Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The First Signs of Spring

We await springtime in all her ethereal color. 
We drink her in like lollipops in the sunlight,
we celebrate her new day,
her enchanting ways...
her quiet stirring of our souls.
 ~Author Unknown
Some of the forsythia around town has started to bloom.  The weather this week is beautiful!  As I long for spring, I try not to wish away the days too quickly.  Time passes too fast as it is! Oh, but I long to be outside, to plant my garden, ride our bikes, and to open the windows!
The roses in the little bucket are the same ones I used here!  Amazingly, they still look pretty good!

Have a great week!

The bucket is from the $1 bin at Target.


  1. I was just starting to get the itch for spring. But now we have a chance of snow in our forecast! Crazy! I knew old lady winter wasn't done with us yet!
    The flower photo is very cheery, it made me smile!

  2. Beautiful................love your spring post !!! lovely day darling....love Ria....xxx...

  3. This sure makes for a gorgeous "still life"...

  4. Good Morning. :o)
    I too am looking forward to the beauty of spring.
    One of my daffodils bloomed yesterday and there are little sprigs of green breaking through the otherwise dead lawn. :o)
    Have a lovely day.
    Sincerely, Trish

  5. Beautiful photo - the contrast of the perfect deep peach roses with the yellow bucket and duck egg tablecloth is so springlike.

  6. Forsythia?
    Spring is on its way!
    Another friday favorite for sure :-)

  7. Christie
    I just have to say you have one heck of a awesome blog!!!!!! I love visiting! Lori

  8. Hi there, I love your blog, it is so inspiring and beautiful. I am in the process of starting a blog too and am so excited to be in the company of such talented people. God Bless and Take care.
