Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Narrow Gate

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. ~ Matthew 7:13

On Friday, I took my four year old daughter to get four shots.  It was so sad to watch her sweet, little face distort with pain and tears.  I expressed to our pediatrician that I miss seeing him as much.  Now, that the children have grown, we just don't make such frequent visits.  His response was a reality check. 
He said that in the last several years, he has seen older children, ages 10, 11, and 12 coming more frequently because of anxiety, stress, eating disorders, attention disorders, and overall decreased self-esteem.  In my hope to avoid whatever is causing this, I questioned him.  In his opinion, children are not allowed to be children.  There is too much sensory overload with TV, computer, texting, cell phones, Facebook, Youtube, and the list goes on.  In addition, we, as a society feel the need to commit our children to every activity available.  
 Every bit of my job as a 'mom' should be to carefully consider what is best for my children.   Walking through the wide gate may look tempting and it may sound great, but is it best for my child and best for our family?  The narrow gate is a difficult choice and often inconvenient, but my children, all of our children, are so, so worth it.

Have a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend with your families!



  1. Such truth, sweet friend! We just watched the movie "Facing the Giants" this past Friday night as a family... great movie that always encourages me and makes me cry. They quote the narrow way passage from Matthew in the movie, and you are right, everything in this world wants to tell us the broad way is the most thrilling, easiest and most enriching for our lives. It is certainly deceit from the enemy. The narrow way, God's way (which can indeed look different from one family to the next, however never contradicts HIS word) is the way to a true life of peace, joy and blessing. His best is indeed better than anything this world has to offer!

  2. Christie, This is a VERY important lesson.Thank you for voicing it so well. God bless you and your little ones!

  3. Oh dear Christie this is so very well said my friend! I could not agree with you more!
    I was not blessed with children of my own to raise but it I had been this most certainly would have been my thought process no doubt!
    Great poast!

  4. Kudos to you...I agree with you and the Doc!!! Children need to be outside and growing in mind, body and spirit!!!

  5. That is the absolute truth right there! We just got back from a family walk through the woods and had such a great time of exploring and laughing and the freedom we felt was sweet and precious! My husband and I just had a conversation about school starting and the activities kicking in and how we need to guard and protect our family from overload so that we can have those precious times together! It does mean that we seem "different" to the world, but isn't that the point? Thanks for sharing your insight today!

  6. Christie, wise words here! I totally agree and have recently had this conversation with several friends. I work with young children, and I do think they are often missing the years of just being children. The creative play that was once the norm has been pushed aside for organized activities and electronic time. It's a shame! ~ Sarah

  7. Amen to that! I am a semi-retired high school teacher and I am also a mother of two. My daughter is 13 and my son is 10. They have heard about the problems I have had to deal with regarding kids whose parents have set no boundaries when it comes to the use of technology and thankfully they completely understand why they are not allowed to have a Facebook account or a computer in their bedroom and why they borrow a ratty old cell phone when they absolutely need to. Like Vanessa above said, we are "different" to so many other people because of our beliefs and values but I firmly believe we are strong and united family because of it.

    Sorry I have gone on so much in this comment but I just love reading posts written by like-minded people! Thank you!

    Best wishes,

    PS I am not too nasty by the way...they do each have a blog but I am a co-author and moderate their comments etc with them.

  8. OH!~and a BIG AMEN from me! YOU are a WISE mother!

  9. What an absolutely beautiful day (and beautiful blog). Thank you for your prayers, my new friend!

  10. So true, so true. We are our children s only advocate. They don't want things. They want us. They just want love. Thanks for the share.

  11. Wow....looks great!
    I love the food you chose too!
    Good job!

  12. Found your blog by following a photo on Pinterest. Lovely, lovely blog. Good insights.
