Monday, February 28, 2011

The Earth Laughs in Flowers

Spring seems to be official around here!  The cherry blossom trees are in bloom, the leaves of the Bradford pears are starting to unfold, and the daffodils are busting at the seams with laughter!

I spray painted several recycled cans different spring colors to use as vases.  They are pretty without the ribbon, too.  My friend calls this a little 'happy!' 

Cost: zero
Result: a priceless smile!


  1. Thanks for sharing this breath of Spring! I can almost feel the sunshine that goes with the beautiful flowers! And smell that lovely daffodil! Makes me happy just thinking about it!

  2. I am on a similar latitude, here in Georgia. The bradford pears should be perfect in a couple of days. Thanks for the can idea - I have some pretty spray paint I just used on some stools.

  3. Really nice and oh so easy! I have some old coffee cans that will be perfect for this idea. Thanks!

  4. Your spring is ahead of mine! We are still experiencing mostly winter weather. I love the little cans. I will have to try this. I think it would look so pretty in a tablescape! Thanks for bringing spring to my part of the country!
    xo Yvonne

  5. I call that A LOT "happy"! Especially when I look at it and then look out my window and see one of the stormiest days we have had in a long time...the wind kept me up most of the night. Seeing that photo this morning put a smile on my face and fills me with hope. :-) Thank you my friend!

  6. Wow! Here in Norway we have to wait until late April/early May to have these flowers...

  7. Christie, beautiful! I did not know what a "happy" was until moving to MS. I learned real quick you keep little "happys" tucked back in case you need to give one on a spur of a moment. :) She must be from MS! Only here have I ever heard this. :)

  8. gorgeous christie! can't wait for spring! i've been splurging on flowers to put here and there and everywhere in my home and garden and it never seems to be enough! flowers make me happy!

  9. GORGEOUS! I love this blog!

    thank you!


  10. My heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils.

  11. love all your ideas and photos!

  12. Hi Christie..., just wanted to let you know that I included the oars you photographed on Sullivan Island in today's post (3/3). The flowers are gorgeous!! No Spring here yet..., but it can't be long.

  13. Can't wait for our yard to start blooming! This arrangement is so pretty!

  14. Pink Blossom!!!!! You are ahead of us there for sure!!!
    How wonderful!
    Love the spray painted can too!It is the simple things in life that bring the most pleasure

  15. Makes me want to get out my Easter Ideals magazine issues. Thanks for the inspiration!
