Monday, February 7, 2011

A Little More Love...

We cut some Swedish hearts (click here for how-to!) to fill with some treats...
I can't let a holiday go by without a candy display!  The large ceramic 'cupcake' was from Target a few years ago.  The tulips in the back are my favorite flower!
I put the flowers on the porch every night, so the cold air would extend their short lives!  It rained...lovely.
These lovely old love letters find their place for Valentine's...written during the war from my grandfather to my grandmother...I have used these many times and need to put them in an archival safe book...but what fun is that?  They represent such a faithful, undying that withstood many hardships.  Notice the upside down stamp?  That means, "I love you!"
I think after the holiday is over, I will have made 200 chocolate covered strawberries for various reasons!  Don't these just spell 'LOVE?'
A stack of dish towels add some festive color.  The conversation hearts are going to my son's class for a Valentine's party!  I am not a huge candy fan, but chocolate, I love...the M&M's mixed with the nuts is yum!
For Valentine's, set out some lovely poetry books.  Read a poem to your honey!  This would make for good laughter in our home!  I may have my children read some to teach an appreciation for poems!

I love Valentine's!  It just seems so simple compared to other holidays.  I have fun decorating for it and I love to make it special for those right around me that I love so much!  What better time to think of little ways to say, "I love you!"

How are you saying those three little words to those you love the most?

Happy Valentine's!

Stop by and see Vanessa and Heather 

for their Valentine's series At the Kids Table.    They were very kind to show my Valentine's party from last year and their words...oh, so sweet!  I love these girls!  They are witty and funny and sisters!  I am lovin' what they have going on over there...good eats, good grief, good ideas, Simply Sunday...such fun!  Be sure to check it out!

Also, I will be linking to these fun parties!  There is some incredible Valentine's inspiration out there!


  1. Thank you for YOUR sweet words about our new blog Christie and for allowing us to feature you for our At the Kid's Table Series! Everything you do is so lovely it was an honor to have you as our the fence! hugs to you!

    Heather @At The Picket Fence

  2. I love all of your wonderful ideas! I too love decorating with makes my kiddos happy too;)!

    It is always such a joy to visit have such a wonderful outlook on life, family and home! Your children are very blessed to have you as their mother...I adore the way you make everyday special. Good for you!

  3. How do you do that Christie??!! I'm always so in awe of your ideas and then you go and take it up another notch (how many more notches can there be?)! :-) That photo of the tulips with the rain drops is divine and you just gave me so many more ideas of things I can add around the house even using some items I already have. Thank you so much for putting up the link to the post today, saying such sweet things, and again, for allowing us to share your talent over At the Picket Fence!
    Blessings friend,

  4. Those ceramic cupcakes look so fun to display for Valentine's day! I'm alwayson the look out for cute cupcake stuff! Took all of me not to buy unneeded cupcake pencils @ Walgreens the other day.

  5. I enjoy little spots of Valentine decorations! Such a beautiful holiday...hearts, red & pink. Flowers and Candy! Love!

  6. Love the heart. I might have to do that with the kids.

  7. Christi, your valentine decorations are wonderful. I, too, love this holiday. It's such a happy time. ~ Sarah

  8. I always just love your blog posts. Those old letters are wonderful ... what a special keepsake. And I love that you display them!

  9. Saw those cupcakes too and I loved them and talked myself out of them...sigh.Lovely display.

  10. OMG love your photos. And those sweet candies love it!

  11. Love your displays! The letters are so special. I will have to try to "copy" the candy display. Where did you get your cute jar? and apothecary jars?

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  12. So pretty. I love everything, however the love letters just stole my heart. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  13. I collected stamps when I was a kid, so the airmail stamps on those old love letters are familiar to me. Thanks for the nostalgia!


    A damsel who loved shades of red
    Discovered she’d been sore misled;
    She had no more rose,
    Nor blush for her nose—
    If she finds the thief, the guy’s dead!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Poinsettia and Fountain

  14. Looks like you're ready for Valentine's Day. Beautiful photo of the tulips. Mickie

  15. Hi Christie...

    My friend, you have some lovely Valentine's going on over at your place! I love the Swedish treat baskets that you has been awhile since I had seen any of those...awesome! I really enjoyed the story about your grandmother and grandfather...what a have a few of their letters! Sooo many pretties...thank you for sharing them with us today!

    Warmest wishes and Happy Valentine's Day!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  16. I loved seeing the swedish hearts! I have one that I made when I was in 3rd grade as a Christmas ornament! My husband teases me every year I pull it out & put it on the tree. I need to make some with my kids for Valentines.

  17. Thanks for your photos! You've inspired me today! (Find you via Pinterest!)
    Hearts & hugs, Heidi
