Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Leave Your Boots by the Fireplace Santa!

Some of our friends were missionaries in Africa for many years.  One of the traditions they shared was to make Santa's footprints right inside the fireplace.  We love this tradition and have had so much fun with it!  To do this, find some really large shoes or boots, stamp them in flour and make an imprint on the carpet (I added extra flour with a paint brush so you could see!)  We don't have dark carpet at the fireplace, so we put a rug down and tell the children that Santa is a bit messy carrying all that snow on his boots, so the rug is a place for him to wipe his feet!  After Santa wipes his feet, he bows at the crib (or nativity) with the baby Jesus and often his knee imprints are seen in snow (flour!) right below the crib!

Another fun thing to do with your kids is the Portable North Pole message from Santa!  Rob and I love this as much as the kids!  Here is the link if you want your kids to receive a 'live' message from Santa!  It is so cute!  You put in the information about your child and Santa sends a message to them!  

Enjoy making memories with the little ones in your life!
Merry Christmas!

I am linking this tradition to Tales from Bloggeritaville's Decor, Traditions and Memories!


  1. Wishing you a warm and cosy christmas with your friends and familly.......blessings and love from love love ...xxxxxx......xxxxx.....xxxx....

  2. What a sweet tradition! Merry Christmas!

  3. that is the cutest thing! such a sweet idea.

  4. such a cute idea, merry christmas to you~

  5. This is such a cute tradition and I especially like the idea of Santa bowing at Jesus' crib. How sweet.
    Thanks for sharing the North Pole link. Even though my kids are grown, I couln't resist having Santa send them a video. Too cute.
    Merry Christmas.

  6. Sweet idea! Have a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year, Ginger

  7. What a sweet tradition! Merry Christmas to you Christie.

  8. Hi Christie, its been a while since we've talked. I just wanted to wish you and your Family a wonderful Christmas ! Thanks for continuing to inspire not only with your beautiful creativity but also with your tender heart ! God bless !

  9. I love that idea for the footprints! Merry Christmas!

  10. Oh, this is the dearest post! You made my Christmas Day with this one. Your children are beautiful. Love the bright eyes and smiles. Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed Christmas. ~ Sarah

  11. Love the footprint idea! We also do the PNP messages and yes we enjoy them just as much as well!:) Happy Holidays!
