Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One year at Three Pixie Lane and a Danish Company Give-Away!

This was my very first post at Three Pixie Lane titled, "A Can of Beans...Wash and Reuse Your Cans!"

  Today marks one year of blogging over here at Three Pixie Lane!  So many exciting things have happened this year because of a blog!  I started a little booth with my friend and know for certain, that I wouldn't have had the confidence to do it without all the support and encouragement from all of you!  Our booth, Three Pixie Lane has done well and we have made a profit each month!  The exposure that a blog provides is important if you are starting a new business.  It is like a picture resume!
Featured On
Apparently, I am considered a 'professional blogger.'  That is funny to me, because somehow walking around in sweats all day just doesn't seem professional!  The wonderful people at Houzz, 'the largest collection of interior design and ideas on the internet' contacted me and asked me to establish a professional profile for their site.  I am in the process of doing just that!  They coined me a 'professional blogger.'  Who knew?  I am very excited and grateful, as I love Houzz

props guests can choose from for photos
props guests can choose from for photos
Picture of Catherine Robinson-Richard
Several of you sweet folks have 'pinned' things from Three Pixie Lane.  Having no idea what that meant, I went over to Pinterest and to my excitement it is a really cool place to 'pin' things that you find and like on the web.  My method has been to copy a link and paste it into a post (that I don't publish) titled 'favorite things.'  The problem is, there are no pictures, and nothing is organized, and I have to label it, so I will remember what the link is!  Pinterest is a great concept!  I am working on setting up an account; however, at this point you have to have a Facebook or Twitter account, of which I have neither!  Check it out!  If you are new to Pinterest, you can still view the site.  Type in 'Three Pixie Lane' in the search box and you can see the things that have been pinned from here!  I love seeing what things pinterested others! (I couldn't help it.)

Be aware that anybody can see the pictures you upload to blogger!  This can be a good thing or a bad thing!  In my case, this was a very good thing!  I cannot wait to tell you who found one of my pictures and is using it in a special way!  But, it will have to wait!  The point here again, is that a blog is like a 'resume!'  People all over read and look at what you do and you never know who is checkin' in!


It has been a fun year and I have learned so much!  This blog has challenged me!  I actually know what an HTML code is!  I was so proud of myself for creating my own button, until I just tried it and it doesn't work!  Back to the drawing board on that one!  Oh, the simplicity of 'cut and paste!'  Nonetheless, I can't believe all that I have learned!  Now, I will be up to speed when my children want to know some computer whiz thing (...that might be pushing it a bit!)

One of the greatest parts of this blog is being able to share what the Lord is doing in my life, as I seek to find the beauty in this often dark world.  I just simply couldn't spend this much time without pointing to the One who provides me with everything!  Join me on Sundays for 'Life Lessons!'  I plan to add 'Thankfulness on Thursday' listing the simple things for which I am grateful.

The other greatest part of having a blog is seeing all of you!  I have made some dear bloggin' friends and even a blog mom (I won't reveal her, because she is too young to really be my mom!) who inspire me and encourage me!  In a year, I have learned how to sew, use power tools and even whip up a pretty decent meal!  I am overwhelmed by your kindness (and your talent!)

So, as a GREAT big THANK YOU, I am having this really awesome GIVE-AWAY!

Ramsign, a Danish company contacted me and asked if I would host a give-away!  YES!  Their signs are so lovely and timeless!  Can't you just envision these on a European house or maybe your house?

House NumbersHouse Numbers Round House Number


Click to go to gallery
Ramsign is Europe’s premium supplier of these traditional enamel signs.  Old fashioned and hand stenciled, these signs feature original design with a thick and glossy enamel.  Please see their site for typeface selection and style.  
They are offering to you a house number sign from one digit up to five digits.  You can choose from five different styles and choose the typeset!
Reply for one entry and follow Three Pixie Lane (or let me know that you already are!) for two entries! 
Good luck and thanks again for making my first year great!

I will be linking to these great sites for the Give-Away!  I am adding the link buttons to my sidebar, but in the meantime, just click 'great sites' and it will take you to my link list!  Thanks!
P.S.  I am still planning on having a 'Picnic Party!'  I just have to figure out the whole button thing and linky thing!  I do have a really awesome basket and am filling it with lots of great things for one of you!  Stay tuned!


  1. Dear, dear Christie!!! What a lovely surprise and joy to MEET YOU! And thank you for visiting me and taking my button to advertise! I am putting your name down with your link...this blog, right? You can post on PARIS in whatever capacity you want, in order to LIFT HER UP and tell why she is SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE! Your blog is bright and lovely and I am so thrilled to meet you!

    MERCI BIEN and come back next week for final details....and be ready with a post on SAT. MAY 28th...Anita

  2. I am a follower, for quite a while now. I wondered what Pinterest was. Now I'll have to check it out. They had emailed me.

  3. Count me in on your giveaway! Fantastic signs! Thanks. 8>)

  4. I would love to win one of these! I've loved them for a while now! Thanks and congratulations!!


  5. I love the Engelhardt Arched address plaque - but that one might not be in the running due to price! :)

    Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I think an early picnic post was the first one I read and I was sold ... I love reading your blog!

  6. I'm in absolute heaven looking at your blog. It's lovely. And these signs are awesome!! Thanks for sharing.

  7. I've been reading your blog in google reader but I guess I've never become a true follower ... I am now!

  8. Oh ya, I'm now your newest follower....for now that is. ;)

  9. Love your blog (yes, I am a follower) and love these house number signs! The black with white numbers would look very sharp on my front door!

  10. Happy one year anniversary -- It sounds like a whirlwind year. So glad to hear of your successes.

  11. what a great give away & congrats on your 1 year blogaversary!! i'm a follower as well! xoxo's nancy

  12. Thanks for the give away!!!

  13. I hosted the same giveaway last week and was secretly sad that I couldn't enter. Now's my chance! I would love a sign for our new house!!

  14. Congratulations! What excitement! I am a follower, too. :)

  15. Just started following a few weeks ago! I think we will have beans tonight just so I can have the can for this little white daisy bouquet!

  16. Love the Ramsigns and love your blog. Thanks for having this awesome giveaway!

  17. I've been a follower for a while now!!

  18. What a lovely giveaway! Congrats on all of your achievements this year! I'm a follower of Three Pixie Lane!

  19. This is very timely for me because my mom and dad just moved from their farm (after 40 years) and built a new home in their small town. My mom just shared the other day that the UPS man needs them to get HOUSENUMBERS! Hello!? What a cool gift this could be for them. And...congrats on your first year!

  20. I am a follower of your blog! Best wishes for next year.

  21. Love these signs and have been looking for I know where to find them. Maybe I will win. I also want to see I have followed your blog (maybe stalked) for awhile now. Love the ideas and your creativity. Congrats!

  22. I know WHO found one of your pictures! I cannot wait until you can tell your viewers! It's truly AMAZING and a tremendous compliment! Hee! Hee! Love you sis!

  23. Christie...Congratulations on your anniversary! What exciting things have been happening for you! There is no sweeter person deserving of all of these great things than you. I can help you with your buttons. :) Just email me, I'll walk you through it.


  24. I love your I'm a follower.

  25. also, thanks for the chance to win new house #'s......I love random numbers and abc's!!

  26. Christie, congratulations on the 1 year anniversary. And congrats on "being discovered" Can't wait to see who is going to use one of your photos. Exciting! Love those signs. ~ Sarah

  27. Oh sweet friend! Congratulations on your 1 year blogiversary! :-) I would say that I "stumbled" across your blog but the reality is that I was meant to "meet" you and have the blessing of getting to know you this way. I am thrilled for the success you are having in these new ventures and just so happy that you are being recognized for your talent and creativity! More than anything, I know that anyone who comes here can feel your warmth and your love for God and your family. That shines through in everything you do!

  28. Congrats on your first anniversary, Christie! I've been following for a while and always enjoy seeing what you've been up to. I'd love to be entered in your give-away to win one of these gorgeous signs! ~ Sue

  29. happy anniversary! i really love your blog and am a follower. the signs are so cool...great giveaway!!

  30. Congratulations on your first anniversary in Blogland! Mine's coming up in July ... hard to believe how quickly a year passes, isn't it? You've done really well -- and I like your motivation for blogging. Seeing THE Beauty in this dark world is refreshing. So glad you're willing to share.

    Great giveaway, too!

  31. Happy Anniversary. Wow! Lots of exciting things happening for you right now. A year ago could you have imagined all the changes (for the good) in your life? You do need to get onto FaceBook, so I can follow you there as well.
    Pinterest has been on everyone's lips this past month. I'm not involved there either. Need to check it out. I would love to win a sign.

    wis mom works (at) gmail (dot) com

  32. I am a follower.
    I wish I could find friends interested in doing a booth with me. I'd be willing to do all of the hunting and most of the decor and even all of the paperwork.

  33. These signs are great! Thanks for hosting the giveaway, I'd love to have one if I win. :o)

  34. I have been a follower for some time now too. :o)

  35. I love your blog and I love the giveaway! I would love to put one of those awesome signs on our dock. How cool would that be? :-)

  36. I keep trying to win one of these signs. Maybe this time!

  37. Love those signs and I am follower.

  38. These signs are awesome! I would love to win one! And of course, I adore your blog!

  39. I'm officially a follower now... though I've been "unofficial" since your very first post! Proud for you my friend!

  40. Happy 1 year anniversary. I love those enameled signs. They just scream European. Joy!

    I also am new to pinterest and loving it.

  41. I've been tempted to pop a number plate off of one of the old, abondoned buildings around my town, but I change my mind at the last minute, for fear of being caught...
    :D :D

    I just started my own blog a few days ago, I wonder what it feels like to have one a year old!!! Congratulations!!!!

  42. Love the Ramsigns and love your blog.

  43. I'm a new Follower. Your blog is so sweet!

  44. I could definitely use one of these signs so the pizza delivery man can distinguish between our house and the neighbour who actually ordered the pizza. Love your blog.

  45. I don't have a blog myself but I do follow you in my Google Reader.

  46. I just came over via Tea Rose Home to see your darling vintage paper doll party, and I think I'll stick around! :)

  47. Hi Christie, I LOVE your blog ~ happy anniversary. Looking at your blog I would have thought you had been doing this alot longer. Your posts are awesome and the time you put into every detail is amazing! Congrats on all your success :)

  48. I love your blog and have been a follower for quite some time! Happy 1st anniversary old friend! (Not that you are old! How about friend for many years?:)

  49. Hello Christia :)

    I am so glad that I found your blog, I love it and enjy seeing new entries when I'm at my dashboard :) Please enter me if it's not too late, I would love the opportunity to win a Ramsign. Happy Anniversary!


  50. I am a newer follower too and look forward to reading through your blog and catching up :)


  51. Hi,

    Thank you for your nice article on Three Pixie Lane. It will help me.


