Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Snowflake

A snowflake is one of God's most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together!  ~Author Unknown
I am fascinated by a snowflake.
It is amazing that such a tiny crystal can be formed into something so magnificent.
Last year, I found a template online and cut these snowflakes for my tree.
Surprisingly, with the template, they were very simple. 


Take a look at these beautiful, fragile, magnificent creations.  Can anyone look at these and not believe in a Creator?  Well, I didn't for the first twenty years of my life!  I can't imagine man making anything as delicate and incredible as this!  They are amazing...only the hand of God...the greatest Artist of all!
To make your own paper snowflakes, click here for templates and instructions or search the web!  There are many different patterns!  I keep my collection in a book about snowflakes. 
This would be a nice gift!  Cut some snowflakes and put them in a book for a friend!  We are fragile creatures, but look what happens when we stick together! 
What are some ideas you have for Christmas gifts for your family and friends?

(images of real snowflakes are from photobucket)


  1. Hi Christie,

    Have just finished going through your last few posts' and as always I just love your photography as well as your little vingettes. I really adore the truck from Hobby Lobby with you grandparents light bulbs in it, what a clever way to remember them as well as showcase such sweet treasures.
    Also love the snowflake post; Our master bedroom tree is all done in snowflake ornaments I've collected through the years and its one of my favorite trees in the house (I typically do 5 trees:)

    Happy Holidays and many Blessings to you and your adorable family!

  2. this is darling and the perfect book to come share at food for thought today! every saturday in december come share your favorite holiday books with pictures :)

  3. Thanks for the snowflake link! Last year because of all the snow we finally go, was the first year I really got to marvel at the snowflakes. I love how much joy they bring too!

  4. Snowflakes are incredible works of art! Years ago a friend gave me some snowflakes to hang on our tree that she had crocheted and then starched.
    Thanks for sharing this book. ~ Sarah

  5. The chickenwire basket x2, and the chickenwire soap dispenser x? Not sure who all will get that. Love snowflakes:)

  6. Hi Christie! This is a 2-fer :-)because I want to say first just how darling your vignette of the little stone house was in the last post and how much I love that you hung paper snowflakes on your tree! My kiddos and I have been making some to put on the window in their play-room and we also hung some snowflake ornaments from their curtain rods over their windows in their rooms so when the light catches them it looks so magical! I love the simplicity too and yet how each one is unique...yet another example of God's great creativity! :-)
    Blessings to you this weekend, my friend!

  7. Those are beautiful!

    Have you read the children's book "Snowflake Bentley?" It's one of my favorites this time of year.

  8. "Enchanting"! I too love snowflakes, they ARE so amazing... This is such a beautiful post and THANK YOU for the website with those patterns!
    Hugs, Donna

  9. Snowflakes are so beautiful. We were taking in every detail of little snowflakes that were falling this weekend while we were on vacation in the Smokey Mountains.

  10. Your snowflakes are beautiful and look so pretty on your tree! And, you're right, that book would make a fabulous gift! *Becca*

  11. So love that quote!!!! Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper
