Sunday, May 29, 2011


The precious gift of freedom...
...given to us by so many willing to risk their lives.
The two men on the right have both fought for our freedom.  The older gentlemen was in tears as he stood looking at the Memorial, remembering the lives, probably friends, of those who perished while fighting for our freedom.  His son was being deployed the next day.  I made my children tell them 'thank you,' for their service, although they didn't really understand what the 'service' was or the sacrifices these men have made.
So many lives given, so that we might freedom.
I hadn't been to Arlington Cemetery since the sixth grade.  The rows and rows of markers, representing the men and women who died while fighting for us, were overwhelming, and yet, were only a small representation.
In addition to the men and women who have given their lives in battle, I am thankful for the presidents who have fought for our freedom.
I am thankful for the freedom in our country where my children have the freedom to pray, or speak their minds, or to run and laugh out loud!  I am thankful my girls have the same opportunites as their vote, to go to college, to have careers and to have strong voices.
I give thanks that we can go places and explore and have the freedom to do so.
Oh, the freedom to be silly!
My children don't understand the freedom they have living in this country...or I should say, they don't understand living without this precious gift of freedom.  It is all they know.  I pray they will understand as they grow to appreciate what it means to be 'free.'  I pray they will always have a heart for the men and women who sacrifice, so that they can have life.

This reminds me of Someone else who sacrificed so that we might live. 

Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free." ~ Luke 4:18

Thank you, to all of you who have fought for the freedom in our country.  I pray that we never take this incredible gift for granted.

Blessings to you on this Memorial Day Weekend!


  1. Lovely Christie. A wonderful tribute to sacrifice and freedom.


  2. Your post took me back to the days when I was in DC. It is a very moving and beautiful place.
    Happy Memorial Day!

  3. A wonderful post, Christie. You've said it all beautifully. Happy Memorial Day

  4. That is a beautiful post Christie. Thanks for sharing that today. Even in Canada we take our freedom for granted and so many don't realize how blessed we are. Blessings to you and your family. Pamela

  5. Quelle chance de vivre dans un pays libre ! Je suis aussi chrétienne et remercie le Seigneur pour la liberté que nous avons tous les jours dans notre pays (la France) ! bonne journée !
