Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend Projects

I pulled everything out of my shed this weekend.  It had become a dumping ground during the winter!  I set out the spring nests, put things in their place and made a huge pile to donate.
In the 'donate pile' were these bendaroos.  I had purchased them several years ago for a long road trip.  I guess the blue didn't make the cut!  When I clean out, my kids rummage through my 'get rid of' pile and pull everything out.  "Mom, don't get rid of this!"  Hence the bendaroo piece of art!  My oldest daughter fashioned this palmetto tree and moon in about 2 seconds and stuck it to the mirror.  I love it and think it is a work of art!  It represents our state flag.

While I was cleaning, I set up a paint station for my kids.
These flowers in the yellow pot have lasted forever.  Ashlyn paints the lovely still life in her own interpretation. 
My four year old tries to mimic Ashlyn's painting from where I hung it on the wall!
Such a four year old mess!
The art easel was mine as a little girl.  I cleaned out this corner to make room for it.
My son took a break from building to paint his own Picasso.  You have got to love little boys, because everything they make is 'for Mom!' 
The art work is numerous and placed all over the shed to dry.  I worked for hours, but I am not sure it looks like it!
My husband ripped the door out (here) and boarded the space and put up the sheetrock.  You can see the yellow paint that was on the walls before the blue! BRIGHT, huh?! 

The weather was beautiful, and it was a perfect weekend for some spring cleaning and to tackle some projects!

 I hope you had a great weekend and happy President's Day to you all!  My kids are in school making up a snow day!

I am linking to these sites.  As always, thank you for hosting, ladies!


  1. This is the most fantastic space. I love it. Her painting is fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  2. Beautiful artwork!
    My kids are in school too~they were never scheduled to be out...they ALWAYS have school and they ALWAYS remind us that... "all the other schools are out today"! ;)

  3. Doesn't it feel so good to de-clutter and reorganize.

    I always put it off and put it off.... but once it's done it feels great!!!

  4. I don't think the word "shed" does that space justice! :-) I absolutely love it and love these photos. They represent the joy I can tell you get from being with your precious kiddos!

  5. wow your daughter (oldest) has some talent i hope she expands on it very impressed

  6. What a fun weekend, looks like you have some budding artists there!

  7. I want my shed to look like this!! What a fun place to paint and create.

  8. Love the art/paint station. I have to incorporate that into my new house(moving in 5 weeks!). My girls will love it!

  9. Wow, just discovered your site and I've been getting sucked in an lost for quite awhile now! Awesome pictures and descriptions! Love the name- my mom's name is Pixie and you don't hear it very often! Definite new follower!

  10. I love the photo of the 4 year old mess. I see that on such a regular basis....but your photo is brilliant. You've got a great eye!! I'd love it if you'd link this project up on my Marvelous Mess party!! I'll be picking one project to feature prominently on my sidebar for a week!! Here is the link to it:

  11. Love your blog! Great photos!

    Thanks for linking to 2nd Time Around!

  12. Cute post. Love the art work.:)

  13. I love that bird's nest and your kids are quite the budding artists! :)

  14. Looks like your whole family is creative.

  15. What an amazing art easel!!! How lucky you are that you can share it with your sweeties!! V

  16. Nice day! Your kids are true artists. Love the pictures. All the color and creativity makes these photos beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Love the birds nest and the art is just gorgeous, so cute!

  18. Paint stations are Always a good thing. :)

    I noticed that I am listed on your Friday's. If you want to link up again on my sidebar I will keep yours up every week. I Always enjoy your blog!!!

  19. Love your site.. found myself staying a long time to look thru things. I've just nominated your for the Stylish Blogger Award for such a wonderful blog! If you choose to accept the award, you can read about how to do it at
    Hope you are able to accept this award and pass it along! Have a great weekend.

  20. It is a cozy rainy day here and your photos are tempting me to get the paints out for the kids.
