Sunday, September 26, 2010

Apple Dip with Heath Bar Crunchies

Apple Dip
1/3 cup brown sugar
8 oz. cream cheese
1 tsp. vanilla
1 bag Heath Bar Crunchies
1/3 cup sugar
Apple Wedges

Combine both sugars and cream cheese.  Add vanilla and crunchies.  Let it sit for a few hours.  Serve with apple wedges!  This is so yummy! 

Recipe adapted from my sister!


  1. Looks and sounds delicious! Your photo is fabulous ~ Sarah

  2. Hi Christie! Ok, so I was already going to Wal-Mart tomorrow and now I just need to add these ingredients to my list! Heath is my all time favorite candy bar so this is totally making an appearance at my house this week! Also, congrats on your feature! I need to go back and look at that post, it looks so darling! And, I just had to say how much I appreciated your post about your son. As my own little guy is getting older and in school all day now, I am trying to purpose to carve out time for just the two of us. Thank you for reminding me just how critical it is!
    Sorry for the crazy long comment! :-)

  3. MMMM I will be making that for sure...and your photo is beautiful.

  4. Question: Did you use the big bag of health bar crumbles that is by where the chocolate chips are?

    This is mixed up right now in my kitchen just waiting on my kids to get off the bus ... yummy!

  5. Yes, this is the big bag of heath bar crunchies near the chocolate chips...I didn't have a full bag, so used what I had, but the recipe calls for a whole one! Enjoy!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog! Somedays I wonder if anyone is reading it, so I really appreciate you!:) Anyway, the apple dip looks fabulous! I will have to try this when I have friends for lunch. Your photo is great too!

  7. That looks so yummy! I am going to have to try some! My son would love it.

  8. OH MAN... why did I have to find this???? I'm "supposed" to be on a diet!!!!! ANYTHING with Heath bar HAS to be good!! Looks DELISH - my hips thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. This recipe sounds like it would be so yummy. I always like to include something different at Thanksgiving time so this may be the one. Thanks for sharing
