Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Cottages of Southport

Alright.  Day two of Kindergarten.  All is well.  I am trying to post something upbeat in an effort to move on in life!  Who knew I would have such an identity crisis because of kindergarten!  Thank you for your sweet words!
Last year, I posted some cottages in Southport {here.} 
 Southport is a quaint little town just south of Wilmington, NC.  It is a small fishing port, but big on cottage style and cuteness!
Rob entertains the kids for the day, so I can go walk around the town for a self-guided tour and some shopping.
Here are some hospitable greeters!

I love house art.  See the fish above the entrance?
Even the modern cottages have so much style.
Wouldn't you just love to hear the rain pelting down on these tin roofs on a rainy day?
So many of the houses are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and display the little black plaque for all to see.
The town sits right on the water.  Isn't this a lovely spot?

This one takes the cake for landscaping...just lovely.  How could it not be with that huge oak tree draping over?
Wednesday hosts a town market with fresh vegetables, flowers and goods.  We enjoyed the banjo and blues music.
The girls scout out the goods!

The Yacht Basin Provision Co. is a favorite of tourists!  Southern Living has recognized this little spot as a favorite, too and although it is sweltering to sit outside in August, it is worth it!
After some seafood, Flava's is a great place to stop for some homemade banana pudding ice cream!

So, after a few days of soul searching, I am going to take a course in web design through our community college!  I am helping my sister decorate her house (it is almost finished after the fire!) and I am going to help my sister-in-law decorate her baby's room.  I am thrilled to be back here at Three Pixie Lane, and I look forward to catching up with all of you!  Yes, I think those things will take my mind off of my baby!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. As one who taught first grade for many years, I remember how difficult the separation was for many. ;-) You'll find yourself busy and enjoying the time soon.
    Thanks for the visit to Southport.

  2. what a gorgeous place to visit,
    good luck with your new direction and interests!

  3. Oh how I enjoyed these photos...

    I feel like I just took a mini vacation.



  4. I have a niece and nephew that live near there and I adore visiting Southport. There's a little tiny motel on the water that I would love to stay in sometime. There are only a few rooms and they are decorated in cottage style....charming. Can't remember the name of it. I also buy the best fresh ground coffee there.....Bananas Foster...yummo. It smells so good brewing.

  5. Great pictures - I did a post on Southport back in June when we visited - such a cute place!

  6. My favorite types of architecture..

    One familiar to me:)

    Pretty pics!

  7. How pretty this village is -- love the cottages. Thanks for sharing.

  8. awe...nice're going to be real busy..decorating and bloggin'...we're all anxiously awaiting to read what you've learned and your home place...Mel's Designs from the Cabin...Mel

  9. Thanks for the visit to South Port. I spent many summer vacations there when I was a child and enjoyed the memories this morning. I don't think the separation ever gets easier - I just moved my oldest to college - all of 20 minutes from home and I am wishing for those elementary school days.

    Hang in there.

  10. Wow...thanks for posting these! I want to live there~ the sweltering Kansas humid heat is about to kill me and these images are just the remedy! I just helped our youngest of four leap from the nest and it never gets any easier! I still remember sobbing my eyes out when the oldest left for Kindergarten, and then again when he started college! Hang in there dear mama, He knows our hearts and holds our tears!

  11. Wow! What an amazing vacation that would be! My girl is in her last year of preschool and I'm already dreading sending her off to Kindergarten. Hope all continues to go smoothly for your little one! I'm hosting a $50 giftcard giveaway..feel free to hop on over and enter ; )

  12. Christie, I know exactly how you feel! That's because you are a wonderful mother! Each stage brings it's own crisis for mother's to deal with. But God in His goodness gives us new strength and joys through each stage of our children's life! Sometimes I did not know how I would handle each stage... I did not exactly love the idea of my children growing up. But here I am, loving life, feeling God's wonderful promise for abundant life and thoroughly enjoying my 20'ish children.
    I hope this encourages you! What fun you will have being he Mom of a little school girl. They were really my favorite years!

    Thanks for sharing these lovely homes! I am so partial to white cottages these days.
    a virtual hug of support to you!

  13. We have vacationed, the last two years, at Sunset Beach. I NEED to get to Southport and see some of these in person. I wonder if people would think I was crazy if I built one of these smack dab in the middle of Ohio???

  14. What a cute little town! I have to put this on my list of places to see. I love all the photos of the houses, and the market.

    As I am behind on my comments I will comment on the fabulous treasure hent, a must do when my nieces and nephew come. And the baby turtles! I loved in FL for 6 years and tried to see them every year, I was never lucky enough! Lucky you!!!

    Be good to yourself! Your little one probably misses you as much as you miss her. I am sure it is difficult but there are great things ahead for your both as she learns and grows.

  15. This is one good example of a nice Blog!. All the procedures are being shown on the Pictures which makes it ideal and easy to comprehend of Cottages. Keep up the good work and good luck with your Virtuoso Sponger.
