Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hey Buddy, Ol' Pal

My son Mason.  He is one special little guy.  I have learned recently that I cannot protect my children all the time.  I cannot control everything.  I have to trust the, trust, trust the Lord.  I sometimes find myself saying it over and over again.  Mason has more trust than I do.   He woke me early one morning to go on the porch for some time alone ('without my sisters' he says) and to do a devotion.  We sat down in the quiet morning and he told me to sit on the other side of the couch, because he had saved a seat for Jesus.  He loves to read the devotion to me...this is our little thing, just the two of us.  When he was finished, he put his arm up and around 'Someone' and said, "Hey Buddy, Ol' Pal!" to his 'imaginary' or not so imaginary Friend.
  I told Mason, to bow his head, so we could close in prayer, and he answered, "Mom, you don't have to bow your head, just talk to God.  He is right here."
I believed him. 
My prayer for my children is that when they have difficulties, they will depend on Him.  Mason has more trust than I do.  I am working on it.

 Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.  ~Psalm 9:10

Seek his face! Your face, Lord, I will seek.  ~Psalm 27:8 

Mason is 7 years old.  This picture was taken a month ago to witness our dear friend's 77 year old mother being baptized in the lake!  My kids wanted to know why they couldn't 'swim' with her!


  1. How sweet and such a great message. I hope he keeps the faith that he has now. Have a super day.

  2. A beautiful post! It is so true that our children have the ability to TRUST more than we adults do.


  3. Christie-What a special gift you are giving Mason! First, teaching him the habit of spending time with God and second, special time with you. This is a gift that will truly last a lifetime. He is darling and I love his name. It was my gr. grandmother's maiden name and I almost used it myself! I have never seen a real "river" baptism! I think it would be very powerful. Also, it looks like you had a magazine stylist for your apple post! I bookmarked the wassail recipe. Thanks for sharing all of this!

  4. Very sweet and moving post. Thanks for sharing.


  5. What a beautiful post! Such true words and faith in action. God bless your Mason!!! ANd bless you for sharing.
    I love the Bible verse. I praise God for His perfect faithfulness!
    Gail, at Faithfulness farm did a post today on the psalm, Great is Thy faithfulness... it must me a theme God wants me to hear!
    I always thoroughly enjoy my visits here!
    Love and blessings,

  6. Oh my this is just a wonderful post for today my friend! We could all take a lesson from Mason I think!

  7. OH~~~This touched my heart. What a true blessing.

  8. The faith of a child. There is nothing quite like it. They can teach us so much. Thank you for sharing your son with us. A lot of children have imaginary friends. His imaginary friend is real. That's fantastic.

  9. I just a the chance to read this post and it brings tears to my eyes. My family went through a tough situation when my daughter was younger and she had to spend time alone while I was at work. I remember a talk we had and I told her that this time alone was what Jesus needed, so he could spend time with her alone. I also explained that when she plays her piano that Jesus and her Grandpa were there sitting and listening!! What a joyous and peaceful feeling to know that He is with us all the time. Its nice to know that our kids make room on the couch or piano stool for our Lord, Jesus Christ!

  10. Aaah, the faith of little ones. If only we could see as they see, hear as they hear, believe as they believe. No wonder the Lord said we are to have faith as little children. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
