Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Palm Full of Mercy

Our Savior kneels down and gazes upon the darkest acts of our lives.  But rather than recoil in horror, he reaches out in kindness and says, "I can clean that if you want."  And from the basin of his grace, he scoops a palm full of mercy and washes our sin.     ~Max Lucado

I love this picture of my daughter taken on a kayak trip last spring.  Often I feel like the smudges of dirt (sin) are so evident on my face.  What comfort to know that my Savior sees me through grace-filled eyes, and with a 'palm full of mercy' washes me clean!

Have a blessed Sunday!


  1. Christie, Such an absolutely beautiful thought! It touched me right down to my soul! I can only say... thank you, LORD!!!!!!
    You daughter is so sweet, just like a little child we can come to Jesus and he will clean up the mess of our lives. What a Savior we serve!
    Thanks for this life saving message!
    xo Yvonne

  2. What an encouraging quote and what a sweet little face :)

  3. This was such a meaningful post. You inspire in so many ways.

  4. What great inspiration (and encouragement) from a simple quote & picture! Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. goosebumps, dear Christie....
    Such a vivid image of our Saviour! Thank you for this, sweet girl.
