Friday, February 18, 2011

A Work in Progress and an Adoption

We have the smallest room in the house.  Isn't the master bedroom usually the biggest?  This room has very little wall space.  My husband has a few days off this week, so he is going to tear out the door that leads nowhere (to the left of the bed), fill in the hole and paint the room.  Yay!!!  Now, I can finally put a dresser next to my bed and the books and magazines won't make a big heap on the floor! 
I am terrible at picking paint.  When we moved here the room was a yellow-orange color.  Talk about waking up to some sunshine!  I picked this soft blue thinking it was a good choice.  A friend suggested we paint it the background color of the curtains, a creamy yellow.  Since the room is so small, it will make it flow better. 

This picture was taken sometime last year...I forgot how nice the bed looks when it is made! 

On to better and greater things...

Expecting a Blessing is a blog about a couple who are embarking on an International adoption.  Today is the last day of the   'Show Some Love Adoption Auction!"  There are still some terrific items to bid on!  Please stop by and check it out!

On a personal note, I want to lift up Angela and her husband in this process.  I pray that it will be smooth and that they will feel His love and protection every step of the way!



  1. The blue in your room looks nice and relaxing. Light colors are said to make a room look and feel bigger. You also want a color that will make you feel calm when you enter your room. Just don't try and pick a color where everything blends together. If there is one room in our house that I can't wait to get to, it's our living room. Before my husband knew me, he moved into our house. His mother bought curtains that are the same color as the wall paint. To make it worse the carpet, walls, fireplace, and curtains are all the same blah tan color. I have BIG dreams and hopes for this room and CANNOT wait until we remodel it and add a little paint and contrast! :o)

  2. The room is gorgeous. I love your furniture and accessories. Can't wait to see it all done. Hugs, Marty

  3. The bedroom pics are so cute. Love the colors in those quilts, so soft! Praying for your friends adoption!

  4. I love the color of the walls, that beautiful curved bed,and the basket of quilts!

  5. Beautiful room! I especially like the beautiful linens on your bed and the quilts on the basket. ~ Sarah

  6. I love your bedroom and it looks bigger than mine, ours is freakishly small. I just wanted to let you know that I featured your Lunch Box
    Love" on my "Top Ten Favorite picks from Masterpiece Monday #7, at Boogieboard Cottage. Hope you're having a great weekend! Mary :O)

  7. Your room is beautiful Christie~ I love the table at the foot of the bed with the quilts underneath it too- and your armoire looks to be gorgeous!

  8. I just realize that my comment never posted on this. I wanted to tell you THANK YOU so much for the shout out. The auction was a huge success!! One step closer to getting our little one home :-) God bless!!
