Friday, January 7, 2011

A Look Back...

This was a fun look back at my top posts!  It is interesting to me to see what sparked your interest!
The Comforts of a Kitchen had the most views for this past year at Three Pixie Lane!

For the room that I like to visit the least, my Laundry Room garnered the second most visits.

A Swedish Christmas had the third most views for the year.

Crazy About a Porch was the fourth most visited post.
And the fifth most visited post was A Swedish Intent!

Dining Out...Outside was the post that received the most comments and was one of my favorites, because it was outside!  How I long for those days again!

A Vacation at Home is probably my favorite from 2010, because it was such a relaxing day!

This shot of our playroom is the most clicked on picture at
The Laundry Room was also popular at and was my second most popular 'ideabook' picture!
This picture of our remodeled porch was the third most clicked on picture at!  If you haven't scoured their site for ideas, you should head on over...there is so much to look at, but perfect for redecorating or remodeling ideas!

Thanks to all of you who visited Three Pixie Lane in 2010 and left such kind comments!  Your words have meant the world to me and have been such an encouragement! 

Welcome 2011!


  1. I love your blog and what you have done with your beautiful home. I am also in South Carolina. I live in Columbia. I am going to be decorating my house this year and was wondering what thrift stores you find things? I know I will have to travel because I hardly find things here.

  2. It is all absolutely beautiful! Love your blog!

  3. now you are a woman with a keen eye for cozy beauty! i love all of it! thanks for sharing your blog with all of us!

  4. Hi Christie! Oh this was so fun to get to look back and see some of your projects that I never saw the first time around! I need to go back and read those specific posts so I can really get the full impact. :-) You continue to be so much more than someone who inspires me in decorating and design. The fact that your heart for God and your family shines through is really the best part of your blog in my book!
    Have a fabulous weekend friend!

  5. Who could choose a favorite- It is all so Beautiful!

  6. I love all of it! I found your blog in December and fell in love with your Swedish Christmas and as you know I adored your little elf. You were so kind to steer me in the direction to find one and I did and have another one arriving any day for next year. Your home and your decorating is gorgeous. I am truly inspired by your blog. It's fun to look back through your older posts and catch up. Your daughter is adorable in the playroom and such a stylish little haircut she has!

  7. What a beautiful, cozy and welcoming home you have. I just love and adore it. Wish I could step into the computer screen.


  8. Christie, all of your posts were winners, I don't think you've ever posted something that I wasn't like "that is the greatest!". I always come away thinking, that was such an excellent idea, or she does the most beautiful... So just know I love it all, but those were great posts!
