Friday, September 24, 2010

Apples, Hot Cider and More Apples

A lone apple acts as a paper weight for the napkins.
I pass a field every morning when walking my children to school.  These wildflowers (some might call weeds!) were so beautiful!  I had the mums, so stuck a few of those in the arrangement.  I hope these are still blooming in a month...
Some apple crate vintage labels help brighten up this beverage display.
Hot and Fruity Wassail will warm up the bones on a cool October evening.
I made a small pot to sample.
Another vintage label decorates the drink dispenser.  I love the color of the aqua blue and red!
Dish towels are the easiest and least expensive way to add color to a kitchen or any vignette.  Often, I am inspired by a simple dish towel!
A basket of cups is ready for guests.  I mixed ironstone and enamelware cups, white mugs and a few tin cups for the children.
Some cinnamon sticks are used to stir the cider.
Mason jars of candles and acorns will light up the evening night.
What do you do with all those apples? children got a special treat of candy apples on this day!  My husband will make dried apple rings for snacks with most of them!
I packaged some of the crisp, red apples with a vintage label and gave away!  Apples are yummy and make such beautiful displays!
Rob's brother is getting married!  We are throwing a shower for the happy couple in one month.  I am working on some different ideas to see what will work for a late October evening.  The hot cider station will be outside near the bonfire for folks to sip a little cup of fall! 

Hot and Fruity Slow Cooker Wassail
6 cups apple cider
1 cinnamon stick
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/4 cup honey
3 Tbsp. grated lemon rind
46 oz. can pineapple juice
Slices of orange or other fruit (optional)

Put all of the ingredients in the slow cooker and let simmer or cook on stove top.  Serve warm with cinnamon sticks.  "Wassail" is a term which refers to a warm, spicy punch served in the holiday season.  Your kitchen will smell good, too! 
(The recipe was given by a friend of my sisters.)

The beverage container was purchased at World Market several years ago.  Dish towels are finds from Tuesday Morning.  The tablecloth is vintage.  I searched the web for 'vintage apple crate labels' to find the ones above.  There are so many!  The large basket holding the cups was found at Buckett's in Charlotte, NC.  The blue enamelware mugs are from Wal-Mart.  The small blue tin cups are from a child's picnic basket purchased at Ross.  The ironstone cups were a recent flea market find.  A vintage lard bucket holds the flowers.  The old white chair is from a pair that I found at a flea market. Smaller baskets were collected through the years.   

I am joining these wonderful link parties!


Thank you for the feature!
Great Oak Circle


  1. This is gorgeous! I love the combination of the red and the grey wicker. GORGEOUS!

  2. beautiful display! Certainly makes me want to go Wassailing!

  3. I love that ... it's so warm and inviting and just perfect for fall!

  4. Beautiful that drink dispenser!!!


  5. Soo pretty love the red and blue with grey. Looks so inviting.

  6. I am a new your blog!

  7. Hmm, I thought I left a comment on your halloween decor post, but I don't see it, so I must not have! I'm loving all your creative designs and am filing them away to share soon! ; )

  8. Hi Christie! Oh my goodness girl you need to have someone paying you to do these beautiful vignettes! That looks like something straight out of a magazine! You are so talented and I wish I could bring my little girl over to get some pics of her sitting in that chair in one of her cute fall outfits. :-) Thanks so much for linking this one up to the party!

  9. So much fun looking! I love the colors and I could just imagine the aroma from the wassil.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Red, red, it. And that drink dispenser...and those ironstone cups. Lovely photos!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  11. Such a beautiful Autumn post! I truly felt like I was off in the country! Thank you for sharing such apple - licious photos! Lori

  12. Really beautiful, everything is just perfect!

  13. What beautiful photos! Makes me long for Fall. We don't really have much of a fall where I live (Las Vegas). Your photos are magazine worthy!

  14. MMM...this sounds good! Thanks for linking up to Olivia Renn.

  15. Just hopped over from French Country Cottage... and your post today is stunning! The photo shoot looks good enough to eat, AND to be in a magazine or book. Beautiful!

  16. What a beautiful photo shoot. love it all.
    The drink sounds just wonderful.
    I came over from Bargain glad I did.
    xo bj

  17. Beautiful pictures and cute vignettes. Love the reds.

  18. Oo, yum! The apples are gorgeous, what color. And your children are sooo lucky, candy apples sound so perfect right now.

  19. Oh, this all looks so colorful and inviting! I haven't gone to pick apples in a million years- but this sure is inspiring me to do so. I always make a hot cider drink around the holidays.It is so comforting when it is freezing cold outside. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.
    ~ Sue

  20. What a fabulous post!! I love your enamelware pieces..especially that drink dispenser. The apples are all wonderful. Now I'm wanting a steamy cup of spicy cider :)


  21. I love this post with all the beautiful apples and flowers and the setting. Very welcoming and would make for a fun time after an apple picking party. Beautiful!

  22. Christie! I'm so sorry that I'm just now finding time to stop by and tell you that I so appreciate your linking up with Vignette Fridays! Your photos are amazing, and they make me long for a trip to the farmers market! :) I absolutely love each and every one! I hope that you'll link up next week and continue to inspire me and everyone else with beautiful posts like this one! :) Take care, Artie

  23. Popped over from Artie's place.
    Love the Apple post -- so Fallish.


  24. Great pictures! We picked apples too but we picked Mutsu's , green. I like them to eat and bake!

  25. Visiting from So Very Cheri. This is such a gorgeous set up! Apples are my favorite part about fall and the way you used them in your decorating is stunning! I love the vintage lables too!

    Amie @

    Happy weekend! :)

  26. Christie, this is going to be THE BEST wedding shower ever! What wonderful memories you will create for your b-i-l and his bride! I LOVE that drink dispenser. Those reproduction labels are such a clever idea, and you found some great labels. You may be inspired by a dish towel, but I am inspired by you and everything you do! Thank you so much for linking this wonderful post to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  27. Beautiful, charming post. Your always offer a wonderful vignette to present what ever you are serving. Thanks for the inspiration. ~ Sarah

  28. Thanks for joining us over at our Sassy Sites blog party! It's fun to see everyone! Come on over tomorrow and sign up for our Spotlight Giveaway! We would love to have you!! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  29. I am so glad you came by to see me so I made time to do the same because.....I am planning a fall party (after the spring thing didn't pan out) and I love your ideas! Here I go copying again. Thanks for sharing and I will have to keep an eye out for any updates you might post!

  30. This looks like a Country Living magazine spread. You should do this for a living. Looks fantastic and I can smell the cider!!

  31. Hi there! This looks so amazing and inviting! I love it!! It makes me think of back when my kids were in 5th grade at the charter school - they would have Colonial Williamsburg days and have wassail, bobbing for apples etc.- just so much fun!! Thanks for joining in Feathered Nest Friday! So nice to meet you!! :

  32. Hi there!!...just wanted to say thanks for stopping by Craftberry Bush and leaving a message. Your blog is actually one of my favourites and so I'm SO flattered that you liked mine....:o) Thanks again, much love, Lucy at Craftberry Bush.

  33. This is so charming. I love the entire arrangement. The apple cider pot is so charming. What a wonderful way to spend a day.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  34. That is the sweetest, most charming all american set-up you've shared with us! I love it all and thanks for the recipe. Stopping by from SOYCM.

  35. Charming is the perfect word ! Looks like a picture in a magazine....
    hope you all had fun !

    thanks for sharing,

  36. Those apples look delicious. Especially the ones with the caramel and nuts surrounding them (haha). Great job; can't wait to try your recipe.

  37. Such a happy apple display! Thanks for inviting me over!

  38. What a lovely vignette! I feel like a hot cup of spiced cider right now.

  39. Great photos! I am impressed with all the time you put into styling...

    Love wassail. It's always been a winter favorite and I remember my mom making large batches of the mix!

  40. What an adorable display! I would love if you linked it to my linky party!

  41. What gorgeous pictures. I'm new at blogging and have a lot to aspire to. Your blog is not only beautiful to look at, but inspiring.

  42. Thanks so much for joining in our linky party. This is a friday's favorite for sure!
    ~ we are wedding planning too... Share your hints with me :-)

  43. I love the aqua red combo too! It just makes me feel happy :)

  44. Your pictures are perfect for the end of summer!

  45. This is totally unreal. It looks like it came out of the page of a magazine. Love all the cups, the apples and the wonderful apple cider dispenser. Fabulous. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  46. Your pictures should be in a magazine celebrating fall! I love all of your enamel ware and I too, love the look of red and aqua!! Everything looks so sweet!


  47. Gosh, had to scroll down 48 comments to get my comment published! I love the 'RED' in the pictures and truly think Brian and I would be better off coming to your house in November for our 20th anniversary instead of Mexico. Is the Thomas' bed and breakfast available? Hee Hee! Love you and I enjoy viewing your artistic talent! Viewing it has become a passion for me!

  48. Hi
    I just discovered your blog after finding you at Outdoor Wednesday.
    Your vignettes & photography are stunning.
    I'm your newest follower now!

  49. An apple of an inspiration! So fitting for this time of year. Love your photos and how you've arranged everything!


  50. These photographs look like they belong in a magazine. Nice job!
    Joyce M

  51. I so do love the idea of a wassail station by the bonfire. What a fantastic idea! Those labels really add that extra special touch of charm. I envy the enaml dispenser. Wish I could find one of those around here. I had seen one at a big name store and had gone back to buy it only to find they were all gone. So disapointed.
    Major kudos on a beautiful setting. Will you be sharing pictures of the evening for the wedding shower?

  52. I have made this for a Christmas party before but not w/your recipe. I will have to write this one down too. I love your apple display! It looks straight out of Country or Southern Living! Excellent photography too! I hope everything works out well for the wedding shower.

  53. Ohh I love this!! I too love using dish towels in my tablescapes. The labels are just too cute! You are very creative. Red is my favorite color! Excellent job on the entire vignette! Thanks for linking up to Centerpiece Wednesday and sharing your creative ideas with all of us.

  54. All your photo's were so gorgeous but I especially loved your words. Such a lovely escape into your world. Joyous.

  55. This is so adorable! I love your drink container and all the fall touches!

  56. This post with its reds and the blue cups is gorgeous. Beautiful photographs. I am so glad I stopped by for the visit.

    Genie @ buttonsforbaga

  57. All of this red and aqua is making me weak at the knees! Gorgeous photos!

  58. Just wonderful! I love everything. It really looks fantastic.

  59. I love the aqua and turquoise togetehr! Beautiful post~

  60. Now that looks perfectly scrumptious!

  61. How picturesque~ love all your apple touches! Now if only the weather would cooperate so I could enjoy some wassail or hot cider :-)

  62. It seems I am browsing the Farmhouse Magazine, swedish version §;-)

    No kidding... I love and I even feel I was there sitting infront of that jug. Now, I sounds like a kiddie but I really do.

    Can I ask, how you dear hubby make the apple rings? Leave the procedure in my site and I really appreciate it.

    I have lots of lots of red apples but don't know what to do with them.

    Happy TS...

    Greetings from chilly Stockholmer,

  63. Great fresh look for fall. Apples are in here too, just picked up a basket of honey crisp but I love the look of your red delicious for your tablescape. The smattering of blue you threw in really sets off all the red.

    Thanks for sharing.

  64. My BIL is also getting married this month.
    I wish I had seen this idea a while ago. Would be perfect for a bridal shower setting. This is one of the lovliest gathering or table displays I have ever seen.

  65. This is a splendid display. The red dispenser is fabulous.

  66. Yum! My mom always made Wassail at christmas time and now I am craving some! Beautiful set up!

  67. What a delightful setting. I love that red drink dispenser.....adorable! Have a great VTT!

  68. What a lovely post. You really put me in the spirit of fall!!

    Susan and Bentley

  69. lovely post, fantastic pic, fun fun fun!

  70. Wonderful setup and photos!!! Just beautiful. I will be back!

  71. Wow and I thought our apples were shiny. Did you polish them? It is good to meet you I am calling by from Italy on my first Outdoor Wednesday blog hopping around the other entrants and enjoying exploring all these wonderful blogs.

  72. What fun!!! I will be right over:))

    Happy Tablescape Thursday...

    Kay Ellen

  73. Wonderful post! I fell in love with everything you've done, but the cups in the basket are my fav!! Thanks for sharing.

  74. I love the vintage apple crate images! The displays and the pictures are beautiful and so creative.

  75. I love those labels. The whole thing is really cool. How can I swing an invite to that party??

  76. Your apple vignette is absolutely beautiful! I just absolutely love your photography!

  77. I love every detail of this vignette. The shot of aqua in the mugs agains all the red and white is the perfect point-counterpoint. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  78. Love the acorn and mason jar candle idea. I am sharing it today on my blog:)
    Great job

  79. I love hot cider in the fall. Everything looks so charming. Thanks for sharing your recipe too.

  80. I am such a sucker for red! Such a creative gal you are I adore what you have done. Please save me a caramel apple.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  81. So pretty!! Makes me want to come join the party and go on a hayride! :)

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  82. Oh my goodness! Those images are worthy of placement in a country magazine. And do those apples ever look delicious.

    Thanks for linking to my party. I would love to have you join me each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  83. Hi Christie, just wanted to let you know I mentioned your blog as inspiration and linked it back . Thanks for your Sunday words of wisdom ! much love,


  84. Hey again...sorry to invade your wall...but I forgot to mention that I also found some beautiful inspiration here:

    I know you are working on a shower so this might give you some more ideas....! cheers !

  85. The apples, the wildflowers, the vintage pieces...great mix for fall! Thanks for linking up to The "Autumn Décor" Talent Scouting Party at WhisperWood Cottage!
