Sunday, September 26, 2010

The CSI Project Top 10!

When I jump for joy, my husband looks at me like I am crazy!  "What did you win?" he asks.  "My bee party was picked in the top 10 'Party Ideas' challenge!" I scream with excitement.  "So, what does that mean?"  he asks.  Seems he is looking for something tangible!  Well, it means all the hard work that we put into projects, someone thinks they're pretty cool!  That is reward enough for me!  You create something, you decorate for something special, you work hard at something and then what?  You share it with your family and friends, and then in blogland and you hope to inspire someone, in the same way that you are inspired!  As I sit here making a fool of myself, I knew you all would understand!
Thanks Shannon at the CSI Project!  If you want some great party inspiration, check out the 160 submissions (scroll down their site!)  There are so many great ideas to inspire you!


  1. Congratulations!!!! That is terrific. I would be excited too. Hugs, Marty

  2. Congratulations! I had to leave a comment because your husband's comment is EXACTLY like the comments I get from my husband. Your party was beautiful and deserved to be in the top ten!

  3. Absolutely Fabulous! I'm so excited for you. It is a deserving honor. Your party is darling! ~ Sarah

  4. Yea! You go girl. I would jumping for joy too. You have a great blog site. I love looking for what you are up to

  5. ha ha ha... thats so awesome.. that husbands are just made alaike!! They all think the same!! Mine would react just the same way!!

    Congrats.. its definitley well deserved.. Looks awesome!!

  6. I'm so proud of you... and not surprised a bit because you are so deserving. And yes, the bee party was truly delightful and creative in every way. I still laugh every time I think of little Anna entertaining herself with the lemonade... fill up the cup, pour it out! This honor sounds like the perfect reason to celebrate.
