Monday, July 11, 2011

Country Living {Photography}

Country Living
{Display credited to Mary Parkman}
Old Barn
Look!  A Feather
'Sweet Tea'
Five Years Old
Flowers for Pickin'

I took over 400 pictures at the Greenway where my youngest daughter participated in a horse camp held by a friend.  I had so much fun snapping shots and gave each of the pictures above a title based on what immediately comes to mind, when I look at each photo.
Note:  My oldest daughter went along to help manage the crowd of five year olds!  While Ashlyn helped with the little ones, our longtime friend's fifteen year old daughter helped with the horses and lessons (she is pictured in the photo titled, 'Friends.')  I have never seen a young lady with such an incredible work ethic as Amelia!  She is so cute and bright, and I was so proud that Ashlyn and Brooke could spend some time with her for a week!  She gets up every morning at 6 am to go to these stables to clean and feed the horses...for free.  She hopes to get a job at the stables, when she is old enough.  She is articulate, bright, optimistic, and so down-to-earth!  And, she has an amazing command of her horse!  With a trail horse and a show horse, she entertained the little ones with a show of jumping obstacles and riding like a pro!  Thank you for your patience, your leadership and your friendship to my little ones! 
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. These are some very lovely snaps with some very sweet little subjects! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Oh what a special time! Your girls look like they are in horse "heaven". :-) My niece (Heather's daughter) is also horse obsessed and would love something like that. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us!
    P.S. Check your email inbox! :-)

  3. love all the pics of your darling girls and friends, christie. doesn't that Greenway look magical. a week long horse camp with friends, my girls would be in heaven!

    thanks for sharing such incredibly sweet images.

  4. What wonderful pictures of your girls and the horses. What a fun time I am sure they had.

  5. Beautiful photos! Very well captured and captioned. Have a great week.

  6. Don't you just love to run up on a teenager such as this , nowadays ? There are still plenty of them around, we just have to look for them and then praise them!
    Good post!
    Carol in GA

  7. YOu snapped pictures in one day that will be treasures for a lifetime! YOur girls are beautiful and the way you captured them... magical!

  8. Love your sweet photographs!! You captured a very lovely moment in time:)

  9. Beautiful subjects! Love your photography. I love getting pics of the kids like this. Great job!

  10. What fun! I LOVE your photos Christie :) Wonderful captions as well. You definitely have the gift of creativity. Of course it does help having such beautiful models :)

    Have a blessed day!

  11. I am giggling over here! I have been following your blog on Google Reader for a while and kept commenting to myself how familiar everything looked in your posts. Then I see this post and I couldn't help but crack up laughing. My kiddos and I (and 4 more toddlers with mommas) were right next to you at the horse barn while you were snapping shots! I remember thinking, I bet she is a blogger, I wonder if I "know" her?? And sure enough!
    It sure looks like y'all had a wonderful day! Your pictures are gorgeous! It was our first time out there and I know we will be back!

  12. I love coming to your blog Christie.....makes my heart have peace!
    Blessings, Linda
    Prairie Flower Farm

  13. These photos not only made me relax but breath deeper. Beautiful and Hugs for sharing!! Deb From........

  14. Christie, I'd say these images are a window into every little girl's dream. Big horses and little girls ~ magic!
    ~ Sarah

  15. Fantastic photography!! Very professional.

  16. So lovely! I love that you capture the entire story, it feels like we're all there!

  17. Hey Christie,

    Just wanted you to know that I posted about the cupcakes today and linked back to you and your gorgeous blog. Thanks again.

  18. Hi Chris! I LOVED these photos. You need to send me some of the girls U.S mail. I liked the one entitled "friends." Please tell Lisa I would love to meet her daughter one day...she sounds like a terrific girl! Also, I voted for your blog on Country Living. I'm confident it'll get the blue ribbon award! Keep up the looking!
