared it for a cozy evening...
...while the 'men' work on the tree house.
I gave this sign to my husband for Father's Day one year.  It welcomes the fishermen and boaters as they go by.
As the sun sets, the children go for a canoe ride...
...and I yell from here, "That is too far!  Come in closer!"
Rowing all in sync...
...and not so much in sync!
I grabbed the basket of food from the kitchen, that my daughter and I prepared earlier...
...while they float close enough for Rob to see.
The menu was roast beef subs, pasta salad, shrimp salad, fruit salad and tea for us and lemonade for the kids.
We had a shrimp boil the night before, so with the leftover shrimp, I made a salad.  I am not much of a cook, but this turned out pretty good!  I cut the shrimp into small pieces, added some red onion, boiled egg, celery, shredded carrots, salt and pepper, mayo and topped it with some cayenne pepper, dill and green onion.  Yum! 
Evening time on the lake is so beautiful...the sun sets in colors of yellow and orange, the boats meander by and all is quiet.
This old fishing basket holds my 'several days old' flowers from the Farmer's Market. 
A corner on the dock is ready for our meal.
The grain sack was purchased from a vendor in Charleston, SC.  I put two standard pillows inside to make the cushion and the bench is now comfortable.  The table runner was on clearance at the end of the season from Pottery Barn.  The large basket was made by a man in our town who crafts many different sizes of this basket.  It is very sturdy and finds many uses in our home!  The large burlap pillows were from Target a few years ago.  The quilt on the hammock was a gift from my mother-in-law.
A little fish hangs above the hammock.
We are now full, it is late and everyone is tired from the day of work and fun.  My daughter and I clean up.  These little containers for the salads are from World Market.  They have a fun, vintage look.
My husband sits for some much needed R&R... my two youngest children snuggle under the warm blanket. 
This was such a nice commitments!  We tinkered around the house and enjoyed the quiet evening, just the five of us.  I love the days that are unplanned and simple.  A vacation at home...hmmmm...turn off the TV, don't answer the phone and go outside...I think I might like more vacations like this! 

Welcome fall!

I am joining the CSI Fall Project Challenge!
...and celebrating with these great sites!


  1. OH! I so agree that those "stay"cations can be the best of all! We have had so much fun already together this weekend, but I would make an exception to come over to your house and eat some of that delicious food! :-) Have a great day!

  2. So pretty and such a perfect day. I love it. The menu sounds wonderful. The children all look like they had a wonderful day and your dock and the lake are just the most wonderful place to grow up and play. Love them on the hammock too. Best kind of vacation ever. Hugs, Marty

  3. I would never move from that spot on the hammock!!

  4. Everything looks wonderful!! Love the photos!

  5. Who needs to go away for a vacation when one lives on a beautiful lake. Your photos gave me a pang of envy for times once spent on the lake. Beautiful setting; beautiful family. Thanks for sharing. ~ Sarah

  6. This so brings back memories of my childhood at my grandparent's lake house. Relaxing. Sitting on the hammock. Running around til past dark. Ah.

  7. What a lovely day! We're having that kind of weekend as well, and it's a great way to keep your family connected.

  8. What a lovely day !! looks perfect !!!.......happy Ria...

  9. That looks so peaceful! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Looks like a heavenly day. What fun! I'm jealous of your lakeside living...:)

  11. Looks like you had the perfect day-enjoy:@)

  12. This looks like the perfect way to spend Labor Day. What a pretty setting.

  13. Oh, just hopped over from a stroll... Wonderful fun place.

  14. Oh I am so thrilled you linked this to TTT. This is one of my favorite posts ever. Just such a beautiful spot and such a great family day. Nothing in the world more perfect than that. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  15. What a wonderful sounding day! That is the exact type of day we had today-Puttering in our yard and garden! Delightful! I love the setting of your home-so peaceful and beautiful. You and your family are very lucky!

  16. Oh, my! what a wonderful time you all must have had! Gorgeous place, great looking food and precious little smiling faces! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Oh Christie, this looks just delightful! I love at home vacations, they are just the best all around vacation. No bags to pack, no flights to catch, no hotel rooms!
    If I lived right on that lake I'd be one happy, happy girl! You have a lovely piece of Paridise and the photos show it!
    Thank you so much for sharing,

  18. Oh I want to go on vacation with you guys, look at all the great food and lake..Just too pretty girl I love it...I hope you had a GREAT Labor day without the labor ha ha!! Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  19. How very wonderful and so yummy looking....thanks for sharing this special time......hugs...cleo

  20. What could be better than this??? Perfectly wonderful!!

    Susan and Bentley

  21. I had to smile at the pictures of the kids in the canoe!! Bliss!!! And your menu looks delicious. I think that someone that can come up with a salad out of leftover shrimp is quite talented!

    Love all of your neat cushions and pillows. And boy, do those kids look happy to sleep in that hammock. Great post!! :-)

    Happy TT Tuesday


  22. I just stumbled upon your blog. Wow! What a beautiful lake side dock you have! You all are making great memories with your kids. Great photos!

  23. What an awesome.. awesome day!! What a lovely way to spend it... I loved seeing this post.. and so truly cozy!! thanks for joining in.. Loved how you've make it look so gorgeous.. yet so cozy and warm... so much love!! :-)

  24. such a wonderful spot for staycation.

  25. what a marvelous looking home & family you have. the kids in the canoe photo is simply awesome, the shrimp salad is mouth-watering, and the hammock--oh, i wish i have one at home.:p

  26. Oh boy....I was so there with you all the time....great outing!! And excellent food.

    TREE Drifting Ashore at Sunrise

    Hope your Wednesday has treated you well and you can find time to visit with me...

  27. Beautiful day...loved your post :)

  28. It looks like a wonderful day! Good for you. :)

    My e-mail was down last night, but it's up and running again. Send me an e-mail and I'll reply about your veneer question.

  29. Looks like you all had a great time & the food certainly looks good! Love the smiles on those faces, too!!!

  30. I enjoyed everything you featured today. However, the quilt on the hammock caught my eye. I love it and would like to have one like it.

  31. Such lovely pictures. It all looks so idyllic! Very beautiful!

  32. I loved every minute of your pics! But I really just want to come fall asleep on that hammock! How cool!

  33. Wow - I'm trying not to be jealous! :) Your place is amazing and so picturesque. I love the meal you prepared for your family ... what a way to make them feel special.

  34. I love fun! Makes me wish the summer would last forever!

  35. Lazy days at the lake are the best! That last picture of your youngest two in that hammock is adorable :-)

  36. What a treat to see your family playing and relaxing together! I'm glad you're treasuring these days ... and sharing your centerpiece with us!

  37. That looks wonderful! Our weekend had a visit from Earl, so we could only watch the waves and not go in! Your kids are adorable!

  38. Looks like you had the perfect day. Isn't that summer in a nutshell?

  39. What a fun vacation! Wish I were there! You put so much thought and care into that wonderful meal, your family must feel so loved!

  40. Beautiful! I would be hard pressed to choose between your home and your vacation home. Lucky for you, you get to enjoy them both! Love your setting everything looks so delicious and inviting. I also adore that large basket, it's fantastic!

  41. You have the perfect house for a vacation at home! It looks like you are making a very happy family. I can just imagine floating in the canoe and having a wonderful picnic. Linda

  42. Looks like you had a really lovely day. Great photos of the lake and picnic foods! It all looks so delicious, makes me want to make a pasta salad today. Thanks for the recipe, instead of shrimp, I have Coho salmon to put in it. My hubby caught it on the coast of BC.
    Hugs, Cindy

  43. Christie, what marvelous memories you are making for your children! They will long remember enjoying supper on the dock. Everything looked just perfect for a festive outdoor meal!

  44. I see why you spent the holiday at home...what a beautiful and peacrful place to live...your children are all so cute! That shrimpsalad looks delish!!!


  45. This is my fav setting in whole TS this Thursday.

    Family gathers together live happily ever. I love to see the happy faces.

    So cute.

    Happy TS...

    Greetings from Stockholm,

  46. I would love to have you join me tomorrow over at our Sassy Sites blog party! It's our Feature YOU Friday! Come by and check it out! xoxo

    @ Sassy Sites!

  47. What a perfect day you had! Thank you for sharing with us.


  48. That hammock looks so inviting. I would want to stay home, too!
    I gave you an award today on my blog. :)

  49. It looks like you had a wonderful day! I would not go any where either if I lived where you do! What a wonderful place to raise a family! Your supper looked wonderful!

  50. Looks like a perfect peaceful day! Love those smiles in the hammock!

  51. Looks like a really fun time. Love your Lake picnic...the basket is gorgeous and love your food containers.

  52. Love this! I love how you nestled all of the containers in the basket and having the flowers in another basket; the drinks in the jars; and the barrell shaped jar. I love all of it!

    - The Tablescaper

  53. Oh, this is just wonderful! I can feel your happiness through your words and your photos. thanks for the smile.

  54. Completely idyllic and wonderful. I'd still be rocking gently in that hammock. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  55. I'm popping over from the blog hop on The Girl Creative Party Blog. I love all the pictures. It looks like the perfect relaxing weekend! :)

  56. Thanks for joining our blog hop over at Sassy Sites! There are some amazing blogs out there, and you are definetly one of them! I'm a follower of yours too! Happy Friday! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  57. What a lovely spot and your presentation of the food is just spectacular. I love the night time photos. How fun to be swinging in that hammock.

    Let me tell you, if that shrimp salad were in my fridge, I'd be out there getting a bowlful even though it is nearly midnight. I have never made my own shrimp salad but it sounds easy and I don't know why I never thought of it. Fun staycation.

  58. It looks so cozy and cute!!! I am now following you thanks to New Friends Friday and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog!
    Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday :)
    Plus, don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy HTML tutorials, you know where to come! Happy Friday!

  59. Well this was truly a heartwarming post! Looks like you had a wonderful day that your young family will always remember!

  60. looks wonderful!! I'd love to get out to a cottage for a weekend...maybe next summer!!

    here from boost my blog friday.

  61. Love your blog and your pictures.
    I am just visiting from New Friend Friday.
    Thanks for your post!

  62. Looks like a great staycation! Just doing some blog hoppin' and came to visit. Now following!



  63. My kind of day... Fun with the family in a great location with a fabulous view! Great presentation of your food and all the additional touches.

    ~ Tracy

  64. What an idyllic weekend you had. That's really one to treasure and since it's photographed you always can. The children look so happy it makes everyone looking at the post feel good.

    We have the sweetest Roxy bedding giveaway, $100 value and our Giveaway Friday! link up party. Please stop by. Jane F.

  65. Oh boy does this look good! What time is dinner? :)

  66. I want to visit!!! What a wonderful place to realax and rest! And make sweet memories.

  67. oh my gosh! Love that hammock! Looks like a great time!
    hopped over from tatertots and jello.
    have a great weekend!

  68. Stopping by to view this lovely post again. Just as wonderful the second time around!
    Have a great weekend. ~ Sarah

  69. I think I would choose to vacation at home if I had a spot like this. It looks magical! BTW, your daughter's room is beautiful.

  70. Oh Christie, I want to come live at your house! What a wonderful place for a picnic, and what a beautiful picnic you prepared. Of course, I would probably lay down on that wonderful hammock, cover myself with that beautiful quilt, and never get up! I've said it before, but I just love your style. Thank you for linking this delightful post to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  71. Me again! I just wanted to say that your children are adorable. They look like they belong in this picture perfect home on the picture perfect lake. laurie

  72. These are the days and moments that we want to "freeze"--thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us!

  73. Oh Wow, that looked like such a fun day.
    Loved that pic of your adorable children nestled in the hammock under the blankie.
    Dinner looks wonderful, perfect for a day outside. I love shrimp salad...... when I was a kid, and we lived in Key West, my Dad and step-mom had friends, and he was a shrimper, and his wife made the most amazing shrimp salad you have ever tasted. I would love to know what she put in it, but have tried to make it, and it comes out pretty good but seems like something is missing but don't know what it is. Just thought maybe lemon juice. I might try your recipe!!
    This was a lovely post and I enjoyed my visit very much. You keep having those wonderful days with your family, cause those kiddies grow up
    real fast!! Good for you hon!
    Blessings, Nellie

  74. Wow what amazing pics Christie!
    I love the lake, the hammock and that gorgeous quilt!
    And you have adorable children too!

  75. Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  76. This looks like an incredible picnic. It's just perfectly located and beautifully decorated.

    Hooked up with you at CSI.

  77. I just have to tell you I have featured your shed on my blog and your burlap table runner with a link back to your blog. I've enjoyed your blog today. I found you on Show and Tell Friday. Visit me at Mel's Cabin and enjoy a cup of coffee.

  78. Porch livin' - it doesn't get much better than that! I'm so thankful to have two porches from which to enjoy the beauty all around me.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  79. The food looks so good! Its great that you can have such a nice time right at home.
