Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saying I Love You...

The vintage Valentine cards came from Books-A-Million.  The cut-out candy labels are free printables from the lovely Heather Bullard.
Small cards and gift tags, as well as, 'pretend' stamps were purchased from Michael's.  The chocolate covered Oreos came from Homegoods.
Supplies and ribbon are ready...
and treat bags from Target, too...
to make our own Valentine's...
and to say, "I love you!"

 When we celebrate Valentine's Day, we will open the little box and share the letters!   The only instructions were that each child is to write down things that they love about someone else or just simply say, "I love you!"  We will write cards to their classmates separately, so this project is to share the love in the family!  My kids are young, so they love this kind of stuff!
Do you have any special ways of celebrating this sweet holiday? 

I will be linking to these great sites all week!  Join the fun and see all the great ideas!  Thanks to all the ladies who graciously host each week!

A few tips:  Buy supplies after Valentine's Day for next year.  We have to make a lot of Valentine's cards (three kids mean three classes of friends!), so I stock up when the supplies go on sale.  Organize them in a little box for easy access.  I purchased the little wooden box at Hobby Lobby for less than $4 on clearance.  It is perfect for small cards and tags!  Many stores (Target) have little individual mailboxes, so you could have a mailbox for each person in the family.  Of course, you could use the familiar shoe box!  That always works and kids love to decorate those, too!

Thank you for this feature!

Featured Button"


  1. What a great post! Thanks so much for the information. I downloaded the tags too. I might do this with my kidos and school. Thanks again.

  2. What a sweet idea. I love the little mail box and the step stool . I have many step stools because I am short. I will have to check out the vintage Valentines at Books-A-Million. They are adorable!~Ames

  3. The sweetest thing I've seen all day....I LOVE that vintage mailbox :)


  4. What a great idea for your family. I love making homemade cards and the vintage ones you found. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  5. Love your sweet little Valentine inspiring and you displayed them so cute! ;-)
    I usually make my own Valentine's for the children I teach!

  6. What a sweet project to do with your children. I love this idea. Valentine's Day is such a fun day.

  7. Love those vintage Valentines. What a cute , loving idea! Spread the love!!
    Carol in GA

  8. So fun and cute, I love the old mailbox. That was one of my favorite holidays in school. I guess it will always be there, how can the school districts not care about love! I guess love will always be politcally correct!

  9. Love this post! Super sweet! I have real vintage Valentines but boy I may have to take a gander at the Books A Million in my town to see if they have this kit, too.

  10. I want to come to your house and play with some Valentines. They look so cute!

  11. Really sweet post.....that chippy post box of yours is really darling! i remember my grandmother had one on their front porch where the postman delivered their mail everyday! such a great memory! xoxo

  12. love those vintage valentines! what a sweet thing for your kids to participate in. love your blog name by the way!!

  13. very, very pretty! Found your like from between naps on the porch.

  14. Very cute idea. My 'little one' is 13 and wouldn't go for this but I love the idea. I might just find a way to display all the valentine papers and craft items that have.

  15. This is such a cute idea, and I just love the stamps and envelopes! Thanks for sharing

  16. Gorgeous. In Australia the kids don't give valentines, just the adults. It's such a shame as this looks like so much fun! I love the vintage prints too : )

  17. Saw you on the Keeping It Simple party.

    Your stuff looks so pretty, like a party I want to come to. :)

  18. This is darling! I am crushing on this idea! I have 3 chickadees at my house and we are all over creating, espescially valentines! Thank you for the ideas. I can't wait to see what other ideas you have on your blog. Thanks for the inspiration! Have a fabulous week. Please, stop by sometime and say hello.

  19. What a sweet post! So darling and cheerful and I love it all!!!

  20. Lots of great goodies! I am loving the box you are using to store all of the crafts in!I have never seen anything like it!

  21. How fun and pretty. I love the mailbox, and your vignette is fabulous. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  22. Wow you are very creative, love your cards! Happy Tuesday!
    Reb Flower

  23. I love this!!!!
    That little mailbox is adorable!
    Thanks for linking!

  24. This was an amazing post for Ruby Tuesday and it lifted my spirits as we enter this new month.
    Thanks for sharing the beauty!!

  25. Christi, you get a GOLD star from me! This is the sweetest idea. Your children are so fortunate to have you as their mom. Not only is this a precious idea, but you've made the station so inviting. Who wouldn't want to sit at this table and write a sweet note. This is truly one of the most charming valentine posts I've seen, and I've been looking at a lot of them recently. Thank you for sharing.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your children. ~ Sarah

  26. You have a GREAT stash of stuff!! How fun!

  27. This is an awesome project! I would like to invite you to my linky party, Masterpiece Monday, at my blog, Boogieboard Cottage. The link will be up all week. I hope you can join the fun! Have a great week, Mary :O)

  28. That looks like so much fun. And a great family project.

  29. Stopping by from Pink Postcard. Love the vintage looking Valentines - I never would have thought to look at Books a Million. Great idea for little ones.

  30. What a lovely vignette, Christie - very festive. When my kids were young, we played tic-tac-toe and bingo using candy hearts as the game pieces. Simple, but they loved it. ;)

    Thanks for linking to the party each week!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  31. this is so fun and pretty, luv luv the mailbox.
    Don't forget to link it in our linking party this week.


  32. Such a cute post. Thanks for sharing. ~~Sherry~~

  33. very cute, looks like a lot of fun! We make valentines every year for each of the grandparents and then for daddy too and this year it was so much fun since my son (now 2) was able to participate too! Valentines crafting is so fun!

  34. What a sweet post. It reminds me of being a little girl and taking valentines to school to share with friends. Love the mailbox!

  35. The vintage mailbox is a wonderful accessory. Very charming.

  36. great post and so timely too! Love all the heart stuff!

  37. Love the pictures and wanting to know where ever did you find that fantastic mailbox?!


  38. Awwww, so sweet! You are so right, the little guys love stuff like this.

    As for me, I am loving that vintage mailbox. How neat is that?

  39. Oh, this is so much fun! You have inspired me to make Valentine's Day more special for the people I love. Thank you!

  40. Everything is so precious!! I am your newest follower ~ don't want to miss out on any posts.

    Susan and Bentley

  41. I'm with Ellen I love your mailbox. This is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing where you got such great items. My six year old is recuperating from having his tonsils out and I think this will be a great activity for him and his 4 year old sister to work on today.

    Please stop by my blog I am having a big giveaway.

    :) Michelle

  42. Hi! I just gave you the Stylish Blogger award come on over and see....

  43. Well I'm an old grandma....and I love this stuff too! How sweet!

  44. The chippy white mailbox is a real've set up a wonderful Valentines experience. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  45. Very,very cute! Thanks for sharing

  46. All of your photos are sweet and lovely!
