Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Je T'aime

The postcards are from the collection of letters that my grandfather sent to my grandmother while in France during WWII.  He did not write on these, but sent them per her request for some pictures of the buildings in France.  
Doesn't the Eiffel tower just shout, "Je T'aime!"

The small pitcher came from Homegoods. 

I am linking here!  Check out all the lovely inspiration!  Also, stop by Bargain Hunting with Laurie for some Valentine's party inspiration and hop over to...


  1. I love the lil pitcher its the cutest!

  2. Oh I love the Eiffel tower! this is perfect for a sweet vignette!

  3. Oh I love those postcards!! I've been redecorating with a French theme - just posted today's blog post called I spy eiffel and then see your post. lol I love Home Goods ... will have to stop in there soon and check out their Frenchy stuff!!


  4. Beautiful...I just wrote a post about my heritage...and this is a perfect example...things that exceed any monetary worth and show love are the best inheritance in the world!!!
    Have a beautiful day!!!

  5. I love how there can be so much elegance in the simplicity of something like roses in a creamy pitcher and old postcards clipped together. Perfect! :-)

  6. I feel love darling........love Ria......

  7. Such a nice post. I just visited some of your other posts and have to tell you your home is BEAUTIFUL! I just became a follower. Martina

  8. So special!! What a wonderful keepsake to have.

  9. How special to have these post cards. Love the reflection of the Eiffel Tower in the water. I have the same little pitcher. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  10. Love the pitcher! I was just in Home Goods for the first time and didn't see anything that cute! ;-) The roses are beautiful. Can't believe you have those pictures, how special!!

  11. Je t'aime homegoods too! Great to have the postcards.

  12. These postcards are so neat looking and very SPECIAL.


  13. This simple post is so romantic and nostalgic !I love these postcards !
    Happy Valentine's Day !

  14. What a precious collection of postcards. The story behind them makes them even more so...
    Absolutely a friday's favorite :-)

  15. How beautiful! The color of those roses is so perfect with the simple pitcher.


  16. There's no place more romantic than Paris in Springtime is there?
    Beautiful roses, such a deep gorgeous colour, I imagine they are sweetly perfumed, n'est pas?

  17. Ohh la la!

    Oh so beautiful! I am visiting via the Valentine linky.
    I wanted to invite you to the two linky parties I am planning. The first will be on February 23~ High Tea Tablescapes. Details can be found on my Wednesday posts. There will be PRIZES!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  18. That pitcher is darling and how special to have those postcards!

  19. Christie, The postcards are wonderful, but especially so since you know they were sent from your grandfather to your grandmother. Love the little pitcher. Thanks for linking. laurie

  20. How pretty, the the rose-filled pitcher is beautiful. The postcards are such a sweet and lovely memory.

  21. Wow, what a great story to go with those postcards, something you will treasure forever. The pitcher is absolutely gorgeous, I wish I had as much luck as you all do finding these great treasures.
    Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  22. A lovely nostalgic Romantic Valentine vignette... the postcards do evoke Romance and the Love your Grandfather obviously had for your Grandmother... and Roses, well, they speak the language of Romance ANY day of the year! *winks*

    Happy Valentine's Day... Dawn... The Bohemian
