Monday, January 24, 2011

How do You Spell Love?

I asked the children to gather things to spell 'LOVE' for their dad on the little sidewalk leading to our front door.  What a nice little surprise when he got home from work!  He works so hard for our family and we are taking this month leading up to Valentine's Day to spell 'love' as many ways as we can!

So, here is my challenge to you!  Spell 'LOVE' to those around you!  Try to do it every day leading up to Valentine's!  I bet these little acts will mean the world of a difference to someone!

We will share other ideas as we go along!

Have a wonderful day!

I am linking here!


  1. OMG, so cool and inspiring!!!

  2. What a wonderful idea! Thankyou for sharing, I may just have to give it a try too!♥

  3. I can tell you love Valentine's Day - I do too, it's too bad it only lasts a day, but I love the way you stretch it out and make it last!

  4. What an incredible idea! Thanks for sharing.

  5. So sweet! We do not really celebrate Valentine the way you americans do, but it's ALWAYS time to communicate LOVE to those placed around us... I'll take the challenge ;)

  6. I LOVE it! Soo much fun to make letters out of found objects.. Hope you will share with my Pink Hippo Party @

  7. Christie, I "LOVE" this idea! I'm sure your husband was happy to see this! Linda

  8. That is adorable and such a great idea! I bet he was surprised and happy to see this greeting!

  9. I love this idea! How fun! I bet your husband loved that surprise! Thanks for sharing this with us!

    Ruthie @ Tattered Bliss

  10. It is ervery day love day !!! Ria....

  11. I L.O.V.E. this Christie! That is just darling! My youngest and I have been having fun making little cards and she couldn't wait the other night for Daddy to get home to give him his. :-)
    Thanks for the ideas and encouragement!

  12. VERY cute! Thanks for the great idea!

  13. Too cute for words! what a fantastic gesture to your hubby! xoox

  14. what a completely sweet expression! I hope that I am up to the challenge!

  15. what a fantastic idea! i could so see this photographed and presented as a gift. love this!

  16. So cute, what a great idea but also a super creative photograph! You could print and frame these as gifts! See now my wheels are turning....
    okay too funny I just read the comment two above me and she said the same thing! ;-)

  17. What a fantastic idea and fun idea! Valentine's Day is a favorite holiday of mine. You could make this into a greeting card.

  18. What a wonderful idea.
    You are creating memories!

    White Spray Paint

  19. oh my goodness! that is sooooo adorable! what a great idea. and i bet your husband LoVed it!

  20. What a creative idea! Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  21. As usual, I think your stuff is just the cutest! I love the way you made them think, and I love what they came up with.
