Monday, January 17, 2011

The Winter Beach

After a visit to the beach, it's hard to believe that we live in a material world. 
 ~Pam Shaw
The starfish were scattered all over the beach.  I am playing with this camera...but I should be workin'!
This starfish looks like he stayed up late doing the tango and passed out on the beach...
The winter beach is unspoiled and untouched...the sand dollars were in plenty, too.
This one seems to be nestled in the sand for some warmth!
What a lovely jewel of the beach... only friend for the day!
More treasures of the sea...
I unburied this horseshoe crab from his sandy grave.  It is written that nearly unchanged, the horseshoe crab dates back over 600 million years, since before the dinosaurs!  It is actually not a crab at all, but in the family of spiders, ticks and scorpions.
I wonder what faraway places this driftwood has seen.
...or what distant land this ship came from.  It is coming into the Charleston port and is peaking just above the Isle of Palms.  I am standing on the bridge trying not to get hit by the cars passing by!
What a beautiful day...
Even the still marsh looks appealing and begs for a small boat to explore the meandering creek.  I wonder where it goes!
I escaped for a rare weekend by myself!  I was visiting the Low country of South Carolina to do some work, but found some time to visit the lovely and quiet beach.  I also uncovered many new junkin' spots and made a new friend who tears down old houses and old buildings.  She keeps all the scrap materials and let me rummage through her huge warehouse...a treasure in deed, because of all the historical buildings in Charleston, SC.  Her goal is to reuse and repurpose everything!  I am happy to help her!  Let's see what I can come up with...

Stay tuned and I will post my finds for the shop!



  1. Your pictures are really great! And what a great and fun time you must have had. I can't wait to see the treasures you share with us.

  2. Love all the pictures!!

    Much love,
    Future Mama

  3. What beautiful photos and how peaceful it all looks. It sounds like a lovely quiet and relaxing weekend you had. We need to escape by ourselves every so often to recharge and nourish our soul. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  4. Christie, this looks to be a wonderful day at the beach. I'm amazed that so many starfish and sea shells were there. Love the Charleston area.
    I look forward to seeing more of the finds. ~ Sarah

  5. Gorgeous photos my friend! Reading that you went off by yourself made me so envious and yet so thrilled that you got that opportunity. I need soul needs that...this is that time of year where we need a little pick-me-up, huh? I can't wait to see what you do with the treasures you found! :-)

  6. Beautiful pictures! The beach is such a magical place that myself and my children love to explore.

  7. Fun seeing your Charleston beach trip, esp the star fish passed out on the beach.
    Looking forward to seeing your post about treasures you found!

  8. Beautiful pictures! We were in Myrtle Beach last April and ventured to Charleston for a visit. I fell in love with this beautiful, old and historic city. I also loved walking on the beach but it was a bit chilly for sunbathing in April. I hope I can go back some day and see more of Charleston and tour a plantation.

  9. We live in SC and decided to do a vacation close to home this year. We spent a week in the Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Isle of Palms areas and truly relaxed!

  10. just gorgeous..this looks very much like the place in the movie message in a bottle..maybe it was filmed there?

  11. Beautiful pictures Christie! Hope you had a great weekend! :)

  12. Oh what lovely photos! I like your winter scene better than's snowing again!!

  13. I live in SC and Charleston is my very favorite place to visit. It is beautiful as are the beaches in the area. Someday soon, I'm hoping for a quick trip there to walk on the beach, and hopefully some of those starfish and sand dollars will be there:)
    Beautiful pics of a beautiful place!

  14. that ghostly ship is such a mysteriously wonderful image! Great shot :) And I so wish I could share in the beachy treasures... *sigh*

  15. Hi Christie! My name is Kathryn and I love your blog! I have been watching for quite a while and just had to ask you about your finds! I live in Charleston and have been looking for a place to find old salvaged wood and things. I really want some old shutters for my wall and was wondering if you would share the places you found with me. I haven't had a lot of luck in finding these stores and would love any help or advice you have for me! Thanks so much!
