Saturday, July 23, 2011

Precious Life

We are saddened this morning by the death of a boy who drowned yesterday at our neighbor's house.  We love to go boating in the evening when Rob gets home from work.  It is quiet on the lake and not so many boats.  Our young kids are just learning to ski, and I feel better, when it is not so crowded.  
We passed this family and friends on their dock last night many times and heard them laughing and enjoying the cool of the water.  As the day came to an end, we saw lights and police cars and heard the ambulance surrounding their home.  
Rob's pager went off as we approached from the water.  We immediately knew what that meant.  My children are young, but even they knew.  Rob handles the difficult part of life...death.  A young boy, only fifteen years old had drowned on a Friday evening while enjoying a pleasant evening with his family.  
 Some folks think we are a bit strict, because we make our children wear a life jacket on the dock and in the lake at all times.  They are all capable swimmers, but the lake is dark.  Cramps happen.  Injuries happen.
We can't live in fear, but we can learn from these sad experiences.  We have seen it so many times over the decade that we have lived and friends enjoying the lake and each other and children falling in or wandering in never to be seen again.  It absolutely breaks my heart.  
Please lift a prayer for this family today.
Hug your little ones.  Hug your big ones.
Make your little ones wear life jackets around the water.  Start early and they will accept it as a way of life. Let them scream, if they don't like the jacket.  I have seen too many parents take it off, when their child started to scream.  Leave it on. Their life is worth it.
Life is a gift.
Life is precious.

I have shared this story in the hopes it will bring awareness to water safety for children.

Blessings to you this Saturday morning,


  1. so sorry for their loss, christie. thanks for the timely warning and the reminder regarding water safety. such a sad story.


  2. How sad. So sorry for the family and friends.

  3. praying for their family!

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

  4. so incredibly sad. I too, am afraid of the water when my children are around it. They spent the week at Grandma's lake lot, and at the risk of her getting angry at me, I did tend to nag her about them wearing their lifejacket.

  5. Hi crhistie, sorry to hear about the loss. We are headed to our cottage this weekend and I thank you for the reminder. Blessings.

  6. I am so sorry to hear this. We have always vacationed on lakes and share your feelings. I will say a prayer for this family.

  7. I live in Phoenix, the land of swimming pools. There is a drowning almost every day. EVERY DAY!
    It breaks my heart.

    Blessings and prayers to this poor family.

    Thank you for raising water safely awareness.

  8. I will be glad to pray for this family and their loss. Also, for all the many other people who have been touched by this accident-living on the lake, neighbors and friends.

  9. What a tragedy. I was shocked by his age ... so expected in a young child but not always a teen. Praying for your community. And thanks for the reminder to be too careful.

  10. Christie, we will pray for comfort for this family. I have a 15 yr. old, this touches my heart this morning. I pray you & your family will be able to reach out to this family in this time of heartache. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I am so very sorry for tragedy to strike so close to home once again. We are installing a pool next week, thanks for the reminder to be so diligent about safety.

    Blessings to you, your family and your neighbors,

  12. So sorry for the loss of a young person. My prayers are sent upwards. I, too, have been sadden at the loss of a young man (25) killed while riding a motorcyle. He was fooling around and had to much confidence. He was the son of a high school friend and her only son. Safety of all summer activities is so important.

  13. What a sad news....that poor familly...such a

  14. My prayers go out to this family and all the friends, neighbours and rescue personel affected by this great loss.

  15. Oh Christie!! My heart just aches for that family! Thank you so much for letting us know about it so that we can be praying for that family and so we can be reminded of insisting on those safety precautions...and squeezing our kiddos a little bit longer and a little bit tighter.

  16. How sad for that family but I feel you have the right approach to water safety..You can never be too careful..

  17. This is just awful. We have made an offer on a lake house and this gives me much to think about. I'll be praying for this family. Blessings!

  18. We too have a place at the lake and we make our 5 granddaughters wear a life jacket as well.
    You are right they do their share of complaining but we hold fast! Thanks for the reminder.
    It probably will save the life of someone's previous loved one.
    So sorry for the loss and they will be in our prayers.

  19. I'm saddened to hear this news. My heart aches for the family of that young boy. I am just so sorry. Your words are spot on.

  20. Christie,
    Thanks so much for sharing this heart goes out to this family and prayers too.
    We recently moved to the lake and I'm always insisting my 12 yr old wear the life jacket b/c we too hear so many stories of capable swimmers that have tragic stories on the lake.
    yes, thank you for raising the awareness....

    love your precious blog and your wonderful pictures...

  21. Thoughts and prayers for this family! When I was 16, we had a freak boating accident (took out a cement marker on the Intracoastal waterway-yes, we all live to tell about it!)--I was, however, thrown overboard-with no life jacket. My mother had to actually take it out of the wrapper as she was afraid they would mildew! Kidding? NOT! Keep preaching!!! Blessings, Sharon

  22. Oh I will be praying...this is a sadness I know all to well....a family friend was having a large gathering of her family from out of state...we once lived on the Alabama River...their 5 year old niece slipped out of her life jacket...and jumped in the river with no one was just horrifying... Her body was found 6 hours later.....

    My prayers and request for mercy are being lifted up to our most gracious Lord and Savior!

    Sonya Abner
    Hoschton, GA
