Sunday, June 12, 2011

I am Eve

When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. ~ Genesis 2:6

Rob said, "Don't pick the tomato."
Christie said, "Look how red it is!  It is ready to be picked. I am picking the tomato."
Rob said: "Leave it on the vine to grow."

I picked the tomato.  After all, I planted the garden!  I couldn't wait!  It was the 'first fruit' of the season!  (My third grader reminds me that a tomato is a 'fruit.')  I took lone tomato inside and sliced it.  I cut some fresh basil, chopped and sprinkled it on said tomato.  I couldn't wait to eat this yummy red snack!  I walked out of the kitchen for a moment and when I returned, the entire tomato was gone!

Thanks Adam!  You are telling me not to pick it and then you go and eat it!

My daughter remarked to me that she wouldn't have been like Eve.  There is no way she would have touched that apple or eaten it!  I explain to her that we are all like Eve and that we choose the 'apple' every day.  It may not look like a juicy piece of fruit, but there are many other things that are 'a delight to the eyes.'  I sure can think of many things, that I struggle with daily that are a feast to my eyes!  Those frequent trips to TJMaxx and the fun treasures I find glare at me like shiny red apples!

After the Lord confronted them about the sin and punished them, He lovingly clothed them with skin from the very first sacrifice and shedding of blood for man and woman.  "The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them." ~Genesis 3:21

I am Eve.  I am a sinner, and I pick 'fruit' (sin) every day.  I even leave it out on a plate to tempt my husband!  I am thankful that the Lord gave a sacrifice for me for my past sins, my present sins, and the ones I will commit in the future. He shed blood for me and clothed me with his salvation.  "For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness." (Isaiah 61:10)

Could Adam and Eve have known the significance of that garment of skin that the Lord made for them? Could they understand that God shed blood for them? I don't know, but I do know that God loved Adam and Eve so much, and He loves us so much.  "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

Note: I added the first part for emphasis and to make a point.  Rob could care less if I pick a tomato, but he did walk into the kitchen and eat the entire thing!  I was so mad! 

Blessings to you on this 'Life Lessons' Sunday!  What are your 'apples?'


  1. I guess he wanted the first fruit of the season as well....Have a Blessed Sunday!

  2. God bless you! Thank you for being a light for the Lord!!!

    : )

    Julie M.

  3. My youngest woke me up early this morning so I came down, turned on the computer and this was my first stop. :-) Your words are so true, Christie (TJ Maxx calls my name too!) and they were the perfect way to start my Sunday.
    Blessings to you friend,

  4. Romans 8:5 makes me weep. Just the thought of His love for me!!!! Wonderful lesson today and reminder. I always love your wisdom and the winsome way you present God's perfect word.

  5. so true, a great reminder to us all!

  6. First thing, your photos are eye candy to me! Always!!

    Second thing, I have never really thought of it that way. I always tend to think like your daughter...I would not have eaten that apple. are right, I eat the apple EVERY DAY. You have given me something to think about.


  7. What a wonderful lesson and post! God's grace and love for us everyday is truly amazing!

  8. TJ Maxx also and oh those apples were everywhere! And yes I even walked out with more than I should have carried!

    Hope that tomato was tasty!


  9. Truly there is nothing better than a fresh tomato!

    If you get a chance, please stop by and enter the giveaway I am hosting on my blog.

    Happy Monday!

  10. Too funny,but I feel your pain. I got my first tomato today and my mama was drooling over it,so,with some arm twisting, I let her have it. Hopefully, we will have plenty more!

  11. Too funny..My husband would of done the same thing..Have a great week..

  12. I just stumbled across your blog today - simply delightful!

    Thank you for sharing your heart and talent... I am blessed.

  13. I love this story, with the Bible verses weaved in. thank you for sharing this.

  14. I love all your ideas. I featured your cute picnic party on my this week's pinterst loves #5 on my blog and would love for you to stop by say hi and grab a button.

    A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

  15. Hi Christie I came to your blog via some link up I think and I just wanted to say that this post is simply wonderful. Thank you for posting it. How right and true are your words. How right and true His word is. He is drawing me to Him today and this post is one of the ways. Thank you. Kelly

  16. Beautiful post. Thank you. I love being reminded of my Savior, especially by such beautiful surroundings as your blog. Blessings, Patti
