Thursday, January 20, 2011

Decorating my Little Shop for Valentine's

I made this heart garland for the fire place mantel from a French newspaper.  A friend travels to France every few months, so I asked him to snag some newspapers for me!  I love it, but need to make some more for any impact! 
I love these vintage blocks my partner found...I used them to spell, "IN LOVE."  Various milk glass containers fill the space.
The white ironstone vases made it to the booth.  I made the heart on the right from buttons we have had for years...vintage...maybe, since I have had the sewing box for over 20 years!
The oversized letters made it here, too!
The little bike is not for sale (found at Hobby Lobby.)  It is the little trademark that we use for 'Three Pixie Lane."
I lost my good scissors during the holidays (I need to get my act together...organization is not my thing!), but still plan to make some cute new banners for the wreaths..."Je t'aime" or "Je vous adore."  I hope I spelled those right!
These cottage bowls are lovely and hint of spring!

I am still so new at learning the ropes of having a business.  I can't say that it is a huge money maker, but it is definitely fun!  If you like the challenge of the hunt, then it may be worth it.  I use the money that I make each month to purchase for the next month.  (See my trip to Charleston here.) 
One friend stated, "Well, it is cheaper than therapy!"  Yes, that is what it is...therapy...good for the mind and fun for the creative soul!  And, I have learned so much!
I hope to make some fun coat racks and signs in the future!  It is amazing what can be made with things you already have around your house...buttons, newspaper, coat hangers, and old wood!
Note:  Some of you have asked questions about different products and where I found them, I promise I will answer all of them once I get my mountain of laundry under control!  It's that unorganized thing!

I am linking to these sites!  As always, join in on the fun!


  1. I love it all Christie!!! Wish I lived closer to you so I could come and see it in person! Therapy, I agree, and isn't wonderful!?

  2. your vintage decorations are fantastic !!!

  3. Yipee! You shared some new photos of your shop! I've been eager to see some more and hear about how it is all going. Everything looks just delightful and I so wish I could come shopping there! I would be a REALLY good customer. :-) I know it is a lot of work and probably feels overwhelming at times but it does sound like the perfect therapy to me!
    Way to go friend,

  4. You have the touch!
    Everything just looks perfect~
    Friday's Favorites for sure :-)

  5. mmmmm I LOVE that litte bike - I'm SO drawn to that image...vintage and great thoughts of a simpler time right?

  6. HI! I'm coming over from Inspiration Friday.
    I do love your shop. It is so homey and very inspiring!!! Where did you learn to make the wreath?

  7. You have such a wonderful touch! I LOVE that garland - and it certainly wouldn't have to be a French paper. Your whole shop looks adorable. Wish you were closer.

    - The Tablescaper

  8. What lovely finds! The bright colors on the bowls are so cheerful!

  9. Your shop looks so cute. You have a great eye for arrangments. Your valentine items scattered around are very pretty. Just love the garland.

  10. It looks just lovely! My mother owns white milk glass plates like your bowl. I love them.

    Party and Entertaining Inspiration

  11. I love your garland with the French newspaper ... I immediately emailed a friend staying in France and asked her to bring one home for me! :)

  12. Hi Christi, last Friday when I tried to comment it wouldn't go thru, so sorry!!! I'm featuring you on VIF tomorrow, thanks so much for joining the party!

  13. Christie, I've had so much fun catching up on some of your posts. LOVE all of your V'tine ideas! You are going to raise the MOST creative children in the world. Oh how I'd love to come shop in your store. What wonderful treasures you have! laurie
