Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Guest Post for the Twelve Blogs of Christmas!


Hello and happy December everyone!  My name is Sommer from Designer Garden.  I'm holding your blogger Christie randsom for the day and have offered her release in exchange for her sharing her beautiful Christmas decor over on my blog for the "Twelve Blogs of Christmas".  Stop by and check out what Christie is sharing with us!  You will be pleasantly surprised.   We'll be hosting a new blogger each day for 12 days!  Please take a few minutes to go check it out and leave some comments for this wonderful lady! 

Thanks and have a very merry Christmas!



  1. Christie, I hopped over to Sommer's. The garland is precious! You have such creativity. Mine seems to only come from others, like you.
    Have a wonderful holiday & hope things have slowed down for you. :)

  2. Hi Christie... I have only just found you but wanted to leave a comment to say that I love your profile description!!! really like it....

    From a fellow traveler and believer in the sanctuary of "family"...

    Cheers :) Mary

  3. Hey girl! I just checked our your guest post over at Sommer's and I had to come back to tell you that your garland is hand's down one of the cutest things I have ever seen! :-) You are seriously creative and talented and I know your daughter must adore it hanging in her room!
    Great job guest posting!

  4. I guess I had better get over and see this garland!
